
zermeowmeow's avatar

Birthday: 01/01


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sparkyb1 Report | 01/06/2013 10:21 pm
.......Why do I always miss your birthday.......? emo
Regardless of whether or not you use this account, I shall say it - belated or not! emotion_donotwant

Happy Birthday ~^-^~
sparkyb1 Report | 01/05/2012 3:12 pm
Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.
I missed saying Happy Birthday....... O_O
I am SO sorry!!!!!
sparkyb1 Report | 01/01/2011 9:14 pm
Both Happy Birthday and Happy New year, hon [= (wow this was slightly late, sorry!!! xP just got online)
sparkyb1 Report | 10/27/2010 4:19 pm
i never know when Rave and Kai will get online and post so i could/can post myself, but i can send you a PM with it right now if you want sweatdrop
ooooh. wow. that was waaay off!!
sparkyb1 Report | 10/27/2010 4:11 am
just the next post im gonna post for Amber^^
it's possible that if i wrote the entire thing out in RL, that it could easily be 4 pages... sweatdrop
but i write big so that's not accurate ><
and i dont even know the word you mean lol xDx
sparkyb1 Report | 10/26/2010 5:50 pm
aww that sounds completely suckish!! xPP
that was me when it was changing from summer to fall a few weeks ago xP ><
*hands you tissues and Nyquil* the Dayquil is like a liquid cough drop x_x
and last night/ a bit earlier today i found out what happens when im given time, imagination, and im doing something out of sheer boredom and impatient-ness sweatdrop
sparkyb1 Report | 10/25/2010 6:07 pm
oh i love dance, actually! xDDD
in fact this was the best class ive ever had!!
i'm just always hesitant to go sweatdrop
it out of my element and im the oldest(and largest/roundest, for one) and its *gasp* exercise!!! xD
gonna make some bare minerals out of it?^^
sparkyb1 Report | 10/25/2010 12:55 pm
yay arigoto!! <3 4laugh
i have natural blonde streaks because of my mom xD (no offense to blonds but everyone knows what you mean when you talk about that hair color^^)
it depends on the math problem with me. ive actually been struggling lately!(mama said that in 4th grade they had put me in algebra or pre algebra)
life problems.. it depends on the life problem for me. i myself have needed a fair amount of advice on things, though people have come to me with problems before. i somehow seem to...comfort them.
i try to help others out while i brush off my own life problems, ive noticed.
it could be good to be able to put on a mask at will, since that sounds like what youve done, to me
just got back from school and it rained today. got to school late so i print out my poetry project or get it ready to print out! xP
luckily, it was a library day where we were working on our sources for the essay we're gonna write, so i lucked out
and i 'stole' printing paper from one of my teachers so i can type it up here! xD
bad news is that ive got dance today and a crap-load of math. again
sparkyb1 Report | 10/24/2010 10:21 pm
or barking at the boogers he sees through the fence from time to time!^^

and pshwaw!! like im smarter than you!! rolleyes
hon, i only know that because i wouldve failed the test if i didnt!
you're LOADS smarter than me!! xd
especially when i feel all noobish by adding so many faces!! blaugh =^.^=
sparkyb1 Report | 10/24/2010 10:12 pm
actually assonance is words have the same vowel sounds with different consonance
its an almost rhyme in poems that people supposedly allow xD
like mat and mad
(and consonance is the opposite of assonance. meaning it's be met and mat)
but i found consonance so im good and your services are no longer needed! sweatdrop heart

wow my big dog was just growling and half barking in his sleep...(random!)
ok he's back to snoring he's good =^.^=

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