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Dangerous Gatekeeper

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~ Yana ~
"The Sand Devil"
Assassin of the Sezuki Clan

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
HP: 19/44
ATK: 3
DEF: 7
Location: Unknown
Special: Vanish
(When Yana rolls a critical defense, she may take the opportunity to escape from combat.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                She heard the voice of the elf's captors just up ahead in the dark halls where the assassin followed close behind, but just far back enough to stay out of sight. There had been many sharp turns and bends that it became difficult for her to keep track of which direction she was heading. She heard the voices enter one of the chambers around a bend, she pressed her back against the corner. Pulling her daggers out she held them close to her chest, she had to be ready for anything.

                                                It was then that she heard the unexpected shrieks emitting from the chamber further ahead. She held her breath as the sounds and shrieks continued for a moment followed by sudden bright flashes, then everything fell silent. She waited a moment longer expecting to see someone to step forth from the chamber. Not a single living being did so. She felt a slight sense of sweat run over her skin, but held her position. She dared not show fear, even by herself. Fear was the enemy and one should never submit to it if they where to survive.

                                                After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Yana dared to peek around the corner of the hall. She saw no one. Creeping like a cat towards the chamber door, her own blades where at ready. She did not know what to expect of what had become of Nym's captors. She stopped inches away from the entrance, holding her breath for a moment. She dared not to make another sound, and she did not wish for her own lungs to betray her. She closed her eyes working up the courage to continue on. She had made it this far, it was pointless to turn back now. What the flashing lights and the shrieks of the guards she could not make sense of any of it. There was only one way to find out what had happened, and that was to glimpse inside.

                                                Opening her eyes, her hidden face held a dead calm look. She spun around to stand before the door both arms raised ready for an attack of any sort. The very first thing she saw was laying on the floor before her, the pointed end of an arrow staring straight back at her eyes. Without further hesitation, her instincts kicked in and she dropped to the floor like a cat. Her left hand reached down to grab a throwing knife from her leg to put an end to the aggressor. However her hand fell still the moment her fingers brushed the hilt. For when she had dropped to the floor she saw the face of Nym hidden behind his bow.

                                                Eternal Aether


ζɸɾɗ Εϸɦɾɑɩɱ
Demon Lord of Thunder

75/90 HP

Location: New Veela
Party: Ara

User Image

                                              Ephraim went silent for a few moments, and the shadow began to wane. There was no falsehood in his voice. What he spoke was from whatever form of truth the demon lord had in his mind.

                                              “Life is precious, my sweet Ara. I am not too enthusiastic of ridding anyone of it. Though life is the only currency that this world accepts. For that reason.. There are those whom must die. There are those who will be sacrificed today, tomorrow, and for the rest of time. That cannot be prevented no matter what power I have.”

                                              “I will not kill the Necromancer though she is one that does not value life. She still has a part in this tale, and her role in it is beyond her understanding. Right now, she is dangerous outside these walls… She will throw her life away and play with those who should remain fallen. But within, she can become something much more. She can become something beautiful and strong. That is why I will not kill her, nor will we abandon her.”

                                              He stepped around and faced her directly. His serpentine eyes locked once more with her gaze, and his lips formed into a small, pitiful, smile.

                                              “My way is the lesser of all evils. Someday.. you will understand that.”

                                              He turned his back once more and began to step back into the shadows. Before his frame faded, he stopped suddenly as if waiting for her to follow. He turned his chine towards his shoulder and glanced back at her slowly.

                                              “Your friends… or so they call themselves… They speak to you as if they know what is best for you… But… they are not thinking about what you want. They disregard what you desire only because they are afraid and do not understand. The male… he told you to ask me if I would accept you regardless of form or shape.. Do you wish to ask me that now?”

                                              Starlight Flower

Nym Faelar
The Elven Spellsword
51/95 HP

〖Spellsword activated〗

Location: unknown
Party: Yana


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                                              The tension upon the bow’s twine tightened in anticipation. Nym’s sharp vision identified the target, but she responded just as quickly. The woman dropped just as Nym’s fingers flinched. Quickly, he adjusted his site and followed her before the two held their guards for what felt like several moments.

                                              The first sign of recognition came in the form of widened eyes. Nym took his eyes off the tip of his arrow and his head tilted slightly as if completely surprised to see the girl he met in the dungeon of Lord Ephraim’s flying kingdom. His lips parted now- his surprise transforming into something dumbfounded.


                                              He moved his bow aside and let down the arrow until it was no longer a threat to be shot.

                                              “You’re the.. Wait, why are you here? Did they get you too?”

                                              Nym rolloed out from under the table and leapt to his feet. He hobbled over to her with a slight limp and grimace before he grabbed Yana’s wrist without invitation. He hoisted her up to her feet and pulled her into the room before he took a peak outside the dark halls.

                                              “Oh, that’s just lovely…No wind… It is going to be difficult navigating this place.”

                                              The blonde elf turned to face Yana and he sighed while rubbing the back of his head. His eyes flashed as his mind worked to come up with what was sure to be another stupid idea- which reminded him that he needed to find Iseult. Nym blinked and moved his gaze to the Sezuki Assassin.

                                              “So.. you’re here. That means that you were someplace else before here, right? My friend knocked me upside my dome and I don’t remember how I got here. You didn’t happen to see my friend somewhere, did you? She’s about your height, blonde with a long braid. Wears armor with a dress- really she would stand out in a crowd. She has pretty steel blue eyes but they kind of turned into a golden yellow now. Has demonic marks and symbols on her body which are pretty cool looking I must admit, but I’m sure that’s not a good thing… anyways, I need to find her.”

                                              He started to run out the door suddenly before he stopped abruptly and run backwards back to Yana.

                                              “And sorry if Tidus did anything to you. He isn’t a bad guy. He just might be hungry or something. Anyways, stick with me and we’ll get out of here, promise!”

                                              Eternal Aether



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Ara felt a tightness in her chest that threatened to silence her. Her eyes followed the shadows as he spoke to her, not able to focus on one thing. The darkness was constantly moving. Even his voice echoed throughout the room making it difficult to pin point him. Finally, after a long speech, he stepped into the light. Her eyes focusing on him. Trying to read his expressions. He spoke of evils as if they could be measured on a scale.

It was what he said next that truly froze her. He had been watching her, this was obvious by his statement. He had been awake the entire time that she was in Teghelm? Had he witnessed her transformation? She felt her body tremble as she watched the back of him. Part of her did not want to ask the question for she feared what he might say.

“You've been watching me. Then why ask where i've been?" This was ridiculous. She felt like a child again. She inhaled deeply before speaking once more more. "Will you accept me even if I’m too weak and his blood takes over? Would you allow that kind of evil to run free or would you sacrifice me?”

Dangerous Gatekeeper

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~ Yana ~
"The Sand Devil"
Assassin of the Sezuki Clan

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
HP: 19/44
ATK: 3
DEF: 7
Special: Vanish
(When Yana rolls a critical defense, she may take the opportunity to escape from combat.)

Location: Unknown
Party: Nym
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                Nym questioned the assassin if she was also captured, however her only response was to shake her head back and forth. It was easy for her to sneak in and out alone, however with the noisy blond elf and his over the top flashy magic she was beginning to question herself on how to get him out of the temple with as little attention as possible.

                                                Her thoughts where quickly interrupted by his quick actions. Yana was slightly taken back by surprise when Nym grabbed hold of her wrist. She was becoming fairly familiar with his personality now so she did not pull away from his grasp. She watched in silence tho not by choice, as Nym peeked out the door. Listening to his words about attempting to save another, his descriptions of the one he spoke of sparked her memory from when she had first seen the blue leader. The woman he described she was able to recognize immediately, tho how this person was a friend of his was far beyond her. This was not the plan that Yana had in mind, nor did she think that anyone else would require escaping. Yana's only response to Nym was to nod her head to indicate that she was aware of whom the elf spoke of.

                                                Had anyone from her clan had known of her performance to helping strangers, she would have been executed without question. Or perhaps worse, banished. Her skin crawled at the thought of being banished by her own clan, she would have chosen death over such a humiliation. Isolation was one of her greatest fears, not from being separated from her family but to be rejected by them. Her sister of all people was...

                                                Yana closed her eyes and pushed the thoughts from her mind. She had to focus at the task she had created before her. And if she was to get them both out of this alive, she would need his absolute trust. Tapping his shoulder to get his attention, she pointed to the left hoping to translate that was the way she had come. If anything she felt the need to be the one to lead the way. She quickly stepped in front of Nym through the door also peering both ways. Then grabbing hold of Nym's hand she began to guide him down the hall from the direction they had come. Through the darkness of the halls she felt much safer, for she did not enjoy being seen in the light. However in enemy territory their situation was very dire, and any mistake could be their last.

                                                As they approached a second bend, Yana abruptly stopped dead in her tracks. She felt Nym bump in close behind her, however she raised her right hand for him to remain silent and her eyes darted around. Just behind them was a large "akuma" statue imbedded into the wall with a small empty space behind it. Without explaining, she grabbed Nym by the scarf and shoved the poor elf behind it with great difficulty. She cursed herself for not having a companion as small as she, but once he was in she quickly slipped in with him. Not wanting to risk anything further she threw her hand over his mouth and held her breath.

                                                Within seconds after being concealed a large brute of a beast stepped around the corner. The monster stood at least 10 feet tall with long ugly ears and teeth that protruded from his lower jaw. The pale skinned monster had long dirty hair that covered its hideous eyes and its knuckles almost scarped the floor as it walked. As it passed by them, the stench of its body reached their noises. Over its shoulder it carried a young white haired female elf that seemed to be unconscious. Yana closed her eyes briefly just waiting for the beast to pass and remain unnoticed.

                                                A few more moments passed before Yana dared a peek from their hidden sanctuary. The creature was further down the hall now with its back turned to them. Looking back at Nym she realized her hand still had a grip over Nym's mouth and quickly pulled away.

                                                Eternal Aether


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Andwyx Redswood

Location: Teghelm
Attk/Def: 4/2
HP: 59/59

The elf surprised Andwyx when she spoke. She had faded from his attention as she seemingly mulled. Perhaps her mind brooded over a personal tragedy, or maybe the battle . A person’s worries were not a stranger’s business and he respected the need for thought. But now, she stirred, like a dragon woken from slumber.

Andwyx admired her bluntness. To kill the demonic leaders and tear down their cities was not a new thought, but one he had cowardly avoided. If the greatest demons stood before him, what would his meagre axes do? How would he even find himself within reach of them? They were not like to accept his invite for a round of warm mead and roast lamb. These doubts had nagged him and restrained him, but her directness gave him confidence that he should and that he could.

So entranced by her words, he barely noticed her sifting through her damp clothes. She denied having the answers to scourging the demons, but she had given Andwyx direction. He would not idly wait for the demons to overwhelm his home and his people. A shield can protect, but the sword ends the fight. He would be that steel. Perhaps he would strike true, or perhaps he would fail, but at least his strike would put the demons on their heels so another could follow.

She would help from the ‘other side’. His thoughts fell from lofty ambitions to confusion. He cocked his head and squinted. “...other side?” he muttered vacuously.

The elf ignored his half-hearted question as she spilled her plan to the other woman. She was off to Veela. “...Veela?” he parroted as complete astonishment and confusion washed over him. He straightened up from his driftwood rest, but a blinding light filled the cave and he recoiled.

So many confusing thoughts pounded through his head. His blindness seemed to stretch time. He found the fire first, then Baek beside him. As he refocused, down returned to down and up returned to up. With a few more moments he saw the woman and the cave walls. But where the elf once stood, only sand remained. Lucy hopelessly sniffed the ground in circles. Finding no scent further in the cave, she stared back at Andwyx.

Andwyx turned to the stranger. His face wore shock, anger and fear all at once. Dropping his dagger, he slipped an axe from his holster. Cautiously he pointed it at her and demanded, “Who are you and who do you fight for?”.

Gracious Lunatic

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xHP 51/51
xAtk +3
xDef +1
xHeal +1

The Princess' devotion to remain in Teghelm and help out the people was admirable, and so, the Archangel could not deny her that request. He simply nodded, sheathing his sword as he took another look around the remains of the battle field. As his thoughts began to drift once again, the young woman made mention of a knight who would be willing to accompany them. A female, apparently strong and fearless. Raguiel figured that the more they had, the better. "So be it. I will go find this...knight you speak of. We shall leave by the time the first sun's rays light up the sky." The Archangel bowed gracefully, his wings ruffling slightly. "I shall see you in the morning." Without another word, he turned around, wondering slightly how the Heavens was he going to find Nimue.

The answer came in the form of a certain pull, a strong, holy magic that made him a bit uneasy. He moved about the battlefield, and back into the city until his search took him to a woman of golden armor and gold hair. She almost looked like an Angel, which made him quite curious. A regal air surrounded her. However, his weariness was starting to reach him. Being down in the Mortal World under the effect of the Demon King was having a much heavier effect on his body than he would have guessed. With a frown, the Archangel opened his wings and took off to the sky, landing gently on the roof of a building. He was tired, a feeling he had not felt in eons. Raguiel shook his head and sat down, his back against the chimney and he closed his eyes to rest.


The first rays of morning light was what shook the Archangel from his sleep. He groaned softly, rolling his shoulders and climbing to his feet. He stretched his wings and looked down at the city. It was strange. Sleep was something that was so strange to him. Never did Angels sleep. They were always watching, always searching. Perhaps the Mortal Realm was making him more human than he had anticipated. Not good. Raguiel jumped down from the building, landing nimbly on the ground before looking around. He opened the palm of his hand and an orb of blue light appeared. 'Lady Fiona. I will meet you at the town square so we may travel to Elderon. Is there any way you can find Lady Nimue?'

╰ ℓσcαтιση ╮
╰ ¢σмραηισηѕ ╮
No one
╰ fєєℓιηɢ ╮
╰ OOC ╮


Eloen of the Mists

Gracious Lunatic

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                                                                      Health 61/61
                                                                      Attack 4
                                                                      Defense 4
                                                                      Adept 4
                                                                      Magic 3

                                                        A somber air hung around the city of Rothenal as night fell. The knight and his companion had been scouting the skies, more of a way to spend time when sleep did not come. From above the trees they say Rowin cradling Auriel in his arms, walking slowly through the forest. Siegfried pat Horus on the neck and the gryphon tilted to the side, gliding to follow the swordsman. They did not intrude on the moment he shared with the beloved elf. Instead, the two landed on the path, with Siegfried remaining on the saddle as the beast sat down. Silence overtook the area around them, and all they could hear was the wind rustling through the leaves. The sound of bugs chirping broke through the night and with the harmony of the night, both Rider and beast fell to sleep.

                                                        The first rays of dawn barely broke through the trees, but Horus had shuffled under Siegfried to wake him up. The knight looked up to hear footsteps approaching and soon, Rowin exited from the trees. As he approached Siegfried, the knight flinched slightly, but the light touch surprised him. And confused. Rowin didn't seem so....passive-aggressive against him anymore. The swordsman ran past him and Horus quickly got to his feet, running towards behind him. The beast's speed made quick work of Rowin's and as he ran beside him, Siegfried managed to pull him onto the saddle. "We've got a strong pair of wings on this one. Distance is not going to be a problem." As if to prove his point, Horus screeched and flared open his wings, flapping several times before jumping and taking the air.

                                                        "Where to, Chief?"

Location: Rothenal, Castle Gates l Company: Rowin l Mood: Relaxed l Outrageously Orchestrated Coconuts:

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Gracious Lunatic

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        ☩ ☩ Aura Varantheon ☩ ☩

        HP 90/90
        Heal 10
        Magic 7
        Adept 6
        ~Location: Madora - Shipyard
        ~Company: Marco

        Heals cast/day: limit (1)

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                                                            "Indeed it is."

                                                            Aura crossed her arms and sighed softly, her eyes on the blueprints of the Lævateinn. A small smile ran on her lips as Marco excitedly thanked her for the opportunity and she nodded slowly before the engineer made his next inquiry. She was silent for several minutes, pondering his words before she turned around to look out the window. "I have two people in mind. Cain Nahagliiv. He is a mercenary known to have stood against Tiamat herself in more than one occasion. I believe he is more than capable to help you out in this mission. The second who will be part of this is Angrim, the son of a good friend of mine. He is a Dragon rider, so their travel will be made much easier..." Hopefully Salohknir could carry both Angrim and the large mercenary. Now, would two of them be enough? If she sent more people, they would have to take a boat. In that case, the quest for the Dragonstone would take much longer than she wanted it to. Aura turned to look at Marco. He was vital to the construction of the airships and the magical cannons, and yet, she wished for him to go. There were certain things on that blueprint that she doubted neither Angrim nor Cain would be able to read and might not bring enough Dragonstone back with them. The Stewardess bit the corner of her lip.

                                                            "One more thing....I would like you to go." Her voice was stern, almost as if it was a command more than a request. "You are the only one who can read those blue prints and are fit to go through with traveling to the Dark Water Cove. Its a risky and difficult thing to ask of you, but I fear that without your assistance, we might not be able to properly complete the Lævateinn cannons. I will arrange for a small group of soldiers to travel with you as well, for the sake of safety. You will be given a vessel that will allow you to travel quickly, though I estimate the travel will take you somewhere around three or four days, if you do not run into any complications. However, if you do not agree to go, I will find someone else to go in your stead and the mission shall proceed as planned. What say you?"

                                                            Dr Doomdagger

Gracious Lunatic

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◨◤ レ◊ς∆₮ⅰ◊иxx Moonstruck Pub, Madora ◢◧ space ◨◤ ς◊㎡ㄕ∆иㄚxx Alone ◢◧ space ◨◤ ㎡◊◊∂xx Tired ◢◧

                                                  User Image
                                                  xxHealth 81/81

                                                  xxAttack 7

                                                  xxDefense 7

                                                  xxx ⋮↱ Cain had sternly left the Moonstruck Pub after Tiamat and her red friend had come in. He wanted to avoid a fight, especially because Madora had enough things going on for him to be picking a fight with her. Besides, he was pretty sure the town's people would be pissed off, since the Dragoness had been a big help during the last Demon attack. Now was not the time to deal with her. The time would come. And it wasn't now. So instead, he had left, settled down in a smaller bar and topped off his night with several drinks. He was tired, mentally and physically. There was still so much to be done in Madora and everywhere else, given the impending doom that all of Arlen faced with the Demon King lurking around the corner. Who knows when he would attack next? The damned creature was unpredictable, just like whoever attacked several days before. His mind wandered off to the massive steel giants that had stood before the walls of Madora, threatening to crush the very city. Cain sighed heavily and shook his head. Sleep barely came that night.

                                                  When he finally rose from his sleep, the mercenary woke up groggy and a bit dizzy. Lack of food before drinking, probably. He dressed, put on his armor, sheathed his sword and walked out of his room. The Moonstruck Pub sounded like a good idea for breakfast. It was the only decent place to eat at anyway...

◨◤ ◊.◊.ς.xx Well, quite the terrible post but its out there. ◢◧

Gracious Lunatic

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        ℐʂȩuℓϯ Ѵɑɾɑȵϯɧȩѻȵ

        HP 87/87
        Attack 4
        Defense 6
        Magic 3
        ~Location: Temple of the Demon King
        ~Company: Nym

                                                  The parasite stared at the black dagger on the Demon King's clutch. For a minute, it simply stared, as if it was debating whether or not to take the weapon. But its loyalty towards the Dark One was what made it reach out and take it into its hand. The dagger was light, and the parasite used it to run it across its palm, breaking the glove and drawing red blood. It squeezed its hand over the weapon and dripped the blood onto the black blade. Then, it handed the weapon back to the Demon King with a nod. Before either could speak, however, another Demon showed up. A Demoness really, carrying a woman on her shoulder. Given the situation, the parasite decided to leave. "My Lord." It bowed to the Dark One and exited the room, shooting a dark glare at the Demoness before she left.

                                                  Now, the first thing that came to mind was to find where they had taken Nym. It wasn't sure whether it was its own desire or Iseult's but with nothing else to do for the moment, it began to walk towards the cells. It heard something that seemed to faze it and it flinched with a frown before drawing Dawn and holding it tightly in its hand. 'Nym....' Iseult's voice echoed in its mind and the parasite smirked as it continued to follow the noises before it died down. And then....more voices. The parasite gripped the sword tighter before it made its way almost running down the hall towards the cell and through the door...

                                                  To run right into Nym.

                                                  "You..." It gave him a hard shove and took a step back, pointing the black blade at him. "If you do not submit....my blade will not lay flat again..."

ζɸɾɗ Εϸɦɾɑɩɱ
Demon Lord of Thunder

75/90 HP

Location: New Veela
Party: Ara

User Image

                                              Ephraim paused for a moment. His frame appeared sharp in the shadow as if he it were moving around him. There was a slight chill- one that was similar to that of a damp cave. Yet the halls of the Airship were dry and steady with whatever light the demon lord had allowed to pass.

                                              The moments dragged on in silence until the tension built to a suffocating thickness. Ephraim finally turned completely to face Ara. His red serpentine eyes gazed past her unruly hair into the girl within.

                                              “You and I are alike… You ask questions that you already know the answer to.”

                                              He reached his hand out to her gently and turned his palm upward. His velvet fingers opened for her to hold as he watched her with a calmness uncommon to the dark chambers around them. We waited for her to move before his voice crawled all around them.

                                              “You wish to meet the Necromancer? You wish to free her? If that is your wish, I will oblige to it. Though I ask that you decide with caution. There are things that are very difficult to understand. And only few ever will. There is no right… There is no wrong.. Only decisions that we must all make. And with those choices come consequence- some greater than others.”

                                              Ephraim’s eyes flashed for a moment as the wisps cooed and swarmed behind Ara.

                                              “Are you willing to make those choices? If you are, then come with me..”

                                              Starlight Flower

Nym Faelar
The Elven Spellsword
51/95 HP

〖Spellsword activated〗

Location: unknown
Party: Yana


User Image

                                              Nym’s eyes scanned their proximity while his mind went feverish with so many bad ideas that it would have made Lord of Recklessness proud. Before he could do anything too crazy, he was suddenly towed away by Yana. He looked to her curiously, knowing full well that she was probably not about to speak any time soon. Unfortunately, Nym was not capable of doing such a thing.

                                              “Hey….! Where are we going..? Are you taking me to Issy? I don’t know if she’ll be all that happy to see us. In fact you might want to go ahead and get out of here while you still can. There should be an access to the roof or at least to the outlets around here. I’m begging to feel a circulation of air behind us so I’m sure you know what you’re doing. Not that I doubted you or anything. You see, I just wasn’t expecting to see you here…. Hey, do you ever miss talking? I mean… Sorry, that wasn’t a good question to ask. I’m actually a little nervouse right n-OOOW!!”

                                              He yelped inwardly as Yana suddenly began to stuff Nym into a space that he had no business fitting in. His joints popped and snapped and he hit the back of his head before he was successfully stowed behind the statue. Miraculously, he went silent for a moment as his long ears twitched.

                                              The large beast began to walk by. At first, Nym could only see the monstrosity of a creature. But as it progressed down the hall, he saw the white-haired elf that motionlessly lay over its shoulder.

                                              “W-we have to help! Hold on, hopefully that thing isn’t as big as it looks…”

                                              Nym squirmed his way back out of the space without hesitation- and perhaps to the chagrin of his assassin companion. Nym stumbled forward and quickly reassembled his bow before he drew an arrow. He aimed it directly at the back of the beast’s head, but in a quick flash, he was halted by Iseult’s blade.

                                              “WHOA whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, sharp knife!”

                                              He stretched his neck, trying to retreat from the blade without moving. His eyes moved slowly to Iseult before they widened. He let down his arrow and he lifted his hands.

                                              “I-Issy…! I was.. looking for you. Ha… But turns out, you found me instead, huh? You win?”

                                              Nym slowly shuffled his feet around, trying to keep her attention away from Yana who he assumed was still behind the statue. Hopefully this would give her a chance to run away. Nym took a deep breath, but did not look away from Iseult.

                                              “This isn’t a good place.. I need to get you out of here. I know you’re not acting like yourself. But please.. believe me, Issy. I’m going to get you out of here.”

                                              Eternal Aether



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Ara really didn't know the answers to her questions. She thought she knew but deep down there was so much uncertainty, even with her own identity, to truly have any sense of how she really felt. Her 'mother's eyes' watched the demon as he move about, speaking in riddles once again. She could feel her skin crawl with every syllable spoken.

"How will I ever understand if I do not see?" She asked looking down at his hand briefly before locking eyes with him. She wanted to see what lay behind his red serpent eyes. She wanted to know what darkness consumed the man that was once dearly loved by her mother. She wanted to understand and she wanted to understand by seeing.

"I want to see her. I want to see the necromancer." She said confidently. She tried desperately to conceal her nervous tone. She straightened her posture and inhaled deeply as if showing that she was ready to dive into the secrets hidden within the floating Veela fortress.

Gracious Lunatic

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╰ ѕтαтѕ ╮
56/65 45/53
Atk +7 Mag +6
Def +4 Adpt +3
xxxxxxxDef +1

~Valkyrie's Blessing~

Silmeria and Lenneth looked at each other, and then back at the blue-haired woman, as if her question had been more than obviously answered. "Uhm, yes. We are." It seemed like she was out of it, as if very distracted by something. However, upon mention of Liam, she looked past them, glaring in annoyance. The twins followed cue and turned as well, barely making out the Lord of Teghelm. "Oh, thank the Goddess..." Then, they turned back to the woman. "No, nothing like that. We're his personal guard. He managed to...slip past us during the battle of Teghelm, and we've been searching for him since. We do appreciate the help." Silmeria bowed and Lenneth smiled towards her. "Thank you, nice lady!" The twins turned and walked away.

"It's a good thing we found him so quickly..."

"I know! I'm surprised anyone saw him, as a matter of fact."

"Right? Hmm...oh...where did he go?"

".....Huh. He was just right there."

"Was he? Aww, geez. Mmm..."

"Oh, here he is. Hi Liam!"

As a matter of fact, the twins had walked past him a couple times and had finally stopped to stand basically right next to him without noticing. "Jackleen, its good to see you as well." Silmeria bowed slightly, followed by Lenneth before they both turned to Liam, their arms crossed over their chests and an expression of slight annoyance upon their features. "What were you thinking?!" Their voices chimed in chorus as they glared at him. "You can't just run off like that without telling anyone." "Yeah, we were worried sick! You're important to Teghelm, especially since the Headmaster has been ta- Ow!" Lenneth turned to Silmeria, who had stepped on her foot. She shook her head at the mage, the latter frowning. "Look, Lord Liam, you can't just wander off. These are dangerous times and things can go from mellow to chaotic in a matter of minutes. We can't have you risking your life like this." Having vented, the twins both sighed and relaxed.

"What are you even doing here?"

╰ ℓσcαтιση ╮
Port Iteon, Tavern
╰ ¢σмραηισηѕ ╮
Liam and Jackleen
╰ fєєℓιηɢ ╮
Relatively frustrated A bit more relaxed
╰ OOC ╮

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