Summer Time Love - EXILE

Aenakutemo - Nishino Kana

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Name: Shizuka
Age: 14
Birthday: 3/22/95
Star Sign: Aries
Birthplace: LA, California
Region: Japan
Height: 154cm (5'1)
Weight: 39kg (81lbs.)
Family: Dad(51), Mom(52), Brother(17), Sister(26)
Favorite Guy Singer: EXILE (Japanese group)
Favorite Girl Singer: JUJU, YUI, Nishino Kana
I need friends so please add me!!!!!!!!!!!!! (O.O)/


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Evevie Report | 10/02/2009 2:16 am
hey! remember moi? you helped me on the japanese translation post thingy :3
just wanted to say, you forgot to put your blood type in your bio up there ^^
Kiyori Mikura Report | 09/14/2009 8:58 pm
Kiyori Mikura
"It's all right; for your lover has come home. By your side I'll always stay; never have to be alone ~ !

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Kiyori Mikura
The Solicitous Maiden

Lol! xDD Haha, yeah :3.
Thank you ^ ^. Same here 8D

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Never have to be alone ~ ! Pretty green eyes, so full of wonder and despair; its all right to cry, for I'll be there to wipe your tears"

♫ "Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window; I'll be the one waiting even when it's cold...
I can't help it if you look like an angel
can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
come feel this magic~ I've been feeling since I met you
can't help it if there's no one else
I can't help myself" ♫

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my_sweet_ohime-sama Report | 09/06/2009 3:49 pm

I like her Rolling Star, Life and Goodbye Days most especially. ^_^
Kiyori Mikura Report | 09/06/2009 10:56 am
Kiyori Mikura
"It's all right; for your lover has come home. By your side I'll always stay; never have to be alone ~ !

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Kiyori Mikura
The Solicitous Maiden

OC stands for Original Character. That's all I know. Just a character you, yourself, make up who's not an invincible and boring Mary Sue.
No, you're not stupid. You just lack knowledge on these sort of things. I do too. I have no clue what 'canon' means ; ~ ;. I wish I knew; I wish there was a dictionary for these terms = =;

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User Image User Image User Image

Never have to be alone ~ ! Pretty green eyes, so full of wonder and despair; its all right to cry, for I'll be there to wipe your tears"

♫ "Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window; I'll be the one waiting even when it's cold...
I can't help it if you look like an angel
can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
come feel this magic~ I've been feeling since I met you
can't help it if there's no one else
I can't help myself" ♫

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Kiyori Mikura Report | 09/05/2009 8:07 pm
Kiyori Mikura
-smiles- Yeah ^ ^
I love Summer Song <33 o u o
That's the first and only song I've heard of them xD. I'd like to hear more songs from them Cx d.
Thanks ^ ^. It's all lovey, but it's kind of messy ; ^ ;' > <;. Yeah :3. My OC's eyes are purple o u o d.
Kiyori Mikura Report | 09/05/2009 4:03 pm
Kiyori Mikura
Ara? Oh, arigato gozaimasu, kind miss ^ u ^=. I love J-Pop as well; it's my music genre preference o u o d. When I came to your profile, "Life" by Yui was playing and I was thinking 'This sounds familiar' and scrambled to find the video or playlist on your profile xD.
hwan tae kyung Report | 09/05/2009 12:06 am
hwan tae kyung
Thank you!
you're so kind ^^
YoshiokaYui Report | 09/04/2009 7:01 pm
lol TTYYY!!! XD!
my_sweet_ohime-sama Report | 09/03/2009 9:30 pm
Thank you for the comment!! Your profile is nice too.

I like anything Japanese like you do.

Wanna be friends?? ^_^
Panda_North Report | 08/26/2009 8:21 pm
Thanks, I like your profile and avitar too~
Wanna be friends? ;O

CD's that I have biggrin
