Oh boy, it seemed like time to update this "About me" section. I think the other one was from two years ago or so...Except I still don't really have anything to say, which is horrendously sad.
Well let's see, I recently earned my BA in Classics (Ancient Greek and Roman Civ., for those who don't know) and now have the arduous task of trying to figure out what to do with it. .
I attempt to live a literate lifestyle (although you may have noticed I'm slightly addicted to brackets).
I enjoy playing racquetball, but... my version. Hit the light = 50 points.
I'm Canadian, and wouldn't have it any other way. I have traveled to a couple other countries, and actually got the opportunity to live in Wales for a while. That was fun.
Anyways, I think that's enough. I still would like to thank SON ZACK for the massive donations he has given me in the past. They're still loved, still used regularly, and will never be sold (in case you worried about that).
Thanks for visiting my profile.
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* w*
I haven't even made 50 of each yet and i have been on here since it started. I guess the topic i made has been taking up all of my time.
I guess i can leave it alone for now until i get everything.
He should update his stuff then or ask around to see what everyone else gets the items at.
Aw, the bats D: That is one way to put it.
I'm working on getting the items, to get them all you need 500 Heals & Attacks. =/ Then 1000 for the achievement.
Have you seen this yet? ^,...,^
It's got to be something that is for sure, I never stay on any sites for as long as i have this one.
Well except one MMO i am playing I've been on it going on two years.