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This, my sisters, is our beloved home; our own little sanctuary, a place where we can just get away from it all. Our personal haven;User Image
Profile Skeleton: (you have to fill this out by the way)
Name: (full name, that includes middle, if you have one XD)
Age: (human and vampire)
Weight: (doesn't have to be your actual weight)
Appearance: (a pic of your character, can be anime or real, no pics of character and lover {that will be last}
Birthrate: (month year and day)
Sex: (you know, F or M because ur filling out 2 of them, one 4 ur character and one for ur character's lover)
Power: (mind reading, you know that kind of stuff XD)
Weapon: (you don't have to have one)
Accessories: (like any special things ur character wears that were given to them or whatever XD)
Personality: (must be in paragraph form, and you can't use "I am friendly" i think thats first person, and well thats not how the RP works XD its third person which i believe is "She/he is friendly" wink
History: (Like what was their life like before they were changed into a vampire. and how they were turned {as in what day, moth,year, place, time etc, if ur character killed someone close to them when the turned into a vamp, idk just give me a story XD, must be in 3rd person and in paragraph form})Also please include the person that turned your character into a vampire (you must make a full profile skeleton for them and any extra characters you wish to add in the RP)

Extra: (anything else you want to add, including pics of ur character and their lover, or pics of fav outfits {btw can't be to big, if they are I delete your profile skeleton and you have to rewrite it, I've already used up a hell of a lot of space for the house and what the inside looks like} a pic of your room would also suffice nicely.) also please include any extra characters you wish to have (like if you and a friend were doing a private RP and have like werewolf character in your RP, please add them, epically if they are a main character in the RP, like me and Rose do an RP and there is Wes, well I'm adding Wes in here XD)

1. Follow the Gaia TOS
2. Don't go against what I say, I put a lot of time and effort into this forum (even though it doesn't look like I did) What I say goes, if you can't accept that then you have to leave (even if you are an actual clan member)
3.No outside conversations are allowed in this forum you cant put parentheses around things either, Ex: (bla bla bla bla bla) <---- you can't do that and the ** is also not allowed -_-(it's just an example thats why it says bla bla bla, but you should have enough common sense to know that it means any kind of outside conversation like "How are you, whats up, im mad" that kind of thing. This is strictly RP only, if you have a question ask through a PM or on yahoo IM)
4. No god modding (for those of you who are not entirely sure what that is, it's constantly avoiding deadly attacks or saying "well I'm invincible" or some crap like that (if you really want to know what it is, get to know Michelle's boyfriend Cody in an RP he always god mods {if you don't want to get to know him, ask Sarah, she knows that he god mods XD so do I})
5. Swearing is allowed (but don't make it excessive {a.k.a don't make it excessive and use it every other word like I do when I'm pissed off XD})
6.Remember this is third person RP, not first person {A.K.A I sat down on the bench and waited}
7. You have to play your character and your character's lover (except me and Rose, we have an exception because of how we RP)and you must play as any other characters you have as well.
8.Don't write like a n00b (like how i have been writing in here using the words like this; "Ur" and "Pic" and all that text talk, this is a series RP and should be treated as such (also please make your spelling semi-efficient, if you miss spell gaia has a spell check XD so use it, I'm usually not one to be picky about this, but because I would like to save this as an actual story eventually I want the spell and grammar correct XD. Also if you accidentally spelt someone's name wrong or used the wrong name, and you've realized this after you've already posted a reply, please go back and edit the Post. Please use all grammar/punctuations, spaces, caps, and all of that good stuff about writing we learned in like second grade XD, correctly. if not, Ana and I will have to yell at you XD)
Update: I now have my computer back so the forum is now open again, we can start the RP up again if any of you guys want to.
Thank you

6,750 Points
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  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Person of Interest 200
When you first enter the house there is the entrance hall;User Image
Under the entrance hall a grand doorway, behind the grand doorway is a grand hallway;User Image
Which leads to the grand ball room;User Image

6,750 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Person of Interest 200
The garden is located in the back yard;
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6,750 Points
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The kitchen;User Image
and dining hall;User Image
are both on the left hand side of the entrance hall.

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  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Person of Interest 200
User ImageThe indoor pool is located on the first floor on the opposite side of the kitchen. The outdoor pool is in the back yard, before the entrance to the garden;User Image

6,750 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Person of Interest 200

Name: October Willow Cullen
Age: 17 human years, 154 vampire years
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 100 lbs
Appearance:User ImageUser Image
Birthrate: December 15th, 1855
Sex: Female
Power: can control/manipulate the shadows and darkness and fire.
Weapon(s):User Image
Accessories: black bat choker (in pic) black lip ring, ear piercings (three on each ear lobe then one on the right ear's cartilage) A lab created alexandrite (black) engagement/wedding ring (given to her by Skyler on her birthday)
Personality: October is a very caring, kindhearted person, but can sometimes be mean. She has a short temper and gets mad a lot. She can be very loud but also very quiet. She can sometimes be very immature about things. She can be very lazy and sometimes doesn't care about things. She is reckless a lot of the time. She is very adventurous and likes to explore places she has never been before.
History: October was turned into a vampire during her 17th birthday party by a man named Spencer. Three days after the transformation, October killed her best friend Rachel, who was walking in the forest when she was killed. October has two biological sisters; Aryna and Rose, who were also turned into vampires during her birthday party. The three of them traveled from town to town, looking for a place they could live without disturbing the balance of the town. Which eventually led them to live in the quaint, always cloudy/rainy, town of Dullsville. They lived there for a long time, then they met up with Lydia, Ellie, and Ana, who became part of their family and lived with them. A few years passed and they met the Cullen family (a family of 7 teenage boys around their age, and a mother). At first the two families didn't really like each other, but they eventually became friends and eventually became lovers .
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October's other ringsUser Image,User Image
October's lip ringsUser Image,User Image
October's wedding/engagement ring;User Image
October's necklace;User Image
October's bedroom;User Image
October's Wedding dress; User Image

6,750 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Person of Interest 200
Name: Skyler Kain Cullen
Age: 17 human years, 154 vampire years
Weight: 120 lbs
Appearance:User Image
Birth Date: April 20th, 1854
Sex: Male
Power: Can read minds
Weapon(s): User Image
Accessories: None
Personality: Skyler is a very caring person. He is very protective. Skyler doesn't get mad often, but when he does, its usually because something has happened to October or because someone pissed him off. He is a very laid back person, who hates drama. He is sweet and funny and kind. He has a very calm personality, but can sometimes be up tight about things. He also has a very adventurous personality.
History: Skyler was turned into a vampire by an unknown source. His mother (who was already a vampire) discovered this and moved the family out of town, that way he wouldn't kill anyone. He finally got used to animal blood, allowing them to move back into town. But his mother decided to leave the town for good. They traveled from town to town, living in each one for short periods of time. But since there wasn't a large animal population in any of the towns they stayed in, they had to continuously move. Eventually they moved into a town with a larger animal population and lived there for a long time. But once again, the animal population grew small so they had to move again, this time they moved to Dullsville, where they met the currie family (October and her sisters)who they became good friends and eventually started dating.
Extra: User Image (Skyler's hair looks like this when it's not spiked up)
Skyler's wedding/engagement ring;User Image

6,750 Points
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  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Person of Interest 200
Name: Samona (last name is unknown)
Age: 5 (human only)
Height: 3'2"
Weight: 45 lbs
Appearance:User Image
Birth Date: September 6th, 2003
Sex: female
Power: N/A
Weapon(s): N/A
Accessories: N/A
Personality: Samona is a very shy child. She doesn't really like to meet new people. However she can be very friendly as well, usually after she has decided weather or not the person she is meeting will hurt her or not. She is not a loud child at all, in fact she is very very quiet. She is almost always well behaved and always does as she is told. She is sometimes obnoxious and will sometimes misbehave but for the most part she is a perfect child.
History: ???
Extra: Samona's flower girl dress; User ImageSamona's doll (October bought it for her):User Image
Samona and Wes when Samona is little;User Image
Samona and Wes when Samona is a teenager; User Image
Samona as a teenager; User Image

Samona's promise ring (given to her by Wes on her 6th birthday): User Image

6,750 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Person of Interest 200
Name: Spencer Stringe
Age: 18 human years, ??? vampire years
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 115 lbs
Appearance: User Image
Birth Date: ???
Sex: male
Power: mind control
Weapon(s): N/A
Accessories: N/A
Personality: Spencer is very devious. He is a prankster and a joker. He never takes things seriously and is a smart alike. He likes to mess with people and make them mad. He is rude and impolite. He is not nice to anyone but his brother Milo and October. He takes every thing as a joke and doesn't care about anything but himself and what he wants. Though he can be a murderous monster most of the time, he is a lot less aggressive (or I suppose you could say, 'Nicer') then his brother.
History: Not much is known about Spencer, other then the fact that he is the one that turned October into a vampire.
Extra: N/A

Liberal Guildswoman

Name: Lydia Natalie (Konstantinova) Currie
Age: Human 16, vampire 196
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120
User Image
Birth date: March 19, 1812
Sex: female
Power: Lydia has the power to control earth and plants
Weapon: Lydia doesn't believe in violence, but she holds her father's revolver and a colt revolver she got in Paris.
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Accessories: next to her father's prized revolver, she holds her mother's prized possession, a locket that is always hanging from her neck. There are currently three charms with her locket on her necklace: a czar cross, sterling silver dice, and a silver jingle bell. On her left ring finger is a hope ring she acquired in a game of poker.
Personality: Lydia is often considered a hippie, mainly on the fact that she loves plants and animals and dresses often in bohemian clothing. To put it simply, she is an entertainer. She is friendly and often quite loud from her years as a former gypsy. Her temper is normally in check but once that line is crossed it's hard for her to keep it down. She enjoys telling wild stories and playing the violin she used in her 'glory days.' She rarely thinks and absolutely NEVER talks about her relationship prior to her coming to the United states.
History: Lydia was born in March of 1812. After the invasion of the French, Lydia's father left as a guerrilla fighter to defend his land from Napoleon's men. Three years later he left his wife and three-year-old daughter for a cabana on the Black Sea for reasons unknown to her mother. After her father left, her mother remarried and she gained seven more siblings by the time she was fifteen. Her mother died in childbirth shortly before Lydia left for Paris the next year. With her to Paris, she took her mother's necklace and money that she saved up over the years. Her trip was put on hold where she was turned in a tavern by an unknown vampire on the seventeenth of May 1828 in the city of Novorossiysk, the very city where her father left them for another woman. When she rose three days later, she killed her father thus taking his money and revolver with her as she continued her journey. A year after the death of her father she joined a gypsy caravan, which she later left in 1846 to work at a clothing factory. She worked there for another decade then switched back to living in caravans, switching every ten years until the Second World War. She and her caravan were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, a concentration camp in southern Poland. There she met and fell in love Alex who she turned in winter of 1944. Before the Americans happened upon the concentration camp, Lyd found out Alex's true reason to his turning and caused uproar within the camp thus planting him in the center of attention. She escaped Auschwitz-Birkenau and after the war, Lydia fled alone to the United States with a broken heart and anger toward humanity that dissipated once she landed in Dullsville where she met up with the Currie sisters and the Cullens and became a vegetarian vampire.
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Lyd's Room.
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Lyd's hope Ring
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Lydia's Locket
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Lyd's bell
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Lyd's Die
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Lyd's Cross
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Lyd's Engagement ring
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Lydia's Wedding Ring
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Lydia's Veil
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the train of Lydia's Wedding dress
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Lydia's Wedding Dress
Lydia and Braden
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Lydia Braden and Jazmine
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Lydia and Braden's honeymoon

Liberal Guildswoman

Name: Alex Czajkowski
Age: human 17, vampire 80
Height: 6'7"
Weight: Unknown
User Image
Birthrate: February 20th, 1928
Sex: Male
Power: controling weather
Weapon: unknown
Accessories: unknown
Personality: Alex isn't some one you would EVER want to meet. He is nice on the outside but once you get to know him you can see he only enjoys doing one thing. He enjoys manipulating people into doing what ever he asks them to do.
History: Alex was born on the 20th of February 1928. He is the oldest and only son to a Jewish Banker and housewife. From the early days he was pampered and treated far higher than his younger sisters mainly because he was the heir. In 1939 when Germany invaded his homeland of Poland, his family was separated and sent to various concentration camps throughout Poland. He and his father were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. He met Lydia after she alone exited one of the train cars unharmed. He became infected with chicken pox in the winter of 1944, which led to him getting turned by fellow inmate and former lover, Lydia. Before the Americans happened upon the concentration camp, Lyd found out his true reason and left him. He vowed his revenge on her and has been searching for her since he was released. His current whereabouts are unknown.
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Liberal Guildswoman

Name: Braden Green
Age: 17 years young
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 150
User Image
Birthrate: September 24, 1990
Sex: Male
Power: werewolf
Weapon: none
Accessories: checkered wristband, black glasses, lip ring
Personality: Braden is a friendly 'little' guy whose appearance shadows his actual personality. He is always with a large group but he normally carries a straight face, which makes him look down right scary. Under that ice cold shell is a small hyperactive pup.
History: With his father, mother and sister, Braden is in a family of four. Braden is the oldest of his siblings with his seven-year-old sister, Tracie, and the yet to be new enstallment to the family. (His mother is seven months pregnant with a baby girl) Braden is apart of the Dullsville wolf pack and is Wes's second cousin. He, like Wes, is close to the clan but he hides it from his family and the pack. He enjoys the company of the sisters, specifically Lyd who often refers to him as "little boy."
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Lydia and Braden
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Braden's wedding band
Name: Rose Amber Cullen
Age: 17 human years, 153 vampire years.
Height: 5’5
Weight: 105
Appearance:User Image
Birth date: November 1st, 1855
Sex: Female
Power: controls emotion
Weapons: none
Accessories: A diamond engagement ring (from William) A silver necklace with a ring on it, (former engagement ring of Christopher her deceased fiancé.)
Personality: Rose is very caring and lovable. She puts her family before herself. Rose can be very motherly, she speaks her mind, and tries to be as helpful as possible. Unfortunately she finds it hard to let go of her human past even after all these years and tends to dwell in the past. When she is needed to be she can be brave and strong.
History: Rose lived in a nice home with her mother and her three biological sisters, October and Aryna. On October’s 17th birthday vampires attacked and turned the three sisters. Rose was turned by Milo the brute one of the small clan. He caught her in the backyard just as she was walking out to find her sister. When Rose was first turned she lost control and killed her fiancé Christopher. However she managed to fall in love many years after the fact with William Cullen.
Extra: User Image Rose's room. She shares her room with William. User Image Rose's Wedding Dress.
Name: William Jaxon Cullen
Age: 18 human years 155 vampire years
Height: 6’6
Weight: 120 lbs
Appearance: User Image User Image
Birthdate: December 22, 1852
Sex: Male
Power: premonitions (seeing into the future)
Weapons: none
Accessories: Dark brown almost black leather jacket. When he goes out he wears leather gloves.
Personality: William is very loving, he is intelligent and loves to joke around. Sometimes he can be like on big and very old kid. He is protective of Rose and his new and old family. He is very understanding and patient.
History: He lived with his brothers and one day he was walking around in the city and was attacked and turned. Him and his brothers found the clan of sisters and he fell in love with Rose.
Extra: User Image
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