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Before I go, I've got to know:

Is that what you mean to say? 0.29153035259905 29.2% [ 802 ]
Before I rise to my defense, 0.050163576881134 5.0% [ 138 ]
Before I speak in hurt or fear, 0.055252635405307 5.5% [ 152 ]
Before I build that wall of words, 0.042166484914577 4.2% [ 116 ]
Tell me: did I really hear? 0.10032715376227 10.0% [ 276 ]
Words are windows, or they're walls, 0.096328607778989 9.6% [ 265 ]
They sentence us, or set us free. 0.061432206470374 6.1% [ 169 ]
When I speak and when I hear, 0.029443838604144 2.9% [ 81 ]
Let the love light shine through me. 0.27335514358415 27.3% [ 752 ]
Total Votes:[ 2751 ]

Enduring Spirit

Loving the nightmares..


Why does every second word that comes out of your mouth have to be ********?
And you've become too sexual for me, you b*****d. I should really just end it. and I should, but...would the other guy like me back? After I've rejected him for so long?
I don't know. A whole lot of ******** and bullshit with this.

Sora-no-Woto's Kouhai

Omnipresent Wolf

Why do I feel so numb
Is it something to do with where I come from
Should this be fight or flight
I don't know why I'm constantly so uptight

Rapid heartbeat pounding through my chest
Agitated body in distress
I feel like I'm in danger
Daily life is strangled by my stress

A stifling surge
Shooting through all my veins
Extreme apprehension
Suddenly I'm insane

Lost all hope for redemption
A grave situation desperate at best

Why do I feel so numb
Is it something to do with where I come from
Should this be fight or flight
I don't know why I'm constantly reeling

Helpless hysteria
A false sense of urgency
Trapped in my phobia
Possessed by anxiety

Try to hide
Overwhelmed by this complex delirium

            it's been way too long since I've seen the South Park movie

I idly play with my hair now that it's long enough. I know some girls who do this when they flirt, but guys doing it doesn't present the same signal right? I do it everywhere.


I swear, if I could, I would date him...but internet dating (for now) is not my style.
Everyone keeps pestering me that we should do it since we talk/skype nearly all day but I've really upset him these past few days and it makes me really sad too. UGH, why are there no nice guys close to me. He is relatively close, in another city.

I don't care how old he is, or how he looks. I really do love his voice and fluffy hair.
I seem like a stalker, since I know too much about him. sahiashfahfoihsafoifhsao I'm only making myself frustrated with my own actions. I want to tell him that I like him, but would he accept it, like I mean it? Or would we be just friends, for the rest of our lives?
irritation level is through the roof.


when people assume things, it's really annoying.


i get to see my bffl tonight.
and i'm super excitedddd.

Enduring Spirit

stahp spending gold.
I'm only 5b away from DJs.

orrrr how about Gaia stop making cute new expensive items.

Anxious Egg

Nick's birthday party last night was iffy. Like, really iffy.
Actually, no. It was possibly the worst party of my life.
It was Nick's birthday, so I hung out with him and 2 of the Biffle Club Members (Greg and Brian) his house. The other people who came I didn't really know, which made me nervous and kind of upset since Nick knows my social anxiety can get bad around people I don't ******** know. There were Shelby and Autumn; they used to be my friends, but they've changed a lot since we last talked. So, idk about them. Brandon (Autumn's boyfriend) I have never met before. He was really quiet and stuck by Autumn's side the whole time. Nick's best friend Drew, who wanted to meet me. He's an a**, but I'll get into that later. Jordan, who I've chilled with before (he's cool, I guess). Mikey, a mutual friend of Nick's and Greg's, and finally, Nick's brother, Adam, who for the most part stayed far away from us.

Here's a play-by-play of how s**t-tastic last night was:


First, there was a lot of a*****e remarks from Nick's ~*~best friend~*~ Drew last night. When Shelby and Autumn (and Brandon) walked out of the door to go do something else somewhere else, Drew went like, "Thank GOD she's gone! She was blah blah bleh blew blah (I tuned out because I don't care about that s**t tbh)!" know that those girls hate you, and you have issues with them because you were a total a*****e to Shelby, but leave the bullshit drama at the door, please. Oh, and when Brian left, Drew called him a f*****t/fruit/little b***h/whatever because Brian and I were wearing the same Tripp skinny jeans - bright blue and hot pink zebra print. They're girls' pants, too, but It was just in good fun, and it's quite obvious Brian is not gay (get into that later too). Now, I didn't want to get in the middle of the whole thing about Shelby/Autumn/Drew, but as SOON as he started smack talking one of my BEST ******** FRIENDS because he's MATCHING ME AS A JOKE, I went off. I was like, "Dude, what's your ******** malfunction?" Drew looked at me with a confused look, and then I said, "Just because you're an a*****e doesn't mean you can try and judge my best friend on his clothing choices, calling him a fruit and a f*****t. 'Cause that s**t ain't gonna ******** fly with me, I'm letting you know that right now. Don't start slinging around insults the minute someone you don't like or have a problem with leaves. You're ******** 33, not 14. This is a house party, not junior high. Do us all a favor and grow the ******** up." Nick wasn't happy with me, but I could not care less. ******** literally. Nick and Brian are /supposedly/ friends, so when Nick didn't stick up for his supposed friend, I wanted to rip his testicles straight out of his ******** ballsac.
That's not right. At all.

Second, Brian was all over me ever since he got there. Brian has liked me since my Junior year. It's horrible, since I have no feelings for him at all. Even if I wasn't with Nick, I still wouldn't like him. Like, no. You're my Bestie, not my boyfriend. Anyways...He kept staring at me when all of us were just chilling in Nick's basement, which, when I mentioned it to Nick, it got him quite pissed. I told him to just let it go and enjoy his birthday. Big mistake. When we all migrated upstairs to get pizza, Brian ******** had to sit right next to me and scooted his chair really ******** close to me. I'm like, ew. No. Back the ******** up. Nick saw it, got pissed, sat on my lap and looked Brian dead in the eyes. That created a lot of tension during the pizza eating, but it died down when we went into the living room to watch Trailer Park Boys and Grave Encounters (that movie is nOT OKAY HELP ME). There were 2 seats to the far left of the room, and Drew and Mikey were over there. Nick and I were cuddling on the sectional, and there was this long part to the left of me that you could lie on. Brian was at the very end of said thing, Greg was laying down on it, on the left of me, then me with Nick holding me, sitting to my right, then Jordan to Nick's left. This is where it got really awkward:
Nick and I were joking around (I don't remember what about) and I said, "Okay, bye Felicia!" and he said, "Bye, Felicia?! It's my house!" and I went, "Bye, Felicia!" again and then Nick said, "Fine, be a little s**t. I'LL SIT ON THE RECLINER, THEN!" which he did. In a ******** instant, Brian was in Nick's spot crammed against me and said out of ******** NOWHERE, "I'll cuddle you, Sierra!" Everyone went dead ******** quiet. Greg paused the movie, even. I saw Nick's face get rage-y, and I felt Brian try to put his arM AROUND MY SHOULDERS AND I SHOVED HIM OFF AND WAS LIKE, "Swiggity swoogity, you ain't gettin' noooo booty!" I proceeded to get up and go over to the recliner and sat next to Nick, who had his face buried in his hands and was trying not to laugh. Greg tried so hard to not laugh to the point where he turned red. It was priceless. As everyone eventually started to calm down, Nick leaned over and whispered, "If he doesn't ******** stop, I WILL ay something." The rest of the night, Nick stuck by my side and really didn't leave room for Brian to make any more painfully obvious moves on me. Thank God.

Third, to rap this suckfest up, Nick wanted me to go into the downstairs bathroom and give him a b*****b. He kept talking about it and doing the b*****b motion with his tongue and literally everyone knew what he was trying to do. I'm like. b***h. No. Stop. People are here.
I just wanted to say, "You're not getting a b*****b. Go jack off if you want something."

Last night just sucked. So bad.

Lavish Conversationalist

So ... again he tells me he doesn't want to be friends.
But the rest of that message confused me.. ? I don't know.
It was early when I read it. And I responded the way I felt..

I'm just not so sure what to do anymore.
Does he want to be friends? Or... Not?

Anxious Egg


Anxious Egg

I used to spend my nights praying for air in my bloodstream,
now I long to feel your breath pass through my arteries.


I'd really rather not go to work today, thanks.


Well, my three weeks away did the house some good.
F now understands why I kept pestering her and El to top up the electric and gas.
Got back and Jack was feeling energetic, so he's chucked all of Nana's stuff into the shed.
F now knows Nana bitched about her. to me.
F sent Nana a message on facebook to let her know her things are now in the shed.
Instead of responding to F herself, Nana tries to call me at 4 a.m.
on Skype.
I'm tired of Nana using me as some kind of go-between.
Reply to her, don't bloody call me.
I'm not passing on your messages anymore.

My last two reports have been so bad.
I'm mentally not in uni anymore.
My motivation is in negative figures.
Exam is in four days and I've not bothered to do any sort of reading.

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