
Yukario's avatar

Last Login: 06/11/2012 7:53 pm

Registered: 03/07/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 04/18/1991


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Gaia Name: Yukario
Name: Yukari Seirymu (u-KA-ree see-RYE-moo)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 183 lbs.
Capabilities: Enchaned strength and agility, heightened senses due to expertise in martial arts, can endure normally fatal hits.
Weapons: None mostly (but is decent with swordplay)
Abilities: Expertise in martial arts, absorbing light to ampifly aura.
Personality: Yukario isn't much of a social butterfly, but will help those who are in trouble. He tends to get into the action without thinking of a plan, as he prefers to wing it. He is down-to-earth and stubborn, insuring that he isn't easily fooled. He's not much of a talker and prefers hand-to-hand combat over weapons.
Appearance: Dark tan skin, black hair and eyes, has a male swimmer's build, and wears black, grey, and/or blue clothes.
Bio: A denizen from the small island Maorn, Yukario is one of the toughest warriors in Fanastyland (if not THE toughest). It all started when the evil, immortal dragon Blackon kidnapped a fellow Maorn denizen and took her to Nitemare Island. However, Yukario decided to rescue her, so he went into a hidden cove and received Blackon's rival Flashon's power. Since then, he's been traveling all over Fanastyland, learning new powers and cleansing the land of Blackon's evil knights. After rescuing the girl, Blackon and Yukario developed an archrivary, their powers evenly matched. To this day, Yukario resumes to fight off the forces of evil.
Fun Facts:
1. Yukari tends to pronounce Princess Tizuki's name with an "o" suffix. In Japanese, the "o" suffix refers to honor.
2. Yukari hides a rather surprising secret in his home. No one, however, seems to be brave enough to find out what the secret is.
3. He has no weaknesses or resistances against any magic.
4. His design is indeed heavily based on the Pokemon Lucario. That said, he hates being mistaken for one.

B3 Opinions

I suppose it would be fitting to put here what I think of other B3ers.

Princess Tizuki: Lovely, elegant, and cheerful. Really, she is just amazing, you know? While some people don't think highly of her, I say that those people have no honor at all. (Sorry if I sound a bit like a butt-kisser, but that's my opinion and I'm sticking with it.)

K the Warrior: He's a good man. Like, he does say things even I find funny, you know? A few people say that I am like K in some ways.

Princess Angelishia: I admit, she is cute for a vampire. A bit on the eccerntic side at times, but she is kind. I'm a little peeved that she still thinks Princess Tizuki sent me to kill her. IT WAS A MISUNDERSTANDING ON MY PART!!! But you know...


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View All Comments

Sakurashoujo Report | 01/13/2012 1:07 pm
Hey,Yukario. How was your new years and what was your new year's resolution? I just spend my New Years at Mr. Cruiz's house.
Sakurashoujo Report | 12/14/2011 7:09 pm
Hey, Yukario!
Sakurashoujo Report | 12/03/2011 10:53 pm
What are you going to do for Christmas?
Sakurashoujo Report | 12/03/2011 8:25 pm
How are you doing today?
Sakurashoujo Report | 12/03/2011 4:59 pm
Princess Tizuki` Report | 02/06/2011 7:23 am
Princess Tizuki`
That's alright. I understand that people have lives in the real world, too. ^ ^

P.S. You don't have to apologize to me just because you can't get online. neutral
_xcarletx_ Report | 12/16/2010 8:45 pm
wow! thanks for the gift! whee
OhShxt Naenae Cold Report | 08/20/2010 3:45 pm
OhShxt Naenae Cold
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starnguyen Report | 08/20/2010 3:08 pm
thank you for your gift
Sakurashoujo Report | 04/18/2010 8:44 pm
Hey,Yukario.Did you the present that I sent you?

Flash Abilities

Flash Punch: Light-blue energy is gathered into a fist, then released as a powerful punch.
Flash Phoenix: Energy surrounds Yukari, forms a majestic bird, and dashes at foe.
Flash Bomb: A small ball of energy is tossed at foe, blinding it.
Flash Combat: Energy is formed into a sword and used for swordplay.
Flash Missile: Oval-shaped balls of energy target foe without fail.
Flash Outburst: Yukari turns into a bomb of energy and explodes, destroying any foes. Yukario takes serious damage from this as well.
Flash Heal: Yukari sits down and uses energy to slowly heal wounds.
Flash Quake: Yukari performs a Flash Punch into the ground, sending out a powerful shockwave.
Flash Counter: Yukari just stands in position, with hands glowing faintly with energy, and when enemy attacks, Yukari counters with a glowing palm punch.
Flash Cut: Yukari swings arm in an arc, sending out a wave of energy at enemy. (Can be done vertically or horizonally)
Flash Cyclone: Lighting up hands with energy, Yukari spins at a breakneck speed, creating a powerful tornado.
Flash Kick: Yukario leaps at the target and performs a energy-powered jump kick at target. Great for finishing off bigger foes.
Flash Sleuth: Energy lights up Yukari's eyes, allowing him to read minds.

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Strike not with force, but with heart.

Even against the strongest winds, the mountain still stands.

Arrogance is a weapon that destroys the wielder.