Hygenic Dabbler

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                                            From one unfamiliar druggy to another it wasn’t uncommon to talk about drug experiences, so she indulged him by forcing her mind to contemplate the effects of this un-recallable one. Her lips pursed gently and a soft frown lined her features as she seemingly strained to do so. Eventually, a soft sigh left her and she shook her head, ”I… I can’t remember,“ she muttered before busying herself with kneading her fingertips into the flimsy plastic mattress below them. His movements were lost on her, although something about his tone seemed vaguely familiar and slightly off-putting. A bit of a chill rolled its way down her spine, mistaken for the numbing effects of the morphine. ”I suppose you’re right,“ she shrugged and resumed her gentle prodding into the mattress.

                                            Zora’s glossy orbs watched him fashion shapes from his laces, enjoying even the sensation of her eyeballs moving in their sockets now that she couldn’t feel an ounce of pain in her body. ”Hmmm…“ she breathed softly, only half-allowing his questions to penetrate her consciousness one by one. They might have been painful, if the drug wasn’t numbing that, too. Right now, she couldn’t find it in her to care too much about the implications of his words. His fingertips were gentle against her wrist, their brushing over her skin nearly lulling her eyelids to a close. She felt herself staring at the heart with a sense of dulled detachment, although she seemed slightly more affected when the warmth of his hand rested against hers.

                                            ”The one thing I do remember, Chester, is that I’m not meant for much… which clearly landed me here,“ there was an obvious lack of emotion in her tone, maybe from the drug… or maybe because she didn’t believe the words spoke. ”Besides, I never had many personal belongings that didn’t involve drug paraphernalia and I don’t think they’d like that here…“ she laughed gently, but it was devoid of any real happiness. As he pulled away, her flesh tingled and she sighed and pressed her spine against the wall supporting them both. She just couldn’t buy into his description of this unfortunate reality. ”I think I’d rather be dead,“ she frowned, her characteristic stubbornness stealing her blissful high for the moment. Her mind moved on to his next question, mauling over the other possible lives she could inhabit… or would want to. They certainly wouldn’t be anything like this reality, nothing close. Her drug induced trips had been portals to those realities… better realities. Realities that were magical and filled with wonder and awe and things that were bigger than what this reality could even hope to contain. A smile graced her lips then and she tilted her head to the side to watch the boy beside her, at least until a knock interrupted all current trains of thought and brought them to an abrupt, screeching halt.

                                            Her eyes widened a bit, watching him in freeze frame rhythm as he jumped up from the bed with impossible speed that left her feeling dizzy. Zora let her head fall back against the wall to take in the scene unfolding in front of her, unable to contribute other than the occasional giggle at the other’s antics. A shiny flask was presented to her and her hand darted out on its own accord to grasp it and bring it to her lips. The liquor burned her mouth, dried her tongue, and sucked the air from her lungs but she welcomed it wholeheartedly. The smouldering in her chest and stomach offset the cooling morphine that pooled in her extremities. Her ears picked up some of the door-chatter and she quickly shouted; ”Oh, he’s not hurting me, I swear!“ A giggle followed her sentiment, although she hadn’t exactly thought about what that might have implied.

                                            When he opened the door she positioned herself closer to the edge of the bed, her hand falling to the blanket to conceal the bulge of the flask that she fully intended on keeping for herself if he’d let her. Zora’s gaze fell on the nurse, fixating on her glossy name tag as she spoke. Warm blush from the everclear filled her cheeks on cue that would have expressed some sort of embarrassed reaction to the nurse’s lecture around intimacy. Zora’s head nodded on command, familiar with the regimen of groups and counselling sessions and much much more. This wasn’t her first stint in a rehab, at least that she could recall.

                                            Oddly enough, she found herself happy that Chester hadn’t opted to leave her room just yet.

                                            As the door clicked to a close, she pulled the flask from its hiding place and brought it to her lips for another long drink. ”Good,“ she breathed, handing the thing back over to him. ”Have you got any mints… or candy… for group?“ she slurred softly, the alcohol already taking hold of her tongue. Her eyes seemed a bit more focused on the male now, and she could have sworn she’d spotted a streak of dark purple in his hair that dissolved away with every blink. A frown fixed itself onto her features and when his fingers met hers against the cool metal of the flask, she wriggled them a bit to catch his wrist. ”Why d’you feel sooooo familiar?“ she asked before realizing she’d even formed the words. Her index finger tapped against his wrist a few times before she let him go.

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