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Kallistiae's Wife

Fashionable Consumer

They both managed to make it to the table, and here came little Dante. Hartia made it a point to turn the chair normal seen as the king's seat or the head of the table, into a high chair. That way Ania and Hartia could both sit by their son without lacking space. He giggled as the boy would be set into the chair, his own son giggling right back at him. Neither of them surely knew why they were laughing, but it was obviously a bond between parent and child. Hartia first pulled out Ania's chair for her, from across the table, still using his mind to do so. Once seated, he would allow her to scoot it how close she wanted it as he was afraid of pinning her between the two wooden objects. It wouldn't kill her, but such a thing was still embarrassing. Once she was settled he was about to sit down, when suddenly he felt a familiar presence appear outside the establishment.

"Oh jolly good! Ania dear, you remember Lady Aurora from Castle Blackheart do you not? I may or may not have mentioned to you that she and I are kin in some strange distant manner. It appears my invitation has finally reached her."

roceeding to sit, he would first simply pour orange juice for Ania and Dante, then himself. Dante received a bottle in place of a glass however. As he did so, he would refrain from eating as he was sure at least Aurora would be joining them sooner rather than later. A knock at the doot as opposed to just entering occurred, and like stink on s**t, Orphen was on it. Time for more telepathy. This time he chimed into both Orphen's and Aurora's minds. His voice would be loud enough to be compared to speaking face to face, and though they both heard him speak, nothing and nobody else would if they were even around.

'It is extremely good to see you have made it Aurora. The man pictured before you is my lost brother I briefly mentioned to you in the past, Orphen. Though he apparently isn't lost anymore. Orphen, this striking young lady is Aurora Pendragon. Judging by the surname I am sure you can now feel at ease of the vague similarities in magical signature. She is quite literally one of us....Please darling, come in. You will find us in the dining hall...Oh and brother, would you and the misses come on already, Breakfast is indeed served.'

Dapper Explorer

Hartia Raye Pendragon
'It is extremely good to see you have made it Aurora. The man pictured before you is my lost brother I briefly mentioned to you in the past, Orphen. Though he apparently isn't lost anymore. Orphen, this striking young lady is Aurora Pendragon. Judging by the surname I am sure you can now feel at ease of the vague similarities in magical signature. She is quite literally one of us....Please darling, come in. You will find us in the dining hall...Oh and brother, would you and the misses come on already, Breakfast is indeed served.'

"I'm currently in the middle of meeting the lady at our door but thanks for the catch up. Raven and I will be down shortly. We had a long day yesterday; that and we're prepping for the trip in the armory."

After his words with his brother, Orphen's once objective expression towards Aurora shifted into his naturally friendly and charming smile.

"Nice to meet you lady Aurora. Your magic had a familiar feeling to it, so I'm not surprised you're a Pendragon, a branch separated at some point more than likely, but that will be fun to research. As a Pendragon, welcome to Hyperborea and Castle Pendragon. You got here at an interesting time."

Beloved Sex Symbol

The vague image of a female appeared in her minds eye as she scooted the chair closer to the table. It was fuzzybut the name rang a bell. If it was kin to Hartia then all was good for the time being. Yet her mind couldn't stop thinking about the family member moving towards the estate. As far as that side of the family was concern she was no longer a corva. Blood meant nothing to her in regards to them...mainly hee own twin.

Picking up her fork the girl began to eat once seeing their child devote his plate. Amazing the way he acted like he was starving. Oh how that was a far cry from the truth! Chuckling slightly she spoke softly.

I look forward to remeeting her, along with your brother and his companion. Along with seeing what my family has to say now.

There was an eye roll with the last statement the far was starting to see a pattern of bad news when they showed their faces. Poor Dante would over take a land riddled in hate and war. Would he be a solution those people needed a salvation of sorts. Depressing thoughts!

Tasha crossed over the land with great haste soon reaching the back of the castle in no time. Slipping in threw the kitchen an entrance Ania had shown her once upon a time. Hugging gently causing some of the staff to stiffen and gaze at her with mistrust. Had one of the maids that waited on Ania herself Tasha would have been brought down to the seller to be dealt with later like a thief.

But fortune was on her side here for the maid noticed the family resemblance. Fluttering around the poor child like a mother hen. Shouting at others to inform the master about her arrival and that she was being whisked to the bathing chambers before being presented to them. Pushing the child with forceful hands guiding her way before Tasha got a word in edge wise.

Kawaii Fairy

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☽åurora Þendragon☾
☸Mood☸ Curious
☸Current Theme☸Heaven In This Hell by Orianthi
☸Wearing☸ Shadows of the Night

Aurora looked at the projection unammused and thought as the man spoke aloud. So serious and proper. She spoke. "Pendragon, well that's good at least I'm in the right place..." She stepped in and stretched her arms. "Good Gods that trip was knackering." Suddenly a voice came, as though it echo'd in the halls, though she knew it was only echoing in her mind. Must be Hartia. So he did summon her. Good then, now that matter was straight. He mentioned his brother and she looked upon him, nodding. Heya, she said telepathically to him in the same manner as Hartia. When Hartia welcomed her in she replied, once again telepathically through the connection Hartia openned. "Thank you, don't mind if I do. I could use a bite too. Thanks for the summon." Then Orphen spoke to her and she smiled. "Yeah, crazy to find out I have family I've never even heard of...then again I cut ties with the family long ago. We can discuss that over dinner I'm sure. I see you have matters to attend to, don't worry I can feel Hartia's aura. I'll make my way over to the dinning area right now. You take care of what you need to take care of. Thanks for the welcome. Very lovely meeting you." Aurora then nodded her head at the man and stepped off, her heels clicking through the great hall as she made her way over to the dining hall. Upon entering she noticed a familiar woman, and Hartia, decorated and charming as ever, also there was a kid ravaging his food. Nice. She smiled at them all and made herself a seat next to the happy family, nodding at Hartia. "Hello again." Her sea green eyes and long black hair mirrored that of Hartia's almost as if they themselves were siblings. This is how he had tracked her down in the first place, she was told she not only was a Pendragon but looked very much like one in beauty and characteristics.

Rune Slessiane's Husband

Fashionable Lunatic

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"Perhaps we should go, then? The others must be waiting."

Raven's tone was distracted, still in awe of what she had witnessed. She broke away long enough to smile at Orphen, her focus drawn back to the man at hand. It would be interesting to see what Hartia would have to say about her. Had Lucas stayed the night as well? Raven could hardly remember just what had happened, only that she had clearly enjoyed herself. It had been so long since Raven had attended a party, let her guard down, to allow herself the privileged of having fun.

Come to think of it, she was getting hungry...the trip from Sigil had been exhausting. The night of dancing with her handsome companion even more so.

Alabaster Phoenix

Dapper Explorer

Deus Ex Aizen

"I'm less concerned about who's waiting than the food waiting with them."

Orphen snapped his fingers and the door of the armory reappeared, showing the separation in the wall.

"How hungry are you?"

Throwing up a smile, Orphen pushed the door open and stood on the outside awaiting Raven's exit. As he crossed the threshold of the door his hands clapped and magic flowed through his body, and the grounds of the house stopping at his closet. The clothes he once wore changed to a white button up with rolled sleeves, topped by a black suit vest, and accompanied by a pair of dark blue jeans and white sneakers.


"Have fun finding Hartia, I'll meet you in person soon. Don't stray too far from the dining hall."

With the end of his statement the apparition of Orphen dispersed in a small explosion of light particles.

Kallistiae's Wife

Fashionable Consumer

The sound of clicks and clacks drew closer and closer with the passing moments, a grin splayed upon his face as he eyes looked to the corridor where Aurora would appear. As she rounded the corner, he clapped his hands together once a he giggled in delight.

"I'm so delighted you received my invitation! Even more so that you could join us. I believe you may recall Ania from Castle Blackheart...And this little guy with Dante, the newest addition to the Pendragon clan."

s he made the brief introduction, he pointed to each one as they were mentioned. Aurora might notice that his son was even more creepy looking than himself. Black hair making his alabaster skin look whiter than it was. The whites of his eyes red in color. Several veins on his body visible through his epidermis. Despite his crazy look, Hartia was proud, and he saw his son as nothing less than beautiful. The boy was absolutely adorable.

"Please, grab a plate and help yourself. I made this breakfast myself. French toast served with bacon. We also have fresh orange juice. No need to be shy, I assure you there is plenty to go around."

e mentioned before he sipped his own orange juice and resumed eating as his food was still hot and fresh. Despite the powdered sugar supplied to his toast, he couldn't help but dump excessive syrup upon it as well. There was much he wished to speak to Aurora about, though she had just arrived, and surely she wished to settle in and meet all the new faces around her before Hartia shoved business down her throat. He just hoped she would stay for a while. Assuming the eternal shining sun wouldn't bother her too much.

Beloved Sex Symbol

When the heels stopped the fae looked up to the a woman that entered and.nodded her head in greeting. Mouth slightly full of eggs at the moment. Much more classier then their son at the moment. Although Ania didn't speak just yet she would eventually. It seemed as though Hartia and Aroura needed to play catch up.and what not. Completely fine with her as.fingers snagged a slice of toast off of the fine China. Munching away happily on the buttery goodness. Toast! The amazing food!

Feeling eyes bore slightly into her head the fae turned toglance at the boy. His bright eyes staring at her like she was prey ok maybe not her but the food clasped in those pale fingers. Cobalt hues slitted in a challenge, daring the young boy to do something about it. Oh and did he take the bare or what. Hard eyes softened like a puppy...bottom lip quieted ever so slightly. Where in the hell had he learned that look from.

Eyes shifted to the pups father, ah there was the culprit! Hey she would blame him any day of the week when it came to those kinds of looks. And like any good mother was she suppose to turn back of a starving child? Of course not! But he wasn't getting her to as toast!! Fingers slide back to the plate and selected another piece. Debating on giving it to the boy praying he didn't end up doing what the elder male had done to his own plate. The sickly sweet smell of sugar and syrup stung that sensitive nose like a bee. Ok maybe she wasn't as hungry as she had thought. Giving Dante his toast the female snickered slightly.

Kawaii Fairy

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☽åurora Þendragon☾
☸Mood☸ Curious
☸Current Theme☸Heaven In This Hell by Orianthi
☸Wearing☸ Shadows of the Night

As Aurora sat and shifted one leg over the other, crossing them, she nodded to Ania and smiled. "Hello, nice to see a fae again. I wonder if you recall my friend Earane? She stayed at the Blackheart Castle. She was cursed, if you remember...long time ago. She's doing alright now. Handling business." She smiled and dug into some delicious breakfast. She dove in with a fork and stabbed some eggs, dropping them into her mouth. She listened to Hartia speak. And a son? "Hey kiddo." She said to the young boy. He was different looking, but nothing she hadn't seen anymore. He seemed adorable enough.
"So, Hartia, how goes it? Anything worth noting going on here? By the way the castle's lovely. I have a picture of this place, but this is my first visit. How long has it been in the family?" Speaking of family, he must have aquired some knowledge on her family tree since their last meeting.

Kallistiae's Wife

Fashionable Consumer

As she spoke, he made sure to chew his food well before swallowing. Dabbing his mouth with a napkin he would drink some orange juice before answering.

"I have fared rather well since we first met darling. Nothing remarkable is going on around here other than my dear brother's return."

e paused for another sip of juice, sighing in sweet relief as the glass was emptied. Moving to refill it, he continued speaking.

"The Pendragon manor dates back thousands of years. It is nearly as old as the clan is. I would dare to say the seventh generation of Pengragon's built this place....Speaking of which, I have done some reasearch on our blood lone. By my calculations, you would be considered Orphen and I's sixth cousin."

e could be seen for a moment thinking on it in his head again. Though another thought had crossed his mind, he swiftly dismissed it. Biting into more toast, he would continue to enjoy his breakfast. He was roughly half way through his plate. He tried to wait for Raven and Orphen, though he dared to eat his food hot and fresh. It would be warm at best by the time they joined him. Though once finished eating, he would remain seated to enjoy the company none the less.

"What about you Aurora? Anything interesting in your life worth mentioning?"

Rune Slessiane's Husband

Fashionable Lunatic

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Alabaster Phoenix

"Enough not to be rude. It's been a long time since we've all gathered after all. We don't have to sit any longer than you want to," Raven wanted to reassure him. She was still a guest at this home, regardless of the Pendragons practically being family to her through history alone. "Today my attention is--save this little breakfast--yours." She followed Orphen through. As she stepped, her attire shimmered gold, automatically ex-quipping and equipping a new outfit. She wore a fitted pair of tan britches that were tucked into a brown pair of knee high boots. A leather corset hugged her petite figure over a red-dyed loose fitting cotton shirt with an open laced V-neck, sleeves rolled to her elbows. Her hair was neatly braided and draped over her left shoulder. Resting at her throat was a golden heart-shaped locket.

Raven was almost sure she was the only woman in the Mansion not in a dress of some fashion. Set in her warrior ways, she preferred the efficiency of moving without a dress and bustle to hinder her. She still managed to retain some form of beauty--her Matreyan features were an oddity, if not exotic--though she was always the odd woman out. The heavily scarred woman who moved among men as if she were one of them: petite, lithe and graceful in her step--the sway of her body's dance carried with it the fantastically lethal edge of a blade to fell her enemies. The Neohuman was far from the royal "Lady" her lineage dictate she be. Still, when she wasn't slaying Demons, acting as Vanguard or being the bodyguard of the People's Champion she was an Ambassador, a diplomat, a woman of intellect and civility.

Surely she wouldn't stand out too much.

Too much...

Dapper Explorer

Deus Ex Aizen
Hartia Raye Pendragon

During the walk Orphen and Raven took towards the dining hall Orphen remained in his own mind thinking of ways to win the fight they were inevitably heading for.

"Thanks for the support Raven. I think after this Phantom thing is over I want to take trip. It'd be cool to explore and see the stuff I've never seen around the island."

Just in front of the dining hall Orphen paused, pulled on his clothes to neaten them and walked in.

"LET'S EAT! I'm starved."

Of course his words about eating would be broadcast to everyone around the table. Before sitting in his own and starting on his meal he'd pull Raven's chair our for her.

Rune Slessiane's Husband

Fashionable Lunatic

8,750 Points
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Alabaster Phoenix

"Thank you." She smiled briefly at him as he pulled her chair out for her. Carefully she sat herself down and scooted her chair in. Her eyes trailed after Orphen. Raven still wasn't used to the fact that it was actually him. It had really been so long and so much had changed in a single night, a single invitation. There was an easy smile to follow. She couldn't stay there forever. When would her last moment with Orphen be?

As she quietly set to the delicious meal Hartia had prepared for them, her smile slowly faded. When would her last moment with Orphen be? For now, Raven would simply enjoy the meal, the good company and the first sense of home she had felt in a very long time.

Beloved Sex Symbol

Ania rested with in her chambers having just gotten down with another bath. Dante was slumbering in his own bed and yet the female could bring a smile to her face. Tasha had been fed and led to sleep in another section of the manor. How could she be blood related to a monster? Blue orbs shifted to the ceiling before they closed. Everything hurt, head and body. Mind and soul. Heavy feeling and depressed thoughts...when...when had she fallen so low? Snuggling further into the fluff of the bed.

Maybe it would swollow her whole!

A snort was given out as the fae forced her own body to relax, easier said then done.

(Yeah I kinda time skipped)

Kawaii Fairy

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((I am so lost, but I would like to continue this rp. Where is everyone at on that?))

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