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Sarcastic Daredevil

"Well, when someone does a rather.. extreme favor for me, I would prefer to repay them in some way."
Material possessions were about the only think he could think to repay with, after all. Only things he imagines were worth any value at this. The redhead crossed his arms as his gaze scanned the pile, his weight shifting from one foot to the other. It did not take long as he spoke to locate the little totem sticking out in an ideal location. It was just as Kalath instructed, really. Raiders would have received a nasty surprise if they approached the totem in their eagerness to take his 'earnings'. Of course, since Kalath was there, and Gustave was with Kalath, the little totem should have recognized to remain 'calm'.

"I wanted to offer you to find something you would like, and once my ring is fixed or replaced, you would be given the item."
It was as he spoke that he crossed the gap, closing the distance between himself and the little totem. Sure, it was not necessarily likely that he would actually want something so simple and silly as the totem, but it was probably good to emphasize he would have preferred to keep it.

"You can have whatever you would like in here. Anything but this little gu-"
It was not until he reached to grab the small, wooden totem that it actually reacted to him, a swirling vortex of green and various animal spirits exploding from the totem. While the material goods remained unaffected by this, Kalath was knocked back, and sent flying a good few feet.
While Kalath certainly flew, that situation absolutely did not.



W-wait. So that was-

It was almost immediately after his name had been called that the totem changed shape in a cloud of magical smoke, or dust. the brunette boy in green clothing remained sitting on the pile, his big brown eyes blinking in a manner that was a mix between fear and confusion. A sort of green haze surrounded his fom, distorting the colors of the objects around him, making them appear green.
the boy did not know whether to get up and help the fallen redhead, or to remain sitting on the pile.

"Oh! M-master. I- you-"
It was oncethe redhead has sat up and shot a rather vicious glare that he managed to 'gather his words'. Really, though, it came out as a jumble as they always did.
"Icouldn'trecognizeyou! I'msorryIthoughtsomeonewasusingyourvicetotrickme!"
It wasn't his fault that he couldn't see, with eyes, as a totem! So- so... So master Kalath should have understood, right?

Location: Basement, Kalath's room

Spooky Mittens

Benevolent Spook

15,600 Points
  • Buggin' 500
  • Full closet 200
  • Candy Fiend 150
Gustave Aodhart
Gustave watched and listened as he was instructed that he could select any item her wished. He would smirk at the thought, his left hand reaching up and clutching his chin, his right hand curling up with the back of his wrist resting against his hip. A slight chuckle as he thought about the possibilities. Kalath seemed to be an indiscriminate collector by the way his piles looked. Anything of value was something he wanted and he certainly had the space for it all. It would be difficult to find the sorts of things that Gustave liked to collect in such a large pile, so it would take a bit of scrying most likely. As Gustave tuned out and started contemplating, he heard a noise and a flash of green, and Kalath was flung back. It was too fast for Gustave to react to it, but luckily Kalath looked no worse for wear.

"Well, it's a shame I can't have that. He seems incredibly useful."

Gustave wasn't being even a little bit sarcastic, and the tone in his voice was indicative of this. Even so, Gustave decided to just stroll over to Kalath's pile of gold, plopping himself down into it like it were a chair. He lay back after a moment, toying with a few coins against his fingertips.

"I don't want to bother you with searching through this hoard for the things I'm actually looking for, so let's make this simple. Two chests, fill 'em up, roughly forty-five kilograms of gold. That will be may payment."

Gustave wasn't as interested in gold, but expanding his wealth was always preferable.

Who With?

Where At?
Kalath's Room


Sarcastic Daredevil

"He is when he's actually paying attention." Kalath would grumble as he climbed back to his feet, brushing off his robe from the nonexistent dust. "But I-!" A hand from the redhead would lift as a sigh escaped Kalath's lips. "It's fine Janus. Go set those chests up." Two chests full of gold? That felt like more pf a parting than just a single artifact, and the 'pain' Kalath felt of simply agreeing was easily felt in his words.

"You know," The young man would start as he jumped up from his sitting position. "There's another in the pile here. She sounds really nice, too."

Eh? What was this? He had another of these strange totem-people hiding in his hoard somewhere?
...And he never knew this?
That was disappointing on his part, really. He should have known what was in his hoard and what was not. Of course, he had been so busy with everything for quite some time now. He couldn't recall the last time he actually sifted through his hoard. The last time he counted everything out to discern his wealth. "...-Oh yeah. Uh.. Her. She''s- That-..."
Yeah. He realized he wasn't going to be able to bullshit his way out of this.

With a sigh, he turned his gaze towards Gustave, offering an embarrassed smile as he lifted eyes eyebrows, his shoulders and arms raising in a shrug.

Location: Basement, Kalath's room
Company: Gustave and Janus

Spooky Mittens

Benevolent Spook

15,600 Points
  • Buggin' 500
  • Full closet 200
  • Candy Fiend 150
Gustave Aodhart
Gustave simply lay in Kalath's gold as he listened to the other man explain about Janus. A few coins plucked up and then dropped, absently, as if it were water and Gustave were floating on his back. He chuckled a bit at the exchange between the totem boy and Kalath, it was similar in some regards to how Gustave had once been with a familiar of his years ago. Genuine in a way, it was endearing.

"Well I suppose the second one is off limits as well?"

Gustave would ask as he perked his head up at the prospect. Gustave rather liked the idea of having one of these little totem people. If they were anything like Janus, Gustave imagined they were simple adorable. However, while he was distracted by his own internal thoughts The Nameless Devil stirred in the background. He wanted to experience some of Kalath's more primal nature. The memory modification had rendered him far too docile, too reserved. In order to replicate him properly, The Namess Devil needed to know what he was like when these imposed inhibitions were removed from the game.

On Kalath's end, he would begin to feel hot under the collar perhaps. His normal control being altered, broken down in a way. Any urges he had stored up would start to grow more prominent, taking over the focus of Kalath's thoughts. While The Nameless Devil would not control which urges Kalath would act upon, if any, he certainly tried to urge them all forward.

Who With?

Where At?
Kalath's Room


Sarcastic Daredevil

Pfhoo. Where did this heat come from? The redhead took a deep breath, releasing it in streams of smoke through his nostrils as he watched Little Green stand awkwardly, waiting for a confirmed order. It was probably the thought of those two treasure chests of gold getting to him. Of that large amount leaving him for a single ring to work properly again.

"N-no..." With a blink, the elf shook his head, his brows furrowing in conflict. "The totem stays with me.
As does the gold."

A hand was waved to shoo Janus off, his fiery gaze flitting between the green boy and the other redhead. The knowledge of a second made that second useful... But it would not be useful unless it were out of the treasure heap.

"Go dig her out, Janus."

As Janus scuttled off to start digging through the gold pile, Kalath turned himself to face Gustave again, chewing at his lower lip subconsciously. That was what Gustave really wanted, right? That totem? Or one of them?
Slowly, he would begin to close the distance between himself and the devilish male in a sashay. The awkwardness in his facial expression relaxing as his lips parted, chin lifting in a much more confident manner. He would not stop before Gustave, but instead passed by the devil's left side, his own left hand lifting and running his index finger up Gustave's chest and over his shoulder as he circled around behind him, head turning and gaze keeping to focus on the facial location of the other redhead.

"Of course, darling, I do have something else I would like to give you instead~"

The elf's voice came out in a low, rumbling coo, his hands snaking their way under Gustave's arms and around his waist, already moving for a certain location as his chin found its way onto the devil's shoulder.

Location: Basement, Kalath's room
Company: Gustave and Janus, then just mostly Gustave

Spooky Mittens

Beloved Prophet

8,325 Points
  • Conversationalist 100
  • Contributor 150
  • Friendly 100
LOCATION:: lobby
OOC:: [[ i'll be posting a more interactive post later, just want to make an entrance while i flip through the pages a little. c: meanwhile, feel free to bug bluejay. she's got nowhere to be. ]]

The girl gently plucked on the worn out acoustic guitar in her hands, taking slow, meditated strides into the lobby area. She threw an easy grin towards the hyped up woman at the kiosk with the plastic smile and let the two pissy Olsen Twins catch the crossfire.

She was exceptionally short at a rounded-off five-foot-nothing, long black hair tousled up into a thick, messy braid that hit the small of her back as she walked and dangle idly off of her seat once she found a stool to make her temporary home. Her eyes were a pale silver, nearly white, and she had near-black freckles that scattered on her turned-up nose and cheeks, as well as down her neck and across her shoulders, among other, more clothed places. Her lips and skin were pale, and it gave her a sort of ethereal aura that contrasted rather strangely with her comforting attitude.

She was wearing an unreasonably oversized sweater that fell just a tad off of her shoulders, pitch black to contrast against her skin tone. Under that she had grayish-blue jeans, old and worn and ripped a good few places along the leg, war scars of the fabric being carried with her across all of her journeys instead of being pre-ripped at some hipster joint in the more annoying parts of the industrial world. She had black combat boots that weren't quite laced all the way up, flaps folding down at the top to meet with her ankles. The girl didn't really wear makeup, she found that it took money and effort, both of which she was never interested in associating herself with, and no one had ever seemed to mind, what with all of the distracting characteristics keeping it from being necessary. After all, her eyes were already big and deer-like, and she had enough polka-dots on her that blush would be hidden either way. "The names Jay. Charmed, I'm sure. And what about you two fine ladies?" She momentarily took her eyes away from her fingerpicking to rest quickly on the two desk dolls that had found her company. She received no answer.

However, kiosk lady seemed more than happy to take her acquaintance, and shuffled towards, food and drink in hand. "If we could refrain from busying the hands of the musician, it would be greatly appreciated." Jay remarked towards the scone madam, who seemed to ever-so-slightly twitch at her impending rejection, pearly smile seeming like it was about to crack. But Jay's smile indicated that she would pick up on her feasting at a later date, and the woman clung tightly to the promise as she remarked on the intricacy of the black tattoos on her hands and chest. "Oh, these? Long story. I've found myself belonging to many homes in my life..." Her smile momentarily faded, as if lost in thought as her silver pearls for eyes scanned more dazedly over the frets of her guitar. The host muttered that they were beautiful, as if she had, by proxy, become lost in her thoughts as well.

"Ah, that's an interesting theory, me being beautiful. Because I've come to find that beauty only ends in tragedy. Ev'rything that was ever beautiful has crumbled in agony, and those beauties that have lived have only lived to realize that they were never really beautiful at all." She smiled again, as if there was no emotional connection behind her words, simply fact. Which wasn't entirely false; Jay didn't feel emotional connections the way people did. "At least, that's the reality of our storyline. Our plots are predestined, you and I. Written down, word-for-word. You have a very beautiful smile, you're going to die cold and alone." The woman's brow knitted and she nodded confusedly before shuffling back off to her spot at the kiosk, pretending to fidget with somethingorother in the hopes that she would look like she was doing work.

"I always know how to make them leave me alone." Jay whispered over to Tweedledum and Tweedledummer. Their expression was ever-perpetual, the sour of their puckered lips not moving a single inch out of place to her comment, although the girl knew that they were taking mental note. "We're very much alike, the three of us. Think you could point me to the booze?"

Benevolent Spook

15,600 Points
  • Buggin' 500
  • Full closet 200
  • Candy Fiend 150
Gustave Aodhart
Gustave made a little surprised down as he heard Kalath rescind his offer rather out of the blue. It was something between a stutter and a hiccup as his head lifted out of Kalath's pile of gold. He stood up as if he were about to protest, something about that being unfair, but no sooner had he taken two steps than Kalath had begun to circle around behind him. His hands running along Gustave's body in a manner that Gustave felt fairly. . . conflicted about. On the one hand, Gustave's own narcissism was leading him to take this desiring advance by Kalath as a compliment and he was half tempted to simply accept it. On the other hand, Gustave was all about getting paid for his work and Kalath was now trying to offer Gustave something that would be more of a gift for Kalath, at least in Gustave's twisted eyes. This was not acceptable.

"No, I'll be paid for my services silly."

Gustave would say as he tried to take a step away from Kalath. He started by using his fingers to wedge between Kalath's arms and his own waist. He was expecting little resistance and would likely be surprised of Kalath got more assertive.

Who With?

Where At?
Kalath's Room


Sarcastic Daredevil

Decline? A disapporiving rumble sounded in Kalath's throat as he felt his face heating in reaction to Gustave's words. He would tighten his grip, curling his arms into a lock around Gustave's waist as he felt the other redhead attempt to wedge himself free.

"Come now, darling," He would coo into the other's ear, his lips otherwise curling back into a toothy grin. "I've noticed how you look at me."
He would end his words before tugging gently on Gustave's earlobe with his teeth.
Really, he was being generous, was he not? He should have crushed the human for shooting him down. But he liked this one, and wanted to give Gustave the opportunity to change his mind on the matter.

He could feel the silk of his robe sliding against his shape, knees bending and back hunching ever-so-slightly to keep his head on his target's shoulder, to keep his arms wrapped around their waist. He could feel the pressure building in his head, the heat that increased in his body. His blood was boiling, and his temperature was hot enough to reflect this, as he pressed his chest against Gustave's back to the best of his ability.

"What do you say?"

Location: Basement, Kalath's room
Company: Gustave

Spooky Mittens

Benevolent Spook

15,600 Points
  • Buggin' 500
  • Full closet 200
  • Candy Fiend 150
Gustave Aodhart
Honestly in all his time, Gustave had never experienced a situation like this one before. Where he was being pursued aggressively in this way. . . He'd always liked to play the baiting game himself, so he'd never actually tried to restrain someone before. It was a strange feeling, like he was losing control of himself. This had an impact on his willpower overall. He started to feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. A little voice laughing in the back of his mind, The Nameless Devil who usually went unheard, now at the forefront of Gustave's inner voice. He had to do something to stop this sensation.

His right leg lifted sharply, his heel driving back and back with force. He aimed to stomp Kalath's right instep while simultaneously torquing his torso forward starting from left to right. His left arm driving forward and then back rapidly in an attempt to catch Kalath somewhere in the torso with the point. Gustave's tail would also be wiggling it's way between Kalath's legs in an attempt to snag him should he attempt to back away, giving Gustave the opportunity to sweep him at the knees and put him flat onto his mountain of gold. This was assuming that any of Gustave's actions made a lick of difference. Suddenly it felt as though the half-elf's arms were growing stronger every second.

Who With?

Where At?
Kalath's Room


Sarcastic Daredevil

While Kalath had been expecting a vocal response, he instead was answered by the tensing of Gustave's form, of the redhead's knee jolting forward. His own response? He bent his torso backwards as he pushed his knees, releasing his grasp on the other to fling him. To fling him?
Well, it was plausible with the increasing size difference, that silken robe of his growing taut over the muscles building onto his expanding form, a scaly tail beginning to slither its way from under the back of the robe as a pair of golden tips began to push their way through the skin over his temples and just along the hairline.

If all went well, Gustave should have been thrown up and against the pile behind him, and Kalath would have turned to keep an eye on him, a disapproving line pulling itself across his lips. Gustave would have had a height advantage at this point, if he could handle the instability of the coins shifting beneath his feet, if he didn't end up sliding down the pile to begin with.

Assuming the coins gave out beneath the devilish male, and the red-clad wonder slid back down to Kalath's level, the less-red-haired male would have approached again, stomping his left foot to plant against Gustave's chest to hold the guy down, the forming claws on his toes rather evident and threatening to dig into his flesh, should they have managed to avoid the armored piece.

"That's not your final answer, is it?"

If Gustave did not slide, however, that would have proven to be a bit trickier for Kalath. Gustave would have higher ground, and if Kalath chose to try to climb up after him, Gustave could have easily done something to knock him back down, turning this entire stupid scenario into a game of 'king of the hill'. The decision that had been made was to use his hands towards the base of the pile beneath Gustave, scooping at the coins in a singular sweep, scattering coins everything and pulling against a chest his fingers had caught a hold of, flinging that haphazardly once it came loose from the pile. this should have caused the instability needed for Gustave to fall, and once he did, he would have attempted the above.

Location: Basement, Kalath's room
Company: Gustave

Spooky Mittens

Benevolent Spook

15,600 Points
  • Buggin' 500
  • Full closet 200
  • Candy Fiend 150
Gustave Aodhart
Knee goes up? Then, whiff. Gustave stomped alright, but the way Kalath lifted him caused his foot to shoot down and strike nothing but air. The missing caused Gustave to suddenly feel a sinking sensation in his chest. Wait, no, that wasn't it. It was the feeling of Gustave being thrown like a toy! He was tossed back against the large pile of gold, coins flipping about around him as he rolled down it's surface with a sort of half-yelp. There at the bottom he lay flat on his back, and a heavy foot crashed onto his chest, the tips of tiny claws now poking his skin ever-so-gently. He could feel the air being pressed out of him, breathing now laborious under Kalath's new weight. Though his eye-patch had come loose when he impacted the gold, he could not seem to implement a curse. He suddenly felt hopeless as he gripped Kalath's foot and ankle in an attempt to wriggle himself free or offset the draconian's balance.

Not this time child. He's my new plaything.

So it was The Nameless Devil's doing after all. . . Gustave supposed he couldn't hate Kalath for this and while part of him really wanted it, most of him felt violated already. It did not seem as though it were going to end here either.

"What do you-"

He would gasp, speech having become rather difficult.

"think you're doing?!"

He already anticipated the answer, and the dragon soul within him was so dormant he felt physically weak. What could he honestly do?

Who With?
Master Kalath~

Where At?


Sarcastic Daredevil

His dark-scaled tail lashed behind him as a pair of violent eyes, back with void, peered down at Gustave. Caught in the light just the proper way, various flecks of color would easily sparkle from those dark and shiny scales. His caramel skin had begun to darken, beginning to imitate the coloration of those scales on a lighter level. A simple forward push of the shoulders had caused the seams of that unfortunate robe to give out, the dark male 'stretching' slightly in adjustment to his growing form.

He had taken note to Gustave's breathing, had listened to the redhead's question, and the helplessness the other had been expressing easily brought a sharp, widening grin to the male's face. His answer was to push just a little bit more before removing his foot. To follow the removal of his foot by reaching down and grabbing Gustave by the chest plate with his right hand, lifting the redhead up to be a bit more eye-level to him.

"I'm rather fond of you, you know. Too bad that feeling isn't mutual."
Had nothing been said, Gustave would have been thrown against one of the further piles, turned to land face-first, as opposed to on his back. Not terribly far, but far enough for the impact to probably, or hopefully, hurt. He would have immediately closed the distance as well in a walk, reaching to grab for Gustave's wrists, to pull them together behind his back.

Location: Basement, Kalath's room
Company: Gustave

Spooky Mittens

Benevolent Spook

15,600 Points
  • Buggin' 500
  • Full closet 200
  • Candy Fiend 150
Gustave Aodhart
Gustave felt his chest pressed briefly as Kalath realized it was difficult to breathe. He felt a pop, her sternum cracking. This was normal, it wasn't indicative of any breaking bones or anything, just gas moving between the cartilage, but this could unnerve some people. Then he felt the leg moved, but by then he was so out of breath that he could feel his fingertips tingling. He scrambled a bit to try and get up, but Kalath had already been in motion to scoop him up by his sweater. Gustave was held up off his feet, his tail hanging mostly limp, twitching every second or two. He looked Kalath in the face, his willpower having been battered so badly that his frightful presence was actually having an effect. Gustave was afraid, not of anything specifically, but he felt the urge to flee in the back of his mind even more strongly now because of it.

Gustave's skin would erupt in arcane light as he'd awaken his Scales of the Elder Drake out of fear. His weakened willpower caused his spectral wings to form incorrectly, rendering them useless for flight, so as he was tossed once again by Kalath, he would impact the gold forcefully, face first. His hardened skin absorbed the impact, leaving Gustave all well and good, but Kalath had also anticipated that. As Gustave pushed his hands into the pile to try and get himself back onto his feet, he felt two strong hands clutching around his wrists and trying to drag them back behind him. Gustave also felt Kalath's body pressed against his backside, keeping Gustave from moving back while the gold pile kept him from moving forward either. This came down to brute strength, and while Gustave could overpower most humans with his Scales active, what could he do against a real dragon? He aimed to find out as he tried to drag his arms back forward.

"It is, but this isn't you~!"

Gustave would finally answer threw grit teeth.

Who With?
Master Kalath~

Where At?


Sarcastic Daredevil

Oh-ho! He never had thought he would have had the opportunity to see some of Gustave's little tricks. The emergence of those scales, specifically, entertained him rather well, feeling a new strength behind Gustave's pulls as he attempted to bring his arms back in front of him. A low, rumbling hum escaped his throat as Gustave's words called out in response to his statement, his lips pursing into a small pucker before peeling back into a smirk.

He chose to toy with Gustave, struggling with his arms a bit by allowing a varying amount of slack to imitate the idea of what a struggle should have felt to be. It wasn't until he gave Gustave juuust enough to give the redhead the opportunity to think he was going to succeed at overpowering Kalath that the hulking male easily pulled the other's arms back, grasping both hands, crossed at the wrists, in his single left as the right hand ran its fingers through Gustave's hair.

"You're cute when you struggle, Darling. Besides,"

Kalath would lean forward with a deep chuckle in his throat, angling his head to the side to prevent the redhead from being able to lash his head back to cause harm. He would bring his face close, running his dark, twin-tipped tongue up the redhead's neck, before catching Gustave's ear between sharp rows of teeth and gently tugging again.

"I never have been more myself."

Location: Basement, Kalath's room
Company: Gustave

Spooky Mittens

Benevolent Spook

15,600 Points
  • Buggin' 500
  • Full closet 200
  • Candy Fiend 150
Gustave Aodhart
Gustave would wiggle himself a bit as he felt Kalath gripping his hands in just one of his. His wrists were crossed, clamped in a thick grasp like a vice. The other hand rose up to grip Gustave by his fluffy red hair, his body pressed into the gold. Honestly, being wreathed in his two favorite things wasn't such a bad thing, was it? Big strong man behind him, piles and piles of glittery yellow metal to his front? Why am I fighting this? He asked himself as his body seemed to relax while Kalath nipped at his ear. Then came that voice in the back of his head again.

See Maggot? I did you a favor.
You're a p***k.
I'm in your head, Maggot. I know what you like.
You're a [********] p***k then.

The exchange happened in an instant, and Gustave certainly did not allow his irritation to show on his face. Deep down, this was actually one of Gustave's twisted fantasies. To pretend to resist a big, strong, aggressive man like this. A dragon like Kalath was just the right level of demanding and muscular. Gustave supposed that All The Nameless Devil had really done was reduce Kalath's self-imposed inhibitions. All of Gustave's tact suddenly changed. He'd become more cooperative.

"You sure talk big. . . I wonder. . ."

Who With?
Master Kalath~

Where At?


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