Welcome to Gaia! ::

Tegian's Wife

Demonic Wolf

11,325 Points
  • Battle: KO 200
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Battle: Counterstrike 150
XXxa.k.a. Luxx

Celeste watched Aria, a worried look in her eyes. From the time she had known the other girl, she'd never known her to be this into drinking... Never seen her even remotely tipsy. A beer or two maybe but nothing... This serious. Something had happened but Aria wasn't about to say what it was and no one was going to go guessing. Kayleb took to the job of watching over the intoxicated female and he even went to dance with her to stop her from drinking a little... Only to have a couple tap on the shoulder and ask for a picture because the Tenth Doctor and the Weeping Angel were just too good to pass up, the perfect couples costumes. Celeste kept an eye on them from the distance, as Kayleb was more than capable of watching over Aria on his own; he was a natural born care-giver, especially so when it came to his friends and Aria was one of his best... Or had been, until she'd become engaged to Darren. She still couldn't believe that Darren had been passing information to Aria to give to the CIA. Meaningless information or not... She never would have thought him to do such a thing. But now wasn't the time to think of that. It was a holiday, a time to relax and enjoy oneself. And that was just what she was going to do; the time for worrying over the team and the problems they were facing would be pushed to tomorrow, when she would try to figure out what was plaguing Darren and how to fix it. Perhaps Sheera would help, as the Russian seemed fairly in-the-know about what was going on, even if nothing had been said yet... No! She wasn't going to puzzle over this now. Everyone had secrets, everyone had things they wanted to have kept from the light and while she wasn't one for bothering those who would like to keep those things a secret... She was going to figure it out but not tonight. Not tonight. She was going to enjoy her time. Kayleb was watching over Aria just fine, and seemed grateful for the distraction, which meant that she was more than able to enjoy the night on her own. Sheera seemed to have made a friend, as the white-haired heroine could see them chatting it up at the bar together, and Amanda appeared to be up to something with Jr; Elani was at the bar with a guy dressed as Electro and it was anyone's guess as to where Tina had wandered off to. For all they knew, she could have left as she was much like Sheera in the fact that she wasn't much of a people person. Now that Celeste wasn't focused on Aria or the problems that had so recently begun to plague the team, she became aware that it had been quite a while since Katsumi had disappeared... Where could he have possibly gone? Her golden gaze wandered over the crowd, catching sight of a few faces that she was quite surprised to see, mainly those of Jack Frost, who had a female companion, and the female known as Jenny, who was currently in the company of the host of the party, Geraldo. How interesting... But now was not the time to investigate further, even though Jenny could pose a possible threat to everything Geraldo owned due to her connection with Jack Frost and possibly Rotor... Right now, she was wondering if Katsumi had ditched her. Not that it would really matter, as they hadn't come together and certainly they weren't on a date. It would have just been a bit of a disappointment. And then, as though summoned by her thoughts, he was suddenly by her right side, holding up a glass of champagne for her to take. His gaze followed hers, which had landed back on Kayleb and Aria, who now looked very, very drunk, and he asked, “Are they friends of yours?” Celeste took the glass from him and said, "The one dressed as the Weeping Angel is a dear, dear friend of mine; I love him quite to death. The other one, the girl dressed as the Tenth Doctor, is engaged to be married to another dear friend of mine-" Maybe. There had been some strife between the pair that even a blind man would have been able to see... No, no, no, not thinking about that, focusing on the good things, stressful things were for tomorrow... "I don't know her overly well but she's nice. Quite a feisty young woman actually." She took a sip of the champagne he had brought her and let her gaze wander over the party; quite a lot of people appeared to be drunk and would certainly need rides home... The cabs were going to be making quite a lot tonight. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves though and that was nice; it was so rare for large groups of people to get together and have a good time like this. It was quite refreshing to see. "You were gone for quite a long time... I thought perhaps you had left without saying good-bye," said Celeste, looking at him. "I would have been quite disappointed, so I'm happy to see that you didn't. You missed the costume contest, however, which is a shame because there were quite a few good ones that won." Kayleb was now ushering Aria towards the door; it seemed that he thought she'd had more than enough to drink - and it certainly seemed as though she would be unable to walk without assistance - so he appeared to be taking her home. Celeste suppressed a little smile; what a good friend Kayleb was. Surely Darren would be able to appreciate the good care he'd given Aria; no one would want their completely wasted fiancee wandering the streets alone on Halloween night after all. "I'm getting a bit tired of this party; perhaps you would like to go walk downtown with me? I heard they've got a few street performers out and about. I'd like to see them if they're still there." If he declined, she'd go alone. It wasn't as though she was some damsel in distress after all.

Every moment of LIGHT and DARK is a miracle

ooc: bleh.

Friendly Elocutionist

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Jenny Walker

Location: Geraldo's Party

Jenny's smile grew a bit at Geraldo's words. This was what she was working on him for; beneath his rich guy persona, he was truly a nice man. He'd been wearing this mask for so long though that it was hard to bring out. If there was one thing Jenny could do, it was deal with people, it was a large part of her job. Psychology classes helped her hone her craft, which is why she trusted her gut about Geraldo's story.

When he walked away, the music abruptly changed to something that did not please the party guests at all. She hoped it was Mokin's poor choice, but it didn't seem to be the case as the jerk was still missing. a*****e. The blond shook her head and began to walk towards the booth to help Geraldo, as technology did not seem to be his strong suit. She had a lot of trouble getting through the crowd though. More than a few drunk hands came her way, making her have to defend herself. Her urge was to break the hands of the grabby drunks, but she instead opted to forcefully move the hands back to the owner's sides.

By the time she was through the crowd, Geraldo had fixed the music with a little percussive maintenance. Her host grabbed a mic and began awarding the costume contest winners as a spotlight found him. Amazing how the spotlight always seemed to be shining on him, but he shined brighter away from it. Jenny clapped along with the others as the winners were announced, happily staying to the side as this all went on. Due to the bright spotlight, it was unlikely Geraldo could see her in the crowd.

Geraldo returned to Jenny's side after borrowing a walkie talkie... interesting. He didn't look angry so it was unlikely he had gotten word about Mokin. That still rankled her, and she had to work to let it go. Tonight was not the night to be dealing with unpleasantries. When Geraldo returned, her smile was in place, though it only grew at his overly formal language. She chuckled, but the moment was cut off by the emergence of Mokin, supported by someone dressed as Oz. Likely this wiz was just being a good samaritan, as it seemed Mokin was playing the hurt card. Oz confirmed he was a good samaritan, leaving Geraldo to look after the hurt Mokin. Yea, hurt. She'd give him a hurt, or she would if she wasn't pretending not to know him.

Jenny grabbed a passing security guard and handed the man's walkie talkie over to Geraldo. “Here, use this to get someone to check on him. I'd recommend a sweep of the area too. Check security footage.” she said, her tone falling back to business. Normally she would just give the orders over the walkie talkie, but she didn't work here and so nobody was likely to listen to her. “Have the guards travel in pairs and do a general sound off as well.” she added. There was likely no danger as there was no attacker, but that was not something she was to know.

After making sure the DJ was fine, Geraldo lead Jenny to a nearby elevator. She hoped he wasn't planning on taking her back to his room, as that was not going to happen. His rich guy persona might try it, but she hoped his good guy inner self would be smarter and stronger. Nothing killed an evening faster than a pushy guy. As she crossed her fingers, the elevator dinged open to reveal the roof. Okay, she had not been expecting that.

He lead her to the edge, where they looked over the city. The view from up here was simply breathtaking. “Amazing.” she said in a small voice as she looked over it all. She barely even registered that a freezing wind was blowing up here; the view was that good.

Devoted Phantom


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Will was in awe. He ran his (fleshy) palm over the cloth and fabric, feeling each ridge and whorl. He whistled, shaking his head. After a few seconds, he found his voice again. "I'd...wow. I'd love to!" Will stepped around the mannequin and examined the back. He bent at the waist and examined the costume, pretending to look busy and intelligent. After a moment, he gave up. Blushing, he looked up at Sarai. "Um. How do you get it off this thing?"

Several minutes later, along with a few awkward brushes and some awkward giggling, they managed to get the costume on. Will grinned and flexed, staring down at his forearms and testing his range of motion. He stretched his arms, extended his fingers, and rolled his shoulders, beaming the entire time. His lights bloomed to life, blazing through the holes and fabric of the costume. Both beamed. "This is awesome, Sarai. I love it." He took a deep breath. "Seriously, thank you."

The base was deserted. If Will had to guess, everyone was either on patrol, at the party, or dealing with relationship drama. It seemed to be increasingly prevalent among the Challengers, and, even if Will wasn't involved, seemed to be affecting their performance. He shook his head, giving Sarai an awkward half-smile. Of course, with us tiptoing around each other, I don't have much room to talk.

They left the base, still idly chatting and scanning the streets for signs of trouble. As the lights of Crests' Hollow faded behind them, Will was struck by how different Sarai, in her costume, appeared in the darkness. If he hadn't known her, Will would have found Sarai quite intimadating. The heels added several inches to her height. The metal on her limbs, in the dim light, resembled armor. And the barbs on her whip glittered menacingly in the dark. Even without her powers, there wasn't a sane criminal in London who'd fight her.

It wasn't just Sarai, though. Will caught his reflection in a darkened store window as they passed and gasped. The costume was brilliant even under bright lights. But in the dark, he cut a lethal figure. Beneath his mask, Will grinned.

"You know, I think we look pretty badass. Might be hard to find something to deal with tonight--nobody'll mess with us!" They both laughed, sharing a friendly chuckle. Beneath his costume, Will found himself blushing. This was the first time he felt...comfortable with Sarai. Even in the middle of a dark street, in a city full of supervillains.

LOCATION:The streets of London WITH:Sarai THOUGHTS:We're having an easy night so far...



Lonely Spirit

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”Life is full of confusion. Confusion of love, passion, and romance. Confusion of family and friends. Confusion with life itself. What path we take, what turns we make. How we roll our dice.” Matthew Underwood
Location:One Aldwych

Katsumi listened as Celeste responded to his question about the pair she was watching. A twinge of jealousy shot up his spine when the angel spoke of the Weeping Angel so dearly. Katsumi pushed the color green back down, replacing the green color building up in himself with the confidence of a passionate red. Twice now, Celeste had accepted him this night, even knowing what he had done before. Arthur was right about him. He had the strength, the power to cut down the disease plaguing this city. Tonight, he would use that to overcome the cloud that had overcome him.

When Celeste paused at the end of describing who the female doctor was to her, Katsumi wondered what went through her head during that moment of silence. If she hadn’t picked up again as though she hadn’t stopped at all, he would have asked, but she obviously didn’t want to talk about it right now. Katsumi decided he might ask later, but right now, he had something else to worry about. Celeste mentioned how long he had been gone. Katsumi pointed to the injured Hackshot speaking with Geraldo and explained, “When I went to the bathroom, I found the DJ and his escort unconscious. In my line of work, I’ve had to save many people’s lives with first aid. I managed to resuscitate Ongaku and brought him back so the security guard could get professional medical assistance.” Celeste nodded, accepting his excuse for now. She watched her friend and fiancée of a friend walk out of the party, and then surprised Katsumi.

Celeste stated that she was growing tired of this party and invited Katsumi to go downtown with her. Katsumi almost laughed as he was so happy about the invitation. He had thought he would have to spend the night avoiding the two people that he really didn’t want to be around, but Celeste offered him a way out without missing any time with her. He was sure this was just karma showing him what he could have if he would always do the right thing. This was definitely a good incentive to turn back to the light side. Katsumi quickly stated he would love to join Celeste going out on the town.

Katsumi lead the way, walking backwards so he could talk to Celeste while looking her in the eye. Every time it looked like he was going to run into someone, he would sidestep them, almost as though he had eyes in the back of his head. The Silent Dragons had probably never intended their sightless drills to be used this way, but the subtle sounds of people breathing, walking, talking all warned him of incoming collisions. Katsumi mostly talked small talk with Celeste, just enjoying the conversation with her. This was truly a blessing that Maeva had bestowed upon him. The witch confused him with the way that she seemed to be constantly changing between punishing and rewarding him.

Finally, the pair reached a part of town that was absolutely alive with people. There were enough that Katsumi had to turn around and stand next to Celeste. He didn’t mind at all. He watched as various entertainers did tricks, performances, and various other forms of keeping the people happy. Celeste smiled at the different things going on, and Katsumi set that aside for later. The people here had honed their craft and their showmanship was being rewarded with cash falling into their respective collection trays. When they came to a juggler, even Katsumi had to admit he was impressed.

The juggler started with three bowling pins going up and down between his hands. Soon though, an assistant tossed in a good sized hammer, and the juggler flawlessly included it into the rotation. Next, the assistant threw in an unsheathed knife the size of a small sword. Katsumi started to clap with the rest of the crowd that was slowly gathering around. As the juggler continued, the assistant raised an unlit torch so all could see. She flicked a zippo to life and slowly touched it to the tip of the wooden light source; she then tossed it in as well. The crowd gasped as the juggler nearly dropped the knife to add the lit torch in. He quite gracefully regained his rhythm. The assistant really drew gasps from the crowd as she drew a chainsaw from her sack on a nearby table. She pulled the starting cord and the chainsaw roared to life. A nervous look flickered on the juggler’s face, but was gone just as fast as it had appeared. The assistant threw the live chainsaw in just as a bowling pin left the juggler’s hand and time seemed to slow. Everyone held their breath, afraid to distract the showman on stage. Everything sped back up as he grabbed the handle and launched it into the air. Everyone clapped for the skilled juggler. The assistant then walked just in front of the juggler, being very careful not to disturb the objects flying through the air. She lifted the top of a bag off the stage floor and held it open. The juggler then lobbed each object into the bag as they came down. The juggler then walked forward, grabbing the bottom of the bag from the assistant and flipped it over. The front row of onlookers jumped back, but nothing came out of the bag. Everyone cheered and screamed with delight. Katsumi walked forward, dropping a hundred pound note in the man’s collection tray, giving the juggler a nod of approval as he walked back to join Celeste.

Annihilatrix's Significant Otter

Sexy Lionheart

22,900 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
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========================== ☠ ==========================

Saraiyu Malakihr Ramanajan
Surviving the 'Unthinkable'
“Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul.” ― Dave Pelzer

Sarai watched happily as Will examined the costume, running his non-bionic hand over the creation. She could tell the moment that he realized he had no clue of how to get the piece off of the mannequin, and carefully hid the amused grin… at least until he admitted defeat. Then, no longer concealing her amusement, she came forward and helped Will put on the costume, making minute adjustments to ensure the fabrication fit properly & wouldn’t restrict movement at all, and doing her best to ignore the inevitable ensuing awkward moments. Once both of them were fully costumed, she stepped back a few paces as Will settled into the costume. As his lights began to blaze, they gave the outfit that element of otherworldliness, and she couldn’t hold back the beam of pleasure as her work came to life, or the furious blushes that tinted her skin at Will’s compliments. Feeling greatly daring, she gave his hand a quick squeeze as she replied, “You’re absolutely welcome.”

As Sarai left the base with Will, she realized how quiet the complex was with everyone gone. She began to chat idly with Will, ignoring a sense of unease at the emptiness of her new home, as the pair went out on patrol. After a short time out, Will commented on their appearance, and she chuckled with Will as she responded joshingly. “If looks are so significant tonight, we may just end up bored out of our minds. Oh, well; whatever happens, happens… or doesn’t. At the very least, we’re out of the tension-saturated air of the base.”

Sarai and Will wandered through the streets, searching for trouble to take care of. She was having a lot more fun that she'd expected to. Since this was Halloween, the street performers were out in full force, along with what felt like every living soul in the city, and every so often a particular act would catch their eye and they would pause for a bit to watch. The last one they stopped to see was a phenomenally talented juggler, and as they left the performance she chatted animatedly with Will, more relaxed with him than she'd ever thought possible.

Status: Ready & raring to go
Mood: Slightly stunned, Pleased, Amused → Giddy, Daring → Relaxed, Confident, Comfortable
Location: Her room → On Street Patrol with Will
Company: Will → Will, and the entire population of London
And the song in my head is. . .



Tegian's Wife

Demonic Wolf

11,325 Points
  • Battle: KO 200
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Battle: Counterstrike 150
XXxa.k.a. Luxx

At her mention of how long he'd been gone, Katsumi gestured towards the DJ and explained, “When I went to the bathroom, I found the DJ and his escort unconscious. In my line of work, I’ve had to save many people’s lives with first aid. I managed to resuscitate Ongaku and brought him back so the security guard could get professional medical assistance.” Her gaze followed his as he explained. How interesting... The famous Japanese DJ was the very same man that had resided in the containment cells just the other day, until Darren had released him. She supposed that perhaps she should go and say something to him but... Well, she didn't want to be the reason something bad happened at this party. So, for now... Celeste only nodded her head at Katsumi's explanation of why he'd been gone for so long, accepting it for now even if it wasn't a hundred percent truthful and she could tell that it wasn't. Either way, the DJ was back at his booth and Katsumi was now at her side, so at least she'd be able to keep an eye on him for a little while... To make sure he didn't cause any trouble of course. The party appeared to be winding down in some ways and amping up in others, becoming more wild; the white-haired heroine was glad she'd made the decision to leave now. Kayleb was gone and Novik and Igasho were more than capable of watching after themselves, while Sheera seemed completely engrossed in the conversation she was having with the man in the skeletal make-up and if anyone could look after themselves, it was the feisty Russian. To Celeste's pleasure, Katsumi agreed to go look at the street performers with her, stating that he'd love to go walk around with her. He led the way out of the hotel, walking backwards so that he could continue looking at her and speaking, barely avoiding hitting other party-goers and servers but always side-stepping in time to avoid causing an accident. It was an impressive display of awareness of his surroundings. Eventually they reached the part of the streets designated for the street-performers and their assistants; there were many people here, the streets were thronging with costumed men and women who were there to enjoy the particular talents of the performers. Katsumi was walking by her side at this point, as the streets were too crowded to permit for him to walk in front of her and backwards and they stopped to enjoy a particularly talented juggler. By the end of his display, everyone was cheering quite loudly for him and Celeste clapped with the rest of them; she knew very few people who could pull off something so incredible... "How wonderful!" she exclaimed as Katsumi came back to her side. "So much talent. I'm quite impressed." And she was not the only one either. "Thank you for coming walking with me, it's quite lovely out." Even if it was a bit chilly out, it was still a rather nice night. And then she spotted a familiar face. "Sarai!" Her clear, bell-like voice rang out in the crowd and Celeste began to push her way towards who she had thought she'd seen. Sure enough, it was the shy Indian girl, dressed quite wonderfully in a costume that included a spiked whip. "You look wonderful Sarai!" greeted Celeste with a smile, giving the other woman a gentle hug. But who was...? "Will? Is that you under there? Where on Earth did you get such a marvelous costume?" It appeared as though they had paired up to go on patrol together but then had abandoned that plan and come down to enjoy the street performers too. "Oh, this is Katsumi, a friend of mine," she introduced the Asian to her friends with a smile. "Did you two just get here?" She hadn't expected either of them to be out and about tonight. Sarai was quite a shy soul and Will has seemed a bit put-off the last few days... So it was nice to see them out together. She was sure that they would make quite a dashing couple if they were to wander the streets of London in civilian attire.

Every moment of LIGHT and DARK is a miracle

ooc: sorry for shite post

Friendly Elocutionist

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Location: Club > Training Room > Darren's Apartment

JC was having one of the best nights in a long time, especially when Frank Sinatra came on. Dancing with Chi, hanging with Darren and Aria... this felt right. Was this where his life would be if he hadn't been born with powers? Hanging out with friends, relaxing and enjoying themselves? Likely not, he would be skinny and in bad shape, earning a science degree of some kind, with a completely different set of friends. There was no way life would be this fulfilling either. These moments erased regrets, because if anything in his past were changed, he would not be where he was. Then life decided to take a fat dump on the evening.

Darren was not right, and it was getting worse. One didn't become best friends with a person without being able to get a good read on them after all. Unfortunately, this came to a head when Aria realized she should have gotten a photo with Kayleb. Luckily, Chi was gone to the restroom, or else this would have been much harder to control. Not that JC could do anything about it. Darren said some stupid things, Aria said some more, and it escalated to Aria storming off, and Darren yelling at her. Chi hesitantly took a seat, asking what happened. Darren replied angrily and took a shot, making JC facepalm on the inside. On the outside, he gave Chi an apologetic look; best he could do right now.

The next ten minutes sucked. Darren became more erratic, trying to start a fight and forcing JC to take him down... that cannot have looked good to Chi. ********. She was going to see him and Darren as just violent assholes. Double and triple ********.

Outside the club, JC was carrying an unconscious Darren. “I'm so sorry, I... I didn't know things would be this bad... I'm never letting him drink again.” he rambled a bit, clearly not sure how to make this right. A cab pulled up, and JC nodded to Chi. “We'll let you take this one... please, I will call you in the morning...” he said, his face clearly begging her not to hate him.

When she was gone, he took a cab back to a random place, where he had Manny come get them. Mist got them back to the base, and JC leaned Darren against a nearby wall. Sure he was alone, he let himself vent, cursing and hitting a punching bag... that gave him an idea. The blonde went over to Darren and gently shook his friend awake. After answering some questions, he managed to coax Darren into fighting against him. This was not about getting out rage though; JC knew better than that. The thing he was going for was whatever made Darren act like this, because something was wrong. Maybe, just maybe, rage was the key.

The two fought, with JC doing some rather tame taunts, all of which failed to get a rise out of Darren. Fine, if he had to go below the belt, he would. Taunts about Kayleb and Aria came next, pushing Darren to a level of fury few would ever see from him. As he was playing defensive, JC managed to hold off most of his friends attacks until Darren tired and collapsed, sobbing. JC consoled him as best he could.

“Darren... when you're sober, we need to talk, because this isn't you and we need to find out what's going on. But that can wait until tomorrow, let's get you home.” he said, hugging his friend and helping him up. Getting Darren home should definitely help, let him sleep things off, let Aria sleep them off too. JC was going to talk to Aria when she was sober too, hopefully before his talk with Darren. He would need the help of some of other members of the team, but didn't want to bring too many people in on this unless he had to. Celeste seemed a good choice, but he was content to wait until the morning to figure it all out. His powers helped dull the effects of alcohol some, but he tended to get rather wicked hangovers. Before heading to Darren's, JC popped some Tylenol in preparation of the splitting headache sure to head his way.

The s**t really hit the fan upon arriving at Darren's. Just when he thought his night was over, JC knew it had only begun when they saw Kayleb, fresh out of the shower and wearing some of Darren's clothes. JC figured he changed from the angel outfit, but knew Darren would not see reason right now. Sure enough, Darren screamed and leapt forward, only to be stopped by JC. When Darren stopped struggling, JC let him go. Darren fell to his knees, crying and screaming. When he yelled at Kayleb, JC moved to stop him from leaping forwards; Darren dropped unconscious before JC could act though.

“What the actual ********?” JC asked, blinking at his friend. “Kayleb, he's not right, breathe.” JC advised his teammate as he looked down at Darren. Crap, Kayleb was holding his comms... which meant he likely called for help. “Kayleb, is Aria here?” JC asked... Kayleb seemed frozen, but managed to nod. Sheera stepped out of the shadows; that explained who he called for. “Something is not right with Darren... he has not been himself... he flew into a rage at Aria earlier... then when we got here, exploded on Kayleb. Help me get him to the couch until we can find out what's going on.” JC said. Sheera nodded, and the pair moved Darren to the couch. As soon as they set him down though, Sheera locked Darren in place with shadow restraints, saying they would remain until he woke up.

“Something has gotten to him... this is not Darren. We owe it to him to find out what.” JC told Kayleb and Sheera. It was easy to be angry or offended, but if the person causing it was not actually responsible, then there was no right to be angry. Unfortunately, logic rarely applied to emotions. All JC could do was try to keep everyone levelheaded while they figured this out. “Kayleb, if you don't want to stay... I understand. I would appreciate it if you would though. You're good at observing people, I want to see if you see what I am seeing.” JC asked. His tone made it clear it was simply a request, not a command. Sheera seemed to be simply waiting, eyes not leaving Darren, and her mouth staying closed... this was normal for her though.

Darren finally stirred, and Sheera disappeared, taking the restraints with her. “Alright, take it easy. Darren, nothing happened between them. We need to find out what the hell is going on inside you that is doing this. Before you argue, know you owe it to us, we're your friends, so shut up if you're going to disagree.” he gestured to himself and Kayleb, his tone quite final. This stubbornness was born of concern, and hopefully Darren could realize that. “And don't forget you've attacked the people you care for. We are finding out what the hell is going on. What the hell the thing inside you is. I don't give a ******** how long this takes.”

He glanced over at Kayleb. “Now... I'm thinking Celeste will be the most help. She won't tell anyone else, and she can help find out what this is... what do you think?” JC asked Kayleb. The leader was concerned he would make bad calls because his best friend was involved, and so wanted Kayleb here to be his conscience. Kayleb was nice enough to choose the best route, but involved enough to hopefully be objective. Besides, they didn't have many options. JC wanted to keep this under wraps, so involving more people was something he wanted to avoid.

“If Celeste cannot, I would suggest Elani, Matt, or Perry next. Depends on where we go with this.” he added.

Dapper Shapeshifter

12,575 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Tycoon 200
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Kayleb was definitely not expecting Darren to react the way he had. Maybe a bit of confusion about Kayleb being there.. maybe some confusion about why he was wearing his old clothes.. but definitely not the explosive rage that burst from Darren at the mere sight of him in the room. Kayleb jerked back and away as the infuriated archer drunkenly leapt at him, screaming in a mad rage. In a blind panic Kayleb brought the communicator, which he thankfully had not left on the counter in the bathroom, up to his mouth and desperately cried out for Sheera into the small device.

Then suddenly, Darren was down on the ground. Kayleb stared at him with wide eyed fear as Darren started screaming at him that he was going to kill him. He tried to run away, but his legs refused to respond to any attempt he made to move them, which only made his panic worse. “What did I do? What did I do? What did I do??” He asked in a voiceless whisper, over and over again, until he finally realized Darren had gone quiet and there was someone else there. His vision shifted from the prone body of Darren to the familiar figure of JC. Relief started to try and push it’s way through the fear and panic when he realized JC was here and had apparently stopped Darren from killing him.

JC was speaking.. what’s he saying? He heard the last bit of JC asking about Aria, so Kayleb just kinda nodded, figuring he was asking if she was here and okay. Then Sheera arrived in a swirl of shadows and instantly her and JC went to work with moving Darren while JC explained what happened. Kayleb meanwhile, had remained for a few moments where he was before slowly moving down the hall and towards where JC and Sheera had taken Darren. He didn’t want to get too close, but he didn’t want to just be left alone in the bedroom.

He stared down at Darren, just as the other two were doing, and only looked away when JC asked him to stay, despite what had happened. Kayleb’s first instinct was to refuse, he really didn’t want to be anywhere near Darren in case he went crazy again when he woke up but despite everything, he was worried about what was going on. So he just gave JC a little nod, letting him know he would stay.

Eventually, Darren started to wake and Sheera immediately left while JC spoke to and tried to keep Darren calm. Fear gripped at Kaylebs heart but Darren didn’t explode in rage this time so that definitely helped him keep calm for the moment. Then, after speaking to Darren for a bit, JC started to consult Kayleb on how to proceed. Kayleb stared at him somewhat unbelievingly. JC was consulting him on such an important decision? Why? I’m nobody.. But still, he thought about it, and wanted to help as best he could. “Celeste is probably the best idea.. but Elani would be able to see if it’s some sort of… mind control or something.. but… I don’t know if she’ll.. keep it quiet.. I don’t know her that well..” Don’t know her at all more like. I don’t know anyone because I’m too broken to open up. “Matt and Perry should.. probably not get involved.. no need to worry the other teams until we know what’s up.. but that’s just my thoughts.. you really don’t have to.. you know.. listen.” He was clearly growing more and more uncomfortable as he spoke, until he finally just stopped speaking. He was now hugging himself in attempts to keep calm and collected.

Location:Aria and Darren’s place Thoughts: I’m nobody.. why are you asking me?

OoC: Sorry for this shite ;n; I tried

Lonely Spirit

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”Life is full of confusion. Confusion of love, passion, and romance. Confusion of family and friends. Confusion with life itself. What path we take, what turns we make. How we roll our dice.” Matthew Underwood
Location: City Streets

As Celeste mentioned how impressive the juggler had been, Katsumi began to start to think of ways he could impress her in the future. His need to impress Celeste dissipated. He already had her attention; already she seemed to have decided that he wasn’t as bad as his second impression had shown her. Everything was going quite well. Celeste noticed someone she knew and waved to them, shouting out a name and heading towards them.

Katsumi felt a cool breeze pick up. He turned to face the wind, smelling the salty air traveling from the Thames. It was refreshing in this crowd of bodies. Something then occurred to the Asian. He had felt such passion, love at first sight even, for the woman of light he had met the day before. As he got to know her, he found more and more how pure she was. She would forever travel in the path of light and look down upon the actions he had to take to truly fulfill his mission now and missions in the future.

The angel with Katsumi tonight was as far opposite of himself he could have found. That was the second time that he had thought of Celeste that way. He thought of her as an angel. Am I really only so interested in this woman because of how much I miss Angel? The realization slammed into Katsumi like a bus. All this time, this joy and happiness he had felt, Katsumi had been trying to fill the void left him by his lost love. Celeste was certainly beautiful; she was certainly a treasure to be fought for, but the lack of planning, the lack of forethought that Katsumi had shown regarding this woman was quite unlike him. He had fallen for this woman, but he knew nothing of her.

Katsumi noticed Celeste had found the friends she had recognized and was looking for him. He approached the trio and was introduced to Sarai and Will. Katsumi inattentively said hello to the pair, but the lights on the cybernetic snapped him out of his revere. The Asian looked at the costume in detail. It was put together so realistically. Katsumi stuck out his hand towards Will to shake hands saying, “I absolutely love your costume. It has such quality craftsmanship.” As Will took his hand, a surprising amount of force was put into the handshake. It wouldn’t have been a problem, but the pain from his earlier actions in the bathroom flared. Katsumi gritted his teeth through it, lightly shaking his hand when it was released.

Devoted Phantom


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Will applauded the juggler with the rest as the juggler's act concluded. His eyes followed him as the man slipped into the night. Those balls had been racing through the air, so quickly that even Will's modified brain couldn't track them. He glared after the man for a moment, fist clenching. Could he be a meta? One we don't know about...it's certainly possible.

Then he shook himself, shrugging off his suspicions. He was being silly, paranoid even. It was a gorgeous night. The crowd was smiling, he was smiling, Sarai was smiling--Sarai was smiling! His grin broadened. She deserves the happiness, he thought to himself.

He turned at the familiar peal of Celeste's voice. He turned with a grin to the embracing pair, and his smile broadened at her lack of recognition. "Yup," he laughed. "I'm in her somewhere. It's Sarai who made the costume, though." He turned to her, positively beaming. "All her idea." He spun once, moving in a slow circle to show her craftsmanship at all angles. "Pretty amazing, huh?"

Will looked Celeste's friend up and down before shaking his hand. "Pleasant to meet you, Katsumi. I'm Will. And...I'm a cyborg." He ended the sentence apologetically, noticing Katsumi wincing with a concerned grimace. "Don't know my own strength sometimes," he apologized. "Sorry."

LOCATION:the streets of London WITH:Sarai, Katsumi, Celeste THOUGHTS:This is nice. Very nice.




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J U N I O R xxx W H I T F I E L D


Jr quietly made his way to the hardest location next to the Dj booth; the first one was easier because well no one was really paying attention. He quietly looked around noticing another security guard close by looking at him, and another drunken man in a pharoh costume. 'Perfect' he thought to himself as he slipped out a marble from his pocket and rolling it under the drunkards foot causing him to stumble and spill his glass on a near by woman. The woman screamed causing the guard to pay attention to them to calm them down. Now was Jr's opportunity, as he placed the final potato gun and flipped the switch as a blue light shined bright at the back indicating it was synced.

As he turned around a bright light shown on him slightly blinding him, people near by him congratulated him. He'd tied for 2nd? He was stunned, his costume was alright but he seen my pretty awesome costumes. He nodded walking towards the stage but cause a sense of uneasyness as he came to a realization whom he had tied with. Surge.. He stood a slight distance from the maniac not making eye contact and quickly putting on a face that he was happy to not give it away, anyone who knew him clearly could tell his was uncomfortable, his nerve's slightly kicking in. He thanked the host for the prize as he clapped as Kayleb was announced the winner.

He was quickly reminded as a chilling familiar voice raised the hair on Jr's neck, the voice indicated that he had amazing friends. It didn't give him any ease that Surge had taken a liking to Elani either.. Jr knew full well what happens to things Surge wants but can't have. He glared at him brushing off the shoulder tap and continued off stage going separate ways from Surge and meeting back up with Amanda.

He had received the okay that the gun she was given was in place but told that the original guard she distracted was watching them, knowing full well he'd wait a bit.

"Thanks" as she congratulated him on coming in 2nd. It was clear to her he was uncomfortable with the situation but he didn't want to ruin anyones night and he still had a plan of his own. "So, let's give it a few and let the drunk people go wild before we perform the plan" he smiled while winking as he tried desperately to change his mood. Amanda wasn't buying his little fake smile or change in mood, but hopefully she wouldn't pry. After all he did promise her he'd tell her later and all. "So, let's see what we can do about making a little more noise." he said as he looked at the corner of his eye on the security guard who wasn't breaking eye contact with them. It couldn't have been that clear to the brute that they were up to no good. No matter, even if the guy confronted he knew that the machines would give him the exact amount of time to escape without any worry whats so ever. Turning his attention to Amanda while expressing his plan. "If we could speed up the process to take the attention on us, we could get this done. Any ideas?" he smiled.

"Located:PartyMood:Uneasy, and nervous. Thoughts:Out of all the costumes..



((OOC: Sorry it's late, New years and x-mas is a huge thing so it gets hard to get back into the groove of things smile I'm good now though!)

Fandom Trash

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                                              Celia was slightly relieved that Jack didn’t immediately lead them into the writhing mass of people. While she certainly didn’t mind dancing to some of the faster songs, her costume made it slightly impractical. Luckily, Celia had the foresight to see the problems that would have come with opting for the trailing skirt, and had forgone that particular detail of her costume. She could only imagine the fun it would have been to have something that was attached to her being trampled all night, getting it stuck in doors, tripping over it herself, plus other mishaps she was sure that she wouldn’t believe were physically possible until they happened to her.

                                              As they took their seats, Celia briefly made eye contact with the man dressed up as death, and couldn’t help but flinch slightly. His eyes reminded her of her former boss Mr. Bremen, warm on the surface, but darker than she cared to know below. Luckily, he seemed fully occupied with speaking to a young woman in a devil outfit that was racy (to say the least). Celia wasn’t quite sure what gave others the courage to dress like that in public, even if it was for only one night of the year. Jack ordered a beer for himself and a glass of wine for her. Celia still had a few reservations about drinking, but Jack promised to make sure she didn’t drink much (and by extension, cause a major problem for all the other party-goers).

                                              Celia was going to attempt to start a conversation with Jack while they waited for their drinks, but instead a woman who was more than a little tipsy (but not quite completely inebriated yet) came up to them. "Ohmygod you guys have the cutest couples costume I've ever seen!" she squealed, her eyes clearly having trouble focusing on them. There was a distinct wobble to her step, no surprise given her heels and state of her BAC. Celia flushed red at the comment; it wasn’t that she was embarrassed about being mistaken for Jack’s girlfriend, (actually, it was a really nice thought), it was something she was still working on. And now Jack was going to do laugh and wave her off, say something like “No, we’re only friends” but to her surprise Jack simply said thanks and steadied the woman before her friends came to collect her.

                                              Celia thought she saw something glint in Jack’s hands as he drew his hands back to himself, but she couldn’t be sure. She did have the feeling that the drunken woman (or perhaps one of her friends) was going to come to tomorrow, and be missing something of hers. Or maybe it was a trick of the light, a metallic costume shining at the right moment (and who knew how many reflective things there was in this room given the costumes). Celia couldn’t really hold it against Jack for doing his job, everyone had their own way of making money, and at least he wasn’t doing something that was really hurting anyone, she doubted that there was anyone in this place who’s lives would be ruined by a single item falling out of their life. Jack seemed to recognize a few people, his gaze occasionally wandering out to focus on seemingly random people. They sipped their respective drinks and chatted while the music played on, something foreign (still), pointing out particularly elaborate costumes, or ridiculous ones, or a mix of the two (a bedazzled banana), chatting, laughing, and in general enjoying the other’s company. The anxiety Celia had been feeling about coming to such a crowded place was melting away thanks to a particularly pale young man’s smile. Or maybe what little wine she had was starting to affect her already.

                                              Then a slower song (and in English this time) came on, and Jack stood up, extended his hand to hers, and asked her to dance with him. She wasn’t quite sure why that set her cheeks flaming (thankfully, not literally), maybe it was the look in his eye that said something more than friendship , or maybe it was the wine. Besides them, Death was being pulled (quite happily) onto the dance floor by his sultry Devil of a counterpart. Celia swallowed as she considered it. Take a chance and have a great time, with the possibility that she screwed up in front of him, or don’t take a chance and be a wet blanket? “Trust me.” Jack added. Those blue, blue eyes… How could she say no? Trusting him before had only proven to be a good decision (as far as she could tell right now anyway).

                                              Her warm hand reached out and placed itself into his cool one, a small bead of moisture hissing and disapaint into a miniscule spiral of steam as his hand enfolded hers. Jack led her to the dancefloor, even stooping a bit so she could place her hand on his shoulder without having to reach quite a much. Something inside of her melted a bit as they began to dance together, those blue, blue eyes indeed. She was dimly aware of a particularly dark couple slicing through the crowd in a seamlessly fluid dance, nary an inch of space between them. She was not however, aware of the looks she and Jack were currently attracting. They were like a pair of snowflakes that had drifted into a cloud of ash, the silvers, whites, and pale blues standing out in sharp contrast to those around them.

                                              Celia was smiling pleasantly, even if the song wasn't particularly one she would pick, there was no denying that she was enjoying herself. The vibrant red her face had faded to a rosy dusting on her cheeks, at least until Jack spoke up again. "Thank you for coming, Celia." Almost instantly, the faint pink flushed to a darker shade, although she was luckily spared the full-face of embarrassment that she had experienced earlier. Perhaps the wine really had done something to her, because without even a stutter, Celia smiled up at him, "Well thank you for inviting me Jack. Tonight's been wonderful." Or maybe it wasn't the wine, or really, anything more than because she felt comfortable with him now. Yes, he was dashingly handsome, deviously adorable in some cases, and a bit more mischievous than the other guys she had pursued in the past (all two of them), but he also the sweetest guy she had ever met, and without a doubt, she felt safe with him.

                                              The rest of the evening flew by in a blink of an eye, in dancing, talking, and yes, a bit more drinking, but it seemed only moments later that they were standing on the roof of her apartment building. She had no idea what time it was, and didn't care. The moon was glowing intensely, and despite the bright city lights that were determined to drown out the stars, they glittered above stubbornly. Celia fidgeted with her bag a bit. "So, I guess this is good night then Jack?" She smiled again at him, her face practically glowing with happiness from a very satisfying evening.

Location: At the Party

With: Jack, loads of other people


OOC: I derped a bit and his "submit" rather than "preview" while posting this. So there may be some stuff on the ed that's been edited a bit.

Coming up: this

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Eyes huge, so little left if something
Cracks and clues, he’s crazy as a straw
Why denied, does no one care or nothing
How, you ask, I ever last so long

Cause I, I went blind, a blinding riot
He’s regretting every word
Those empty lies
One more tonight, a blinding riot
As I summon every nerve

Thoughts: Seriously?!
Location: Halloween Party

Before Mokin could even set his hands on the booth, Geraldo approached him. He immediately began asking questions. Mokin simply grabbed at his ribs and winced in reply. The wince nearly turned into disbelief when Geraldo asked if he saw anything. He was currently blind and hadn't seen Geraldo turn his head to Katsumi. Mokin was just about to retort in annoyance. Then, Katsumi began spilling their story. His heart rate dropped back to normal, realizing that he had made a mistake. Once Kat walked away from the conversation, Mokin picked up where he had left off, "I don't have much information. All I know is; whoever it was, took out the guard in a near instant. I was shambling around, trying to escape for quite a while. I could hear the guard being tossed around. He couldn't even fight back, so why the attacker continued is puzzling. That's beside the point. After the attacker finished with the guard, he came after me. I tried to grab at him, attempting to pull off an article of clothing... anything to help identify him, but he was quick to dispose of me. I was thrown around so much, that I lost any semblance of direction. He just left me on the floor... didn't take my wallet... nothing. It was a while before the gentleman came for me. As far as I know, the guard is still in the bathroom. That's all I know... if you don't mind... I'd like to get back to work. I might have just been trashed, but I'm going to need the paycheck from this gig." he finished.

Jenny was quick to get things in motion to catch the fake lead without actually giving any orders. She was angry with him. It mattered not. Rotor hired him, not her. 'Be careful Mokin... Karma.' Mokin nearly sighed, but refrained, 'Yeah, it's a b***h. Doesn't your name mean Karma?' He could feel Karuma sizzling, 'Tell me you didn't just-' 'Yeah... I did.' 'Watch yourself, Mokin. You don't want to take your gifts for granted. You might just lose them.' 'You wouldn't-' 'I would.' Mokin silenced his mind, deciding to focus on the music. His hands moved over the booth. Wait... What the ********? Everything was dented. He could barely feel the braille. What happened? "Geraldo? What happened to my equipment?" A voice answered, "Geraldo is not here. He stepped away. I'm the manager." Mokin's face contorted, "Well, then maybe you can explain to me why my equipment feels less like my tech, and more like someone took a hammer to an over glorified boom box." He could hear the manager sigh, "Well... One of your songs drove the... owner," he began with the slightest bit of malice, "... to 'fix' the playlist. He isn't very tech savvy... if you know what I-" "I know what you mean. I can FEEL what you mean. Sonova..." Mokin stopped to take a couple of breaths as his fist clenched. He calmed himself and continued with a shaky tone, "What... song was it?" The manager was slow to reply, "Well... I don't really know what it was called..." Mokin was intent on finding out what kind of music in HIS playlist could possibly set someone to bash the hell out of his booth, "What... what did it sound like? Words, tune, anything will do. Sing it out loud if you have to." The manager seemed uncomfortable with the request, but began tapping his foot nervously, soon after, words were forced from his throat in a horrid, flat version of the song he was trying to imitate, "No I didn't pray to God,. No I never saw the light. No I didn't-" "Stop... just stop... Gareth Emery? Seriously? That's a song better suited for rave clubs. I would never play that in this kind of setting." The manager defended his point of view, "That is what played... Maybe, you accid-" Mokin was very swift in cutting the man off, even moving in the direction of his voice in a slightly threatening way, causing a sharp reminder that he had been injured, "I don't... accidently... do anything when it comes to my work. Someone must have tampered with my tech. Regardless, I will need to be reimbursed for the damage." The manager let him know that it wouldn't be an issue before walking away.

The hacker cracked his knuckles, sending a second reminder through his nerves. He really needed to think more about his physical actions after a fight like that. For ******** sake, he had punched a wall full force. What did he expect to happen when he decided to crack his knuckles? Hear joyful pops followed by a stream of relief? Of course not! Nothing but bloody pain. Bloody? 'You've been in London too long, Antonio.' 'I can tell. Just... let me know if anything interesting happens.' he finished, starting up his new playlist. This would hopefully get everyone back into the spirit of the party. 'I don't know if you're interested, but Sheera left with that other character.' Mokin perked up nearly instantly, 'You mean: is leaving with.' Karuma calmly replied, 'No. I mean left. As in... already gone.' 'You couldn't have bothered to let me know sooner?' 'You seemed... preoccupied. Besides, your sudden obsession is troubling. Try looking for someone with a little less... shadow.' 'That's pretty racist.' Mokin quipped. 'I'm an owl Antonio... I can't BE racist.' Well... that wasn't expected. He was thinking she would reply with something less... witty; something more along the lines of explaining that she was talking about Sheera's ability, but no. She straight up nailed his tongue to the floor with that. He had been served a mile high stack of defeat and he was going to have to eat it. 'That would be difficult.' 'What would?' 'Nothing. Forget I said anything.' Karuma was doing this an awful lot lately. Screw it. There was no reason to argue at the moment, so he would just focus on his music.

Lonely Spirit

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“It's a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.” Albert Camus

Location: One Aldwych/Roof of One Aldwych

Musical Inspiration 1 / Musical Inspiration 2

{G }eraldo had been shocked enough to see that Ongaku was missing his security guard and was hurt. When he heard what had happened from Oz and the DJ he was stunned. Geraldo had made sure to hire the best in security; the kind that were prepared to deal with just about anything. Geraldo made sure to let Oz know that for this Samaritan’s Act, he could call upon the new hotel owner for a favor in the future. As the Asian left, Geraldo tended to Ongaku. He offered to summon for medical attention, but the DJ declined, stating that he needed to finish the night. Geraldo offered to pay him in full either way, but the blind man insisted.

{I }t was then that Jenny spoke. She seemed to have undergone an instantaneous change in demeanor; she was all business as she grabbed a walkie and started to give off orders. After she had finished, the security guard stood, a dumb-founded look on his face. Geraldo rolled his eyes and said, ”You heard the woman. Get to it, and get Richard here immediately.” The guard seemed to come back to reality as he grabbed the walkie back and restated the orders in a more contextual way for those that didn’t know what was going on. Geraldo gave Jenny an apologetic look and was about to say something when Richard arrived in the flesh. The hotel manager asked, “Did you call for me?” Geraldo gave a gesture to Jenny to tell her it would just be a moment and said to Richard, his voice reverting to the undercurrent of sheer arrogance it usually held, ”Yes. I hope you heard what’s going on over the walkie. I need you to take over here and see to it that my prized DJ is taken care of. Give him whatever he needs and if he needs to quit due to his injuries than he still to be paid for the full night. I have other business to attend to.” Richard’s face hit the same expression as that of the guard earlier, “But, sir, the party isn’t over. You haven’t ever left a party before it finished shy of sudden serious illness.” Geraldo smiled at Jenny, his voice coming back to the more quiet intimate tone he felt so much more comfortable using around this most wonderful woman, ”I know. This time, I’ve found something more important.” With that said, Geraldo looped his arm with Jenny’s, pulling her close, and lead her to the elevator. They passed a security guard that shot Geraldo a wink and wished them a “good night.” Geraldo was about to fire the man on the spot, but decided that he would let it go tonight. It was a holiday and his night was going so well, what was one comment that didn’t belong in the work place?

{A }s the elevator rose, Geraldo could feel Jenny clench for a moment as it went higher and higher. This only caused him to smile more. It amused him that it seemed everyone thought the same thing was about to happen, but he had no intentions of the sort. He merely wanted to share something truly special with her. As the elevator opened to reveal the roof, he felt Jenny relax noticeably at first, but as Geraldo lead her to a part of the roof’s edge where the railing was distinctly missing, almost as though it had just disappeared, she could barely manage the word amazing. The lights and revelries were even more beautiful from this height, but even with the view before them, Geraldo had eyes only for Jenny. He noticed the wind pick up, and a shiver travelled up Jenny’s arm. He was sure it was the light material her costume was made of. He flipped his cloak off in a wide flourish, wrapping it around her shoulders in the same movement. He instantly felt the cold sting his mostly bare arms, but that didn’t matter as long as Jenny was kept warm.

{G}eraldo then sat on the edge of the room, his legs hanging over the side, and he patted the spot next to him. Jenny followed the signal and sat down, her hands on the rooftop a few inches from her to give her support. He couldn’t help but notice the distance between them was only a foot at most. He felt a yearning to be closer, but the worst part of his night was just to come. Geraldo cleared his throat and said, ”I hate to interrupt this wonderful evening with this, but I have to ask a few things before I can continue this evening. Would that be okay?” Jenny hesitantly asked what he wanted to know. He dove right into his first question, “Why were you in the Challenger’s interrogation room?” Jenny nodded as though she had expected this to come up at some point and answered that she had been doing business that opposed the Challenger’s agenda and she went with them to answer questions they had as a courtesy. Geraldo nodded, signifying that her answer was acceptable and then asked, ”What was it that Nox said to you that caused you to lose control like you did?” Jenny mentioned that Nox had mentioned something extremely personal about her past, and they both let it go at that. Finally, Geraldo asked, ”If I find out what you were doing for your employers, will I be required by the values I stand for to do something about it?” Jenny smiled at the strangely worded hypothetical question and replied that she didn’t think so and even mentioned working for the defense minister of England before. With that Geraldo smiled and looked out at brightly lit city, just enjoying how happy this moment was. Following an impulse, he slid his hand out, placing it on top of Jenny’s. When she didn’t pull back, his smile grew.

{F}rom the way that the music stopped downstairs, Geraldo assumed the party had ended and everyone had left. That didn’t matter to him though. He sat on his bed in his yellow and orange, silk pajamas. He loved the image of suns that decorated the most comfortable sleeping clothes a man could wish for. His thoughts were far from suns though; he couldn’t think of anything but Jenny. He thought about how they had sat on the roof enjoying being around each other for so long that both of them had lost track of time. Neither had stirred until the many lights in the streets had started to go dim. After that, Geraldo had walked Jenny to the elevator and to the doors, ignoring the few people left as the staff began the arduous task of cleaning up. Jenny had tried to give him his cloak back, but he insisted she take it with her so she could stay warm. She thanked him and started to head out, holding her hand out for a taxi. Geraldo chuckled at the idea of someone as elegant as Jenny riding in a taxi. He called one of his personal drivers over and asked him to make sure she made it home safe. She had even given the driver a note to give to him that included a p.o. box so they could mail each other. It had been a perfect evening.

{G }eraldo craved to talk about this most wonderful event, but Ben still hadn’t made it to London. Apparently his flight had been delayed due to a prank in Japan. Geraldo thought of someone who he hadn’t talked to in so long that deserved to hear this and grabbed the phone. He dialed an American phone number that he still had memorized after all these years, just in case an emergency came up. After only two rings, Jean’s voice came across saying, "Look who rose from the grave. To what do I owe the pleasure, my friend?” Geraldo immediately started in, ”Jean. I’ve met a woman. I didn’t think this was possible, but, I think I’m in love.”

Tegian's Wife

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Amanda Magnuson
Call me Merida today

When she congratulated him on second place, Jr said, "Thanks." He obviously seemed uncomfortable with the whole situation, which told Amanda that there was definitely something up between her teammate and the guy dressed as her teammate. She would ask him about it later, after they'd gone through with his little scheme here. "So, let's give it a few and let the drunk people go wild before we perform the plan," he winked and smiled, as though desperately trying to change his mood; being on stage with the guy dressed as Electro had really shaken her little friend up... And she wasn't buying his little fake smile in the least and she didn't buy his shift in mood either. But she wasn't going to pry; he'd already promised to tell her what was going on later. "So, let's see what we can do about making a little more noise," added Jr. He was watching the bouncer who was watching them out of the corner of his eye. In order for this little plot to succeed, they needed to do something about the bouncer. "If we could speed up the process to take the attention off us, we could get this done. Any ideas?" He smiled and Amanda smiled back. "Well... I have an idea. Stay here." She wormed her way into the crowd and found one of the drunkest females she could find, where she then corralled said female towards the bouncer, saying just how handsome that bouncer was and how he'd had his eyes on her all night but was too shy to say anything. The drunk female sucked this all in and as it appeared she was alone... Amanda milked it for all she could before pushing the drunk female into the bouncer and melting back into the crowd. About three seconds later... The bouncer and drunk woman were deep in conversation and practically drooling over each other. Mission accomplished. "Alright, that worked out better than I'd initially thought it would," said Amanda, reappearing next to Jr. "That should give us plenty of time to set off your little trick and get out before people connect us to it. Don't want to get arrested on Halloween night now do we?" It seemed that most of their teammates had left by now. Celeste had left with a little Asian guy dressed in a tux, Sheera had left with some creepy guy with intricate skeletal make-up on, and Kayleb left with Aria. Elani was sitting with the guy dressed as Electro and who knew where Tina had gotten to. Over all, it looked pretty clear to go ahead and set off his little trick. "The bouncer is distracted by a drunk chick who think she's in love with him and he won't be paying attention to us. And I think most of the team has left. So, whenever you're ready, go for it." They'd just need to bolt after it happened, before security got their wits about them.
Ooc: sorry for shite post
Silenced Nocturne

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