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Supreme Demigod

The Egotist

Maybe trifled with maybe not. Kai was still very young at the ripe age of 50 and she was as innocent as could be in all the ways a female could even of her kind. She could turn into her truest form a large white and blue dragon that when in water could without effort blend in and almost become invisible or that same white dragon form, but the size of an average housecat.
Usually housecat size was her go to size. Though she was getting much better at her water control.

"No problem! One Pale Ale coming up!" With a grin she whirled around like a petite ballerina and disappeared behind the bar. The little dragon could be seen jumping up trying to reach a bottle. With a grumble she ended up climbing up on the shelves for a moment before grabbing a nice microbrew Pale Ale. With that in hand she whipped to the freezer and pulled out a nice frosty glass.

Setting them both before Dai she frowned and used one of her clawed nails to pop the top off and yet perfectly pour into the glass stopping at a nice head right at the rim.
"Are you going to be okay sir? Would you need a room for the day or night to rest?"
Her nose twitched as she leaned in to look at him, her scent changing noticeably from the playful sea to the fresh smell of rain, her voice holding the sound (( undertone? )) and soothing power of raindrops.

Rainy mood

Dapper Genius


He watched as she struggled a little bit to get the ale, suppressing a wry chuckle. He could have easily sent out a creeper vine to grab the bottle for himself, but he preferred not to be rude. Waiting for service was the proper way to do things, after all.

He picked up the offered glass, his blue right-eye inadvertently glowing for a moment, chilling the glass and coating it in a very thin layer of ice. He hated ale at anything less than ice cold, but his simple powers made that requirement easy to meet.

"I'll be alright, just recovering from a long drive... I might get a room for the night, though. I'll just wait and see." He smiled again, a sincere and bright expression that the horrors of war had not yet managed to steal from the handsome young mercenary.

"I'm Dainyl by the way, Dainyl Cadhla. You can just call me Dai though, I'm not one to care about formalities."

Supreme Demigod

The Egotist

When the glass started to frost over and get that nice thin layer of ice Kai looked at him with an expression of pure delight. Her blue lips were set into a wide and happy smile, the scales around and on her body seemed to shimmer as the water in the air around them intensified and moistened her skin, but due to her joy a burst of a rainbow briefly moved over her, before her wings flared open and flapped a few times.

"You can manipulate water too?!!!!" A squeal as she suddenly paused at his name and gave a sheepish nod, now her tone was soft. "Dainyl Cadhla, that is a very nice name. My name is Kai."
Short and to the point, she had no last name. Now for a super confused look. "A long drive? What is a drive? Is a drive the loud thing I heard you come in on?"

Dapper Genius


He took a sip of his drink, smirking a little at her overjoyed reaction. She certainly seemed to be an excitable sort.

"Manipulate water? Well, yes and no. I can only really manipulate moisture after charging it with Cold Arcana, turning it into ice. I might be able to manipulate water if I combined both of my powers, but I haven't had much luck with that." His power had all sorts of uses, but he mainly used it for contact freezing, ice-shard blasts, or "Cone-of-Cold" type magic.

"Pleased to meet you, Kai." His response was a very genuine one; Dai was capable of lying, of course, but had been raised with a sort of direct and inborn honesty that sometimes seemed like outright obliviousness.

He response to his comment about driving puzzled him a little, and his head quirked a bit in confusion.

"I take it you aren't familiar with cars? Motor vehicles? I rode here in one from my company."

Supreme Demigod

The Egotist

When he was speaking of Cold Arcana and his powers of Ice Kai was nodding her head as she listened, her pupilless eyes focused on him. "Is the Cold Arcana specifically your power that resides in you or is your abilities just that you can summon and use Arcana, but you focus it and use the cold for the water?"

She brushed strands of her snow white locks behind her ears and around the horns atop her head and felt her cheeks turn blue as a blush when he spoke in that genuine tone. Such a shy little dragon and yes very exciteable and hard to make angry.

She mirrored his quirked head and confusion. "A motor what? Are you speaking of the noise makers with the not so tasty round feet that make a strange noise when you eat them?"
Uh it seemed Kai had seen different cars or motor vehicles before and assumed they were toys or prey and tried to eat the tires. Not so tasty.
Honking horns startled her the car she tried eating was no more but a frozen ice cube.

Dapper Genius


"The Cold Arcana is a part of me, as is the Nature Arcana. I'm what some would call a Sorcerer, rather than a Wizard; My power comes from my bloodline and my will, and not from training or study." His odd parents were the source of his power, and he had never learned the science of Wizardly Magicks. He could not call upon fire, lightning, or pure magical energies, and could only manipulate the powers that come from within.

He had been speaking a little technical, and he returned to his usual casual tone.

"My powers are pretty limited, so I gotta be good with blades and guns, too." He shrugged, humble about his own abilities.

He was more than a little stunned when she talked about trying to eat the tires off of cars.

"Uh... I'd imagine the tires wouldn't taste all that good, no... But I think you've got the idea. Cars are machines, you know? They certainly wouldn't make a good meal, unless you're a creature that eats metal..." The "half-elf" sighed, astounded by how naive this young dragon was.

Supreme Demigod

The Egotist

"You are the first Sorcerer I have ever met. I bet you have much greater power beyond what you think you limitations are if it all comes from within." She smiled alittle. "Some are born with vast power and some with limited and some have that vast power within but are only able to use certain amounts in ways until they somehow over come the limits. Be it a test of wills, a life risking event where the barriers break down or it is unlocked by another."

She shrugged her shoulders and let out a nervous laugh while plucking a fresh bowl of sliced cheese and crackers from a under bar fridge out to munch on. "Nope don't eat metal here. I leanred the hard way they aren't tasty. They look fun to ride in, or atleast the humans on the TV and the roads think so."

"Eh we didn't have cars where I was born and there are none in Atlantis either."

Crunch. Munch. A low rumbling of joy as she happily chewed on a cracker and some cheese.

"Given your attire and mention of guns and blades are you in a type of military?"

She pursed her lips in thought, "I didn't know military allowed males to keep such pretty hair."

Dapper Genius


"Well, I've risked my life plenty of times... I find new ways to use my power, but it doesn't get much stronger... So I find it best to stick to reliable things, you know?" A gun was simple, perhaps a little inelegant... But it could kill faster and farther than any of his magic.

"Cars are fun enough to ride in, as long as nobody is aiming an RPG your way... But that's why mine has armor." He smirked wryly, finding a little "humor" in his daily situation.

"Yeah, I'm a Subcommander in the Blackthorn Company Mercenaries. A founding member, too." He mentioned this as an aside, with no hint of bragging. He was proud of what his company could accomplish, but not prideful.

"That's a perk of being a merc; I can wear whatever irrational hairstyle I prefer."

Supreme Demigod

The Egotist

" I understand. Sometimes powers can fail so you should never fully just rely on them. Always have a back up, or they be your back up or assist." She Puffed her chest out bit feeling somewhat proud she understood what he was saying and could relate. Hell she used her teeth and claws as well as he would use a gun or sword.

" Who would send a Rocket propelled grenade at you?! You seems so nice! Though armor on your way of transportation is smart."
Okay she didn't know what a car was, but knew what a RPG was? What? Weird lil dragon.

"That sounds very impressive. I have heard that Mercenaries do different sorts of jobs if people can pay. Is this true or do you and your company specialize in a certain category?"

She looked at him a raised a brow and had to bite her lip to quell the giggles that wanted to escape at the mental image of him with different crazy hair styles. Her shoulders shook hard with mirth as the image of him with pigtails and ribbons came to mind. Hey it would confuse an enemy. "Even in ribbons?! With a tiara?"

Now she was all happy, silly giggles before trying to control herself. "Well I like your hair as it is. Suits you from what I know so far. It also goes well with your scent."

Dapper Genius


"Well, they'd shoot RPGs for the same reasons they shoot bullets, yeah? Typically it's extremist militants, devils and their pets, or the more intelligent creations of necromancers... But my enemies find their reasons to want me and my comrades dead." The Blackthorn Company tended towards peacekeeping style tasks, intervening in situations where governmental militaries were too bogged down by politics to act.

"Blackthorn is generally an "extreme peacekeeping" kinda group. We help pacify situations where politics and words can't do the job. We try to be on the good side of the situation, though any situation where you're killing is more complicated than black and white..." He had only the slightest misgivings about his path. For the most part, he accepted his life as a killer, and tried to ensure that he was doing his job for the right reasons.

He couldn't help but laugh along with her at the image she conjured, his laughter musical and ever so slightly bewitching, another gift of his birth.

"I think the Commander might take issue with that... Even if he didn't, I'm not sure my men would take my orders." As an Officer, he had full rights to his appearance and equipment, while rank and file units used standardized gear and uniforms.

"My scent, you say? I trust it isn't too unpleasant." He was the son of a nature spirit, though he was a half-elf in body... He was naturally fairer than most humans, though not to the extent of a genuine fae being... His mother had resided in a river in Ireland, and he had a slight accent from that land.

Supreme Demigod

The Egotist

After her bout of giggles subsided she tapped a nail to her chin seemingly lost into a fleeting moment of thought as she took his words to mind and well to heart to file away in her memory. "I like that your group is peacekeeping group. Yes, sometimes casualties happen and you are very right nothing is strictly black and white when it comes to killing or war. Politics just muddles every other twice as much." She made a face at the mention of politics and shuddered. So far the Sunken City had done well without her need to do much in that way. It just need one to be tied to to open the portals to it.

She almost completely missed his next parts of conversation because of that entrancing, musical and lovely laugh. Hearing it made her stop mid way cheese to mouth, eyes locked onto his, her breathing was faster and her cheeks flushed blue. Her violet eyes were glowing, her wings trembling. Her scent was now powerful in her aura around her easy for his nose to pick up. The smell of the Sea, like waves crashing along a beach before it shifted to the fresh smell of a babbling brook, to fresh clean spring water.

Still in what seemed to be a trance she managed to speak and leaned over into the bartop though in reality being shorter than it she was now kneeling on it on her hands and knees right infront of him, still mindful of the beer. She leaned in brushing her nose past his cheek and pulled back.
"You smell really good. Soothing, Familiar even. Like I could just rub against you and roll in your scent and then take a nap."
The accent didn't help either.

She blinked her eyes a few times and looked at herself and how she was on the bar and him and squeaked before diving off past him and almost landed face first on the floor. Into an immediate bow, a submission position. "I AM SO SORRY!!!!! Please forgive me! I did not mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. I dont know what came over me! I didn't spill your beer did I? Your room and drinks and food are on me please!"


Dapper Genius


"I prefer it that way too... My comrades saved my life and taught me how to fight, but if they were just murderers, I wouldn't choose to follow them, life-debt or not." The original "Company" had helped him battle the Lich in Ireland, slay the undead dragon he had conjured, and bring peace back to his homeland.

He was a little surprised as she got up onto the counter and close to him, though he remained his composure with some difficulty, not offended or afraid of her closeness. He had to chuckled though when she became mindful of her actions and sprung away.

He swiveled his stool around, reaching out with his free hand to help her get back up, a small but bright smile on his lips.

"Don't worry about it, Kai. I can take a compliment just fine, I'm not terribly shy. Come on, let me help ya up?" He kept his hand outstretched, mismatched eyes on her.

Supreme Demigod

The Egotist

"That makes them and you both very good men Mr. Dai. You are lucky to have them and they you."
She cleared her throat and took his offered hand with her own. Though her hand, wrist and part of her forearm was scaled when she was relaxed and not to attack those scales were smooth and they felt soft and supple. When his hand touched hers she squeezed it enjoying the feel of his skin and the temperature his skin provided.
She kept her head down slightly so her long white hair covered her face to hide her embarrassment. When she did look up and pull herself up she was peeking out through strands of white, now her wings were flared out and pulled foreward ready to wrap around her in case she had that need to crawl in a hole and die moment. "You may not be, but I am. I apologize for my sudden childish and unbecoming behavior."

She nodded her head and brushes half of her hair back, some still hiding her face, her other hand still in his when she shuddered feeling the power within her slither down through her arm and hand and into his own. Not in a harming way but in a curious, oh hai I'm water power and you are Ice power we get along let's be friends. She blinked and tilted her head as her scent changed again this time to the scent of the Rivers of where his mother dwelled in the land of his home. It seemed her power was drawing bits of information from him and well her brain from his nice smell to make her body adjust accordingly to make her more friendship material on it's own.

Dapper Genius


"Like I said, don't worry about it. I may be a soldier, but I can still enjoy a little cuteness now and then... Besides, being cramped in an APC or sharing a shower room means that I'm not all that concerned with personal space, yeah?" His words came out quickly, a sincere if clumsy attempt at reassurance as he helped her up.

Interestingly, as her powers flowed forward into his left hand, they would touch the nature aligned aspect of him, causing his green left eye to glow faintly. He noticed it immediately, and almost flinched at the probing sensation... But it was a soothing touch, not an invasive one, so he continued to hold her hand for a few moments longer, allowing her energies in. He could smell a familiar, soothing scent, and he couldn't help but smile. He kinda forgot to pull back his hand.

"You don't need to apologize for anything."

Supreme Demigod

The Egotist

"I-I guess that is true." She bit her bottom lip and smiled as he did reassure her. Some dragons and some other species just went around nude or did things that would totally violate the concept of personal space and were raised to it not bothering them, but had to remember that not every other being liked people being in that bubble.

She felt that nature part of him and her powers seemed to just settle with it. Her power would just gently caress his own, going with the flow of his energy not fighting but also offering itself as a type of nourishment. Water was both a great power for life and both destruction. Almost everything needed it to live or work, to grow.

That scent of her that she had for him only strengthened when he smiled and put her at ease more. She could see his left eye glowing so faintly and it too brought a smile to her lips. She felt tipsy tasting the bits of his Nature and giving her own self to nurture it.

Plus still holding his hand was nice. The feeling of skin contact felt so good it could have made her drunk, it surely was euphoric to her and it showed in how she looked and weaved alittle.

"I must for I think I was a bit selfish or I am being now." She let out a strange content noise almost like a cat's purr that came from deep in her throat calming with just a hint of a sultry tone to it. "I don't want to let your hand go. It feels nice. I was alone with just the Sea to touch for a very long time. So any touch and contact feels very good."
Alone as in her family and well her clan died when she was young and Mother Sea raised the little dragon. Mermaids and sea creatures only offered so much.

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