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What god do you worship?

Gaia, Goddess of the Earth 0.46153846153846 46.2% [ 18 ]
Nyx, God of the Night 0.53846153846154 53.8% [ 21 ]
Total Votes:[ 39 ]
<< < 1 2 ... 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ... 129 130 131 > >> »|

[ Isle de Gambino - Golf Course ]

First and foremost against Stefano stepping behind the wheel and just becoming another target, Kintaro opinion made a U-ie when the stereo blared from the backseat. The rock star's eyes became misty, feels proving too overwhelming for the by-the-book samurai.
"My... my album. ;___;" He murmured, through tears. "You're playing... my album."

"Oh my ******** god."

"Urgh!" Akita was suddenly thrown back on to her back. Stefano's belligerent driving would prove to be their ticket out of here, but he could at least be a little more cautious of the people with bullets in their back. Akita had been shot plenty of times, but it still hurt something awful!
"You better hope I don't regret this, Stef!"

"I'm sorry for doubting you, my liege!" Kintaro sung, suddenly grasping his arms around Stefano's back!


"Take heed! I will use my body to protect yours at all costs!" Kintaro declared to Stefano, and meant it, as the next well-aimed bullet hit straight into his back! He winced, but did not budge, his body proving its resilience. The next couple shots plinked off of him like armor, breaking windows everywhere.

Guanlong, trapped underneath Stefano's chair and Kintaro's surprising weight, had nowhere to go. But the minute this b***h began firing into their caravan, he grabbed hold of Chiharu and yanked her back into the car! Claiming her close, shielding her from any stray shot."Red! Stay down!" The prince warned, his mohawk a right mess. The second he felt the lump hit the roof of the car, he powered forward with his pistol, sending a blitz of bullets through the roof and into the extra baggage.
"No freeloaders! Take a hike!"

Tipsy Reveler

[ Isle de Gambino - Golf Course ]

A grin took Chiharu's face over, flashing fangs as she reached back for her sword. Oh, this was going to be fun. "You're one brave b***h." She complimented, pulling Frostbite from its-

"Ugh! O_O" Chiharu slid through the sunroof like a caught fish, leaving the gunner Native all by herself with Guanlong's onslaught of lead.
"Guan what the...! I coulda taken her!" She complained, wriggling in his protective grip.

Even over the blasting Jrock, Stefano heard the distinct 'thump' of a body hitting the roof. A glance in the rearview gave him a good look at the destroyed golfcart, and it wasn't difficult to put two and two together. Reaching out, he momentarily turned down his rad tunes so he could shout out to his passengers.
"Grab onto something and buckle up!"

He gave the speedometer a look, watching it creep ever upward, just a little more...He wanted to max it out. When trees and rolling hills were whizzing by the windows in a blur, the young driver checked his seat belt, grabbed onto the back of his chair, and slammed full force on the breaks!
If he was lucky, and if his physics teacher had told him the god's honest truth, he'd see Gunner Girl take a well-earned leap over the hood...

[ Hotaru Castle ]

Jiro's delicate Sake cup, usually held in equally careful fingers, shattered in his hand. The sip of rice wine that had been left in it dribbled over his hand, but when he spoke, his voice was as even as ever.
"Find my daughter, Raku. I don't like this. Her slipping you up around the same time you sense Zero? It might be nothing, but I will not be satisfied until I know where she is. I'm going with you."

And that was that. Lord Jiro's mind was made up then and there.
[ Hotaru Castle ]

Raku flinched at the shattering glass. How droll. Such fine rice wine wasted, but it was the kind of response Raku expected of the young lord. But to fall on such conclusions so abruptly...?!

"Wait, come again? You can't be serious!" Trifled Raku, leaning forward. "Now l-listen! Just because I said I lost her, doesn't mean I don't know where she is!" Raku assured, scurrying shortly behind Jiro. "I wasn't just itching my balls when I was working the Durem mafias. A little bird tells me the that she'll be heading back to the islands, and...!" The dog reached out desperately for his lord, grasping his expensively crafted kimono with terror in his eyes.

"You and I both know that's a place you can't go. It's too dangerous out there. That's enemy territory."

Tipsy Reveler

[ Hotaru Castle ]
Jiro's eyes were shut, such that you might have thought he was feeling serene. Until he reached up and smacked Raku's urgent hands off his kimono.
"First you lose my daughter, and now you think to tell me where I can and cannot go?"

Jiro lifted himself up to his feet, his mind thoroughly made up. It was simply ridiculous to think that he'd leave his daughter anywhere Raku thought too dangerous for him.
"What is the phrase American's use? You are really 'batting a thousand'." Evidently, the daimyo had never heard the phrase in its proper context, and so said it with a bit of unintentional sarcasm.
"If you are so concerned for my safety, then I suggest you be a vigilant retainer while we are on the islands."
Countess Elsinore
[ Isle de Gambino - Golf Course ]

A grin took Chiharu's face over, flashing fangs as she reached back for her sword. Oh, this was going to be fun. "You're one brave b***h." She complimented, pulling Frostbite from its-

"Ugh! O_O" Chiharu slid through the sunroof like a caught fish, leaving the gunner Native all by herself with Guanlong's onslaught of lead.
"Guan what the...! I coulda taken her!" She complained, wriggling in his protective grip.

Even over the blasting Jrock, Stefano heard the distinct 'thump' of a body hitting the roof. A glance in the rearview gave him a good look at the destroyed golfcart, and it wasn't difficult to put two and two together. Reaching out, he momentarily turned down his rad tunes so he could shout out to his passengers.
"Grab onto something and buckle up!"

He gave the speedometer a look, watching it creep ever upward, just a little more...He wanted to max it out. When trees and rolling hills were whizzing by the windows in a blur, the young driver checked his seat belt, grabbed onto the back of his chair, and slammed full force on the breaks!
If he was lucky, and if his physics teacher had told him the god's honest truth, he'd see Gunner Girl take a well-earned leap over the hood...

[Isle de Nativ - Golf Course]

The gunner Native suddenly felt small a caliber entry into her breast, exiting out her back in rapid succession. Her body absorbed the blasts, but little else. She still continued to cling to the car, one hand on the sunroof, the other on her gun.
Her body flung left and right with the sway of four wheels, until she eventually grew tired of it. Throwing her gun-arm up as leverage, she slowly fed her long barrel into the sunroof, seeking out his original orange-haired assailant.

"Au revoir." She said it to the woman, before she herself was somehow flung straight from the car through the power of momentum. Her body bashed into a tree with a violent snap! and dropped into the dew-faced grass, completely motionless...

[ -shakes fist!- ):< ]
[ Isle de Gambino - Golf Course ]

"Screw that noise! Not with ******** behind the wheel you are!" It wasn't long before the trigger-happy Guanlong's wee pistole went kaput of ammunition. It wasn't really the lack of ammo that concerned him, though...
"She just! won't! die! D8" He panicked, starting to regret not having let Chiharu cleave the b***h in two. "Whaddo we do!"

It was right around that time where Akita heard that wee suggestion coming from Stefano. Bleeding out, and now, facing down the barrel of a loaded gun going 70 miles an hour, this is a situation Akita could thoroughly say was new to her.
But that didn't scare her none.
She glared down the eye of the gun, baring her teeth at the sharpshooting Native, and kindly gripped on to the "oh s**t" handle.

Suddenly! she watched the Native go careening over the car, with the resounding noise of demise coming shortly after.

Guanlong might've kept his eyes closed a bit too long, but once he opened them, he was looking at the same thing everyone else was; the corpse of the female desperado, lying in a lake of red blood, caked on sweet, green grass.
"Is... is it dead?"

Tipsy Reveler

[Isle de Nativ - Golf Course]

Demarco, for once, had made a wise a decision. When his kid brother had told the car to buckle up, he'd taken it seriously.
So when the car's momentum came to a sudden, screeching halt, the don avoided breaking his nose on the dash, though the seatbelt and airbag did come together to thoroughly knock the wind out of him.

"Ugh, ********] He groaned as soon as he could get a breath. The airbag gradually deflated in front of him, and as his vision cleared, the first thing he saw was Gunner Girl's bent body wrapped around the base of a well-placed tree. Spines were not supposed to go in that direction, he was pretty sure.

He and Stefano both stared blankly out the windshield at his handiwork in silence. Finally, Demarco came out with, "I think you just made your bones, kid."

Stefano looked at his big brother. "What does that mean?"

"Means she's dead."

"Oh...well she was going to kill us."

"Yup. Good job, kiddo." Demarco thumped his brother on the back before getting out of the car. He walked around and wrenched open the back seat, and the first person he went for was his orange-haired assassin. Not heeding his suit any, he pulled his arms around her, hauled her out of the car, and sat her on the hood.
"You hanging in there, Kiki?" He checked, shuffling out of his suit jacket, his custom tailored Italian suit jacket, so he could wad it up and press it to her abdomen where he could see the bleeding.
He was worried, but with his eyes on what he was doing, he did smile a little. "My brother killed the b***h for yah."

Chiharu had only one thing to say. She turned to Guanlong, still mashed under his arm, and offered, "Want me to go make sure?"
[ Isle de Gambino - Golf Course ]

"S... sure." Guanlong replied, slowly wrenching himself away from his girlfriend. After all, he's seen first-hand what she could do; his father didn't let her carry that sword around for nothin'. As she escaped the car, he caught an eyeful of Kintaro's holy kimono, and the blood staining it.

"Yeah... yeah, I'll be fine," Akita said, despite all her whining she made while Demarco transported her to his examining table. The hood of the car still felt warm from the workout Stefano gave it. She was just glad everyone was okay.
"Wow. I wasn't expecting her to get me that deep. Goes to show ya never to turn your back, eh?
Admittedly, Akita's small-talk was quite weak. She looked up at Demarco, a pale smile wrapped around her face. "Guess I'm gonna hafta buy you a new blazer, huh?" She didn't even reply to his mention of Stefano's first kill. She was an assassin. She knew when someone was dead.

"Bravo, Stefano." Kintaro congratulated with a deep inhale, finally unhinging himself from Stefano. "Hope I didn't crush you back there! I make a pretty good yojimbo, don't I?" He said, crunching back the airbag with his bare boot to give Stefano some move-around room.

"Hey, Kin!" Guanlong called him out, a puzzled look on his face. "That blood... you got shot."

"Huh? Oh, this blood? No, this isn't mine."

Rest assured, their rock star was all right. But that still didn't explain the fact that Guanlong watched him get shot at least three times during that Wild West Show just a couple seconds back. He'd have asked the rocker a few questions himself, but found he had left earth long before that...

Kintaro was sniffing the blood. "I knew it." Abruptly removing himself from the car, Kintaro walked across the grass and made his way to the front, a stern look on his face.
"You." Kintaro disclosed Akita, betrayal worn on his face. "... that isn't the way human blood ought to smell."

Akita was shocked, to say the least. "What... what did you say?"

"Your blood. It doesn't smell human. It smells..." His nose twitched briefly, "... like dog's blood."

Tipsy Reveler

Neon Graffiti

Chiharu shoved her way out from under Guanlong and crawled out the back door with its shattered window. Outside under the sun, she stretched and let off a groan. It hadn't been a long trip, but it had been harsh enough to make her ache like they'd driven the entire island. Once she'd touched her toes and reached for the sky, she hopped off to go make sure a girl was good and dead. Regular Saturday, much?

However, something stopped her before she even made it past the car, the accusing note in Kintaro's voice. Once she caught what he'd actually said, her eyes widened! Turning to the group of three, she pointed a finger at Kin, thinning her eyes. "That's quite a keen nose you've got there, blondie. Haven't met many humans with talent like that." The accusation might not have been direct, but it was clear.

Demarco didn't take kindly to Kintaro's tone either, and he might have gone back for his revolver if both of them weren't clean empty. "How about you watch your ********' mouth?" The don suggested, inserting himself between Kintaro and his wounded assassin. This was not what she needed, as far as he was concerned.

"Kin, wait!" Stefano wasn't convinced, and he too piled out of the car. What he found was the yokai equivalent of a Mexican stand-off. Everyone was tense, yet no one quite knew what was going on. Stef stared, his carefully trimmed eyebrows reaching for his hairline.

Lonely Raider

7,250 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Member 100
  • Brandisher 100
Kiken Rider
Mel Reynolds
Kiken Rider
Neon Graffiti
Kiken Rider

[ Isle de Gambino - Gaia police Department ]

Stiffening his guard, Rick's Ghi-charged reflexes granted him a path beneath the bullet trajectory, leaping beneath the attack mere seconds before they could knick him.
"Freeze!!" Barreling across the floor, he retrieved the rifle and trained it deadly on the Native; but right when he was about to contemplate putting a bullet in him, a explosive light flooded the room-over.

Rick raised his brow, briefly hypnotized, rest assured that the member of the Natives gang wouldn't jeopardize his life further. "What in the...?" Since when did they have flash bangs??

[Isle de Nativ - Gaia Police Department]

While similarly taken by light flooding the hallway, the Native gangster used it to his advantage, springing forth a sleeved pocket pistol and firing while the Soldier was distracted. Whether he hit or not was not his quarry - bullets saved merely as a distraction to give him leeway to am-scray.

Returning amongst his people just as the light began to die down, he instantly pointed out the steel batillion that was Mel Reynolds as not their own. Half guarding his eyes, his free hand fired recklessly into the woman, to avail.

His female counterpart dodged the men thrown at her, strafing across the floor to procure some cover.
"She's armed! Don't stay in the open!" She recommended to anyone who would listen. Her speech was momentarily broken from her pulling the pin off a grenade. "Everybody, hit deck! Fire in the whole!" If this wouldn't work, then she was afraid they'd have to call in Mahina herself. She was the only one capable of capsizing this metal menace, and even then, she only put her in the ocean.

The Natives around ducked for cover! Even the ones in the inner levels of the police station, still trying to smoke out the Gambino soldiers from within. A grenade rolled over to Missus Reynolds feet like a discarded baseball, and ignited...

Mel crossed her arms reconfiguring the elemental setup of the steel body of hers to increase the strangth to resist the blast of the grenade. After the flash the Nativ troops would find Mel standing straight up still ready to go un phased by the blast.
"Your going to have to do better then that to bring me down." Pulling her new flintlock from its holster she began shooting one Nativ after another clearing them out like an exterminator killing insects.

Countess Elsinore

Neon Graffiti

[Isle de Nativ - Police Department]

The Native male watched as one of his friends got clipped from behind their cover, and night instantaneously became filled with vengeance.
"Sonovabitch!" Whirring his pistol out from behind the desk, he prepared to empty his clip into these assholes, had not his friend convinced him otherwise.

"Hold your cover! 'Less you wanna get turned into next week's lunch," The female Native suggested, chomping down on another grenade pin. "There's plenty more where that came from!" Chucking another grenade into the fray, she didn't give the warning to her fellow Natives till the last second, letting the explosion take the assailants by surprise!
She saw clear as day how Mel was largely unaffected by the first round, but she had a sneaky suspicion that not all of her was protected...

"Concentrate your fire on the G-Corp kook," She made agreement with her crew. Reaching to her side, she adjusted adjusted her decorated, but nonetheless deadly swords of the nihonto variety. "I'm going in."
Slipping from behind her cover and into the fray, she let her comrades keep the Soldier busy while she dealt with Mel Reynolds. Exhibiting a sort of heightened reflexes, she strafed and dodged preemptively any slugs sent her way by Mel, her eyes leaving trails of light in the smokescreen. Grasping one of her decorated swords, she drew it straight into Mel's flintlock.
If she had disarmed her, that would've been a plus, but the main focus of the attack was to redirect Mel's gunplay elsewhere, while simultaneously slashing across what she hypothesized was Mel's only weakness: her eyes.


[Isle de Nativ - Golf Course]

While not exactly as fast as a full-blown automobile, the golf cart managed to keep up. Besides, they didn't want to outrun them; just get in close enough proximity to off them. What the cart lacked in speed, it held out in maneuverability, capable of swerving enough to dodge the untrained, slightly inebriated bullet trajectory. Luckily, they had a good driver.

"Ugh!" Perhaps... not a very good gunner, though. The machinegunner had managed to get a direct hit in his chest courtesy of the Don's handcannon. He dropped his gat almost instantly, and would have gone stumbled out of the car unless his friend didn't keep him seized.

"Brad!" The Native wearing the rifle kept her friend seated and buckled as their driver tore through the turf, stopping his bleeding with well-applied gauze (for the time-being) and assuring him he'd make it through this.

"s**t! Are you two all right!" Screamed the driver, briefly looking back at his lonely gunner, only for a bullet to nearly cut his head off! "s**t! s**t s**t s**t!"

"Don't worry." The Native femme assured him, taking the same position she had before. Steadying her aim...
"We're fine." She fired, her bullet wizzing through the air, aimed with extreme prejudice towards the driver.

[Isle De Gambino-Police station]

Mel's grip was tight on her flintlock as she brought it back and holstering it. Her steel body protected her from the Nativ women and her blade plus the wooden club shattering into pieces all over the floor leaving Mel yet unharmed from the attack. She counters smashing her fist down onto her attacker.
Neon Graffiti

[ Durem - Hotel ]

"They've been more than just "topping the charts." They've been putting people in the hospital." The Detective warned, teasing the hammer of her revolver quite suggestively. One could tell she wasn't exactly the "good cop." "But I'm sure that isn't anything that concerns a smooth entrepreneur like you..." Quickly closing the distance between them was her long, narrow leg, tipped with sharp stilettos that, not only completed her outfit, but gave her quite the tool of interrogation.

The sole easily shrugged him backwards against the nearby side-table; the heel prepped mere inches away from the dealer's jugular, like a hornet's sting.

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough the first time. Lemme be crystal - tell me who supping you the dope and I might not crush your wind-pipe. Get me?" It was becoming rapidly clear that Shoshana Pinski might have started to overstep her bounds as an officer of the law...
"Whatever it is you're putting in this stuff is destroying people's lives. And if you're not cautious, Mac, then I'm afraid yours might be destroyed in due time. You're either real brave or real stupid coming around selling that sort of mess around here. Now, unless you want me to save them the trouble..." She jarred her heel painfully into his trachea. Enough to speak, but a struggle to breathe. "... you'll give up your supplier real nice-like."

The way she was dressed, it'd almost seem like some sort of sex role-play. Unless she didn't have that gun in her hand.

[Durem - Hotel]

The hospitals which had admitted individuals due to soul "Pro Soul" would soon find themselves with more than they could handle. So long with out the drug would cause severe rage within the person and over time this would continue to increase as the DrkNRgy within the drug warped their mind and body. This would be seen on the street as well as various dealers had conveniently vanished leaving their customers without their regular dose.

This Dealer however had still been passing out his goods, well that was until Miss Detective pulled him up. Now with his back to the wall of a low rate motel and a high heel to his neck things didn't seem good for him. Though there didn't seem much point anymore carrying on with the charade.

"Fine, you want to know whos been supplying the stuff? It doesn't matter anyways, this city is doomed. Aekea has fallen and so will Durem. The one in charge, the man who created this drug, Dr. Von'Crogsgel."
Though the Dealer himself didn't work for the labs, he was just a soldier of the Black Phoenix Military on orders from the Sky Admiral. If everything was going as planned there would soon be an increase in the number of armed soldiers here to take care of the crazed druggies and any resistance.

[ Durem - Hotel ]

"Von... Crogsgel? Your boss' got helluva name on him. I wouldn've gone for something along the lines of 'Heisenberg.'" Shoshana indicated, suddenly taking her heel off the dealer, allowing him some breathing room.

"That was the quiz. And you did well! Now's time for the exam," Getting down at eye-level, she shirked hold of the dealer's narrow collar, narrowing her revolver to his lips to show that she wasn't afraid to break one of those finely painted nails if worse came to worse.
"Forgive me for not exactly being the patient type. I don't have time to rough you up or play Russian Roulette and s**t. Another wise-crack like that and I'll just shoot you. There's plenty of other scum like you walking the street." She explained, her pistol throat-deep in his mouth.

"Now as soon as I pull out, sugar, you gonna tell me everything you know, and don't play me for a fool; I've been on the force long enough to catch a liar. About Durem. About Aekea. Everything. Are we understood?"

( Also Tenack! Slait left a post for you in Aekea, did you catch it? x3 )
Countess Elsinore
[ Hotaru Castle ]
Jiro's eyes were shut, such that you might have thought he was feeling serene. Until he reached up and smacked Raku's urgent hands off his kimono.
"First you lose my daughter, and now you think to tell me where I can and cannot go?"

Jiro lifted himself up to his feet, his mind thoroughly made up. It was simply ridiculous to think that he'd leave his daughter anywhere Raku thought too dangerous for him.
"What is the phrase American's use? You are really 'batting a thousand'." Evidently, the daimyo had never heard the phrase in its proper context, and so said it with a bit of unintentional sarcasm.
"If you are so concerned for my safety, then I suggest you be a vigilant retainer while we are on the islands."

Akako Akari

[ Hotaru Castle ]

"Ah--" Jiro had made a point. It took his lord's blunt honesty to remind him how much he had dropped the ball lately. Catching glimpses of her experience throughout the years the years, coupled with 13 and his protege's growing relationships with her, had made Raku at times shirk his responsibility over looking after her, and such had led him to losing sight of her altogether.

"A thousand apologies, my lord!" His retainer took a knee, begging his forgiveness. "I realize I've become too... lenient in my duties. I am a "komainu", after all; it is my job to protect. I have no excuses." His glow-lit eyes lifted up again, filled with renewed vigor. "No man or beast can escape my nose. I'll locate Chiharu-hime at all costs. Count on it." It was a promise. He took to his bare feet and made way of the opposing direction, but paused in his step - sniffing the air.

"Jiro-dono, if I may ask, since we're on the topic of princesses; is Inoue-san's stay proving fruitful?"


"Yukiko~!" Even though Yukiko was by no means her own daughter, that left Elizabeth no reason to skirt her motherly concern. With Chiharu gone, she fell back on Yukiko as her outlet for maternal overindulgence. And she showed it, when she came up from behind the pearly skinned fox and helped a newly bought wool coat she had bought her in town to help combat the cold.
"You shouldn't be walking around without a coat, you'll catch a cold!" The lady of the house worried, her human youth showing in those blush-red cheeks of her's. "It gets pretty chilly during the winter, even at the estate. Haha, I guess I shouldn't fuss myself, you bein' a snow fox and all. You know what they say, a mother's work is never done!" She laughed, but could see distance in the fox princess' eyes. She was like the daughter she never had! Or, well, rather, the female daughter she never had. There was always her beloved son Sai, whom she wouldn't trade for the world. She wouldn't have been able to pick out such a fashionable coat for Yukiko without his chicest opinion!

"Is... is there something the matter, Yukiko?" Quite possibly one of the youngest tenants of the Hotaru estate, Elizabeth, unlike everyone else around here, was purely human, which put her at an odds for many years with her otherwise immortal house occupants. However, it also gave her a keen intuition when her supernatural housemates displayed more mortal emotion...

Hygienic Phantom

7,900 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
[ Aekea Town Hall, Outside]
Over the course of the next few minutes, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then, out of no where, five seemingly random civilians turned towards the building in unison, and hurled some objects into the air... Then threw another set.

Flash bangs and smoke erupted in all directions, quickly covering the area in a screen of grey, and blinding anyone who was too close to the eruptions. Finally, moments after the chaos began, there was a car horn blaring... somewhere. Careening through the smoke came a black van without a driver, rigged to drive forward on it's own, but nothing more. It was on a crash course for the front doors.

[Town Hall - Aekea]

The noise outside was loud enough to be heard inside LT. Fletcher's office where she was talking with several men. Whatever they had been discussing had been interrupted by the sounds coming outside. Pointing at two soldiers standing to the side and with a motion of her head she sent them off to investigate. It wouldn't do to have any of her meetings interrupted or disturbed by locals hooligans.

Though what happened next could not have crossed anyone's mind as a van crashed through the lobby. Weapons drawn instantly as a group of three other soldiers ran out to aid the other two. Lt. Fletcher herself moved behind her desk reaching for a revolver as the other suited men moved away front he door waiting to see and hear what would happen next.

Hygienic Phantom

7,900 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
Neon Graffiti

[ Durem - Hotel ]

"Von... Crogsgel? Your boss' got helluva name on him. I wouldn've gone for something along the lines of 'Heisenberg.'" Shoshana indicated, suddenly taking her heel off the dealer, allowing him some breathing room.

"That was the quiz. And you did well! Now's time for the exam," Getting down at eye-level, she shirked hold of the dealer's narrow collar, narrowing her revolver to his lips to show that she wasn't afraid to break one of those finely painted nails if worse came to worse.
"Forgive me for not exactly being the patient type. I don't have time to rough you up or play Russian Roulette and s**t. Another wise-crack like that and I'll just shoot you. There's plenty of other scum like you walking the street." She explained, her pistol throat-deep in his mouth.

"Now as soon as I pull out, sugar, you gonna tell me everything you know, and don't play me for a fool; I've been on the force long enough to catch a liar. About Durem. About Aekea. Everything. Are we understood?"

( Also Tenack! Slait left a post for you in Aekea, did you catch it? x3 )

((No I miss posts where Im not quoted ><. Got it though.))

[Durem - Hotel]

The Dealer struggled a little as the pistol was shoved into his mouth. His eyes growing wide as he stared up at the crazy woman above him. It was hard for him to not shake as his back pushed against the wall in a desperate attempt for him to escape. All he could do was just stare back and nod slowly. What could this devil of a woman do with all the information anyways. She would be dead like everyone else soon enough anyways.
Countess Elsinore
Neon Graffiti

Chiharu shoved her way out from under Guanlong and crawled out the back door with its shattered window. Outside under the sun, she stretched and let off a groan. It hadn't been a long trip, but it had been harsh enough to make her ache like they'd driven the entire island. Once she'd touched her toes and reached for the sky, she hopped off to go make sure a girl was good and dead. Regular Saturday, much?

However, something stopped her before she even made it past the car, the accusing note in Kintaro's voice. Once she caught what he'd actually said, her eyes widened! Turning to the group of three, she pointed a finger at Kin, thinning her eyes. "That's quite a keen nose you've got there, blondie. Haven't met many humans with talent like that." The accusation might not have been direct, but it was clear.

Demarco didn't take kindly to Kintaro's tone either, and he might have gone back for his revolver if both of them weren't clean empty. "How about you watch your ********' mouth?" The don suggested, inserting himself between Kintaro and his wounded assassin. This was not what she needed, as far as he was concerned.

"Kin, wait!" Stefano wasn't convinced, and he too piled out of the car. What he found was the yokai equivalent of a Mexican stand-off. Everyone was tense, yet no one quite knew what was going on. Stef stared, his carefully trimmed eyebrows reaching for his hairline.

[ Isle de Gambino - Golf Course ]

Kintaro's golden eyes lit like flint on wood, immediately deducing the Don Juan was hiding something.
"You knew." Steamed the rock star, closing the distance, coming within inches of the mafioso's impregnable mountain. He paid little mind to Chiharu's words. His stint as a pirate showed him the value of difference, reopening a long-buried sense of trust he knew not since his days as a vassal for Minamoto no Raiko.

But he was not about to forfeit their progress in favor of a potential trap.

"How long did you know? How long did you know that your lady was of yokai blood?"

"Let's just cut to a commercial break right there," Guanlong laughed, scootching himself in between the two direct powers. "We'll be with you after these brief messages," Stringing Kintaro by the throat of his glistening gold necklaces, the jade prince gave him a death-glare comparable to any subterranean in the pits of naraka.
"This little role-play of yours has gone on long enough, Jersey Shore! I'm not sure what sort of J-RPG you think you're in, but no amount fame, fortunate, or fake-bake is gonna save you if you piss off the mafia."

Kintaro was curious, to say the least, as to why his king was giving him the business. Perhaps it was that they could not see?
"It's not him I'm afraid of." Lifting a finger, he aimed it at Akita. "Check her wound. That is, if it even is still a wound."

By now, every eye was on Akita. With not less but a word, she revealed her bloodless wound; now, sharply sealed scar tissue where a comparatively messy gun-inflicted injury should have been.
"Listen! I... I can explain."

Guanlong's grip on Kintaro lifted, his crimson red eyes sewed to Akita's stomach.
"What's there to explain...? I'm not saying I believe this whack-job, but you were just bleeding out a second ago!"

"Don't get too excited." Her boots tasting grass beneath them again, her hand fell to tender flesh. "It still hurts like a b***h. I... I'm sorry for not being up-front with you. I thought it was irrelevant... Stefano."
Of all the names to quarter, Akita called Maurizio the Younger to the stand. Unable to look him straight in the eye, the samurai woman bowed her head in disgrace. "Before... before I left with The Family... my mother finally came clean as to me who my dad was. And it wasn't a pretty story." As she spoke, she readjusted her katana. If Demarco didn't like Kintaro already...

"First of all, I wasn't exactly conceived through red wine and smooth jazz. It wasn't consensual." And while this was no doubt an important piece of the story, it wasn't what the audience wanted to hear. And Akita wasn't the kind that beat around the bush. "My father wasn't human."

Collective gasp?! Sans Kintaro, of course, the jackass know-it-all. "He was a creature called an Inugami. Part man, part dog."

"Some... some kinda werewolf?"

"You can think of it like that." Akita stated. "But... as far as I'm concerned, that has nothing to do with me. I am who I am, but that monster will never define me. But since we're all show-and-tell..." Her thumb traced the still lacquer of her tsuba, as if tempted to draw it. "Don't ignore Red's question, Goldilocks. That's quite the schnoz you have on ya."

Kintaro could assess that passions were high, but he was starting to wonder if anyone was interested in listening to a broken record.
"I... told you, I'm Sakata no Kintoki."

"Oh god, not this s**t again..."

As if to demonstrate, the rock star fast-removed his kimono, and further prepared to lift his shirt. Before the party could dismiss the would-be celebrity strip show, Kintaro had his shirt half-way up, revealing shimmering golden scales across his back, and embedded in them... the bullets his muscles had caught in effort to protect Stefano. As the bent lead popped off his scaly structure, the scales slowly began to subside as well...

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