
Hello people who visit this profile!I love POWERPUFF GIRLS I have the whole theme song memorized by heart!! my fave is Bubbles she's the joy and the laughter and so cute and little i would call them chibi but then i found out that it meant small in Japanese but they're still AWESOME!!!I like most animals in the world especially pandas, linx kangaroos, kittens and bunnies!

Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi is a great show also it rocks idont no why i do i just think its so cool its based on two real people from Japan who sing songs.YAY!!!

OMG Hamtaro is a frikin awesome show it was on a long time ago and its crazy i remember so much about it it is SO SO SO SO SO COOL i know the theme song just like i do for the powerpuff girls but the PowerPuff Girls arent important in this paragraph any way oh yeah Hamtaro is SO cool i mean hamsters with wacky cool crazy adventures and as an anime!Really COOL!i love penelope and panda they are so cool great great hamsters OOKWEE if youre wondering what that is its the sound penelope makes, so awesome!now hamsters are so cool and my favorite animals next to pandas and red pandas red pandas especially now i want to get a hamster and name it penelope i like panda but that would kinda be a weird name for a REAL hamster but i still love love love love love love the show! HAMTARO

Its Hamtaro time kushi kushi ticky ticky WHOO!
Hamtaro! when we work together its much better
My best! friend, we like sunflower seeds krhmp krhmp krhmp
My ham-ham! if she heads for trouble we wont let her
Hamtaro! little hamsters big adventures!

Laura's gone to school lets go to our ham-ham clubhouse
We can fix their troubles just be quiet as a mouse
Watch out for those cats you know their smarter than you think
But if we work together we can make their plan sink WHOO!

Hamtaro! Snoozer, Howdy, Penelope, Panda
My best friend! Oxnard, Bijou, Cappy, Maxwell
My ham-ham! Dexter, Boss, Pashmina, Jingle
Hamtaro! little hamsters big adventures!

'scuse me while work out gotta run on wheel WHOO!

Hamtaro! Hamtaro's here to help you
Hamtaro! Hamtaros team is for you!

dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun,


PowerPuff PowerPuff

Blossom, commander and the leader
Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter
Buttercup, she is the toughest fighter
PowerPuff save the day!

Fighting crime trying to save the world here they come just in time
The PowerPuff Girls

Fighting crime trying to save the world here they come just in time
The PowerPuff Girls

Oh-No, it is the mad Fuzzy Lumpkinz
Watch out, for the repulsive Roach Coach
Get him evil Mojo Jojo, we're chasing evil out of this town!

Fighting crime trying to save the world here they come just in time
The PowerPuff Girls

Fighting crime trying to save the world here they come just in time
The PowerPuff Girls

( 12 or 24 second break )

and they'll be
Fighting crime trying to save the world here they come just in time
The PowerPuff Girls

na na na na na na now!