
Yukakemori's avatar

Last Login: 07/29/2006 2:46 pm

Registered: 07/14/2006

Gender: Male


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being unleashed [2:48 AM]: He stood up and would wipe the tears away from his brightly peached skin. "I'm sorry angel... its just not meant to be I guess... you shouldn't have done what you done. We would still be together if you haven't had -pause.- CHEATED ON ME WITH THAT TWINKIE! he pointed down to the wrapper that had the label "Twinkie" on it. Yukakemori would burst out in tears again.
MedievalNeko [2:58 AM]: "No. . .I didn't mean to! The goodness. . .It felt heavenly. . ." Standing up, Angel ran towards Yukakemori hugging him from behind. As she buried her face in his back, his shirt became damp from her tears that the cotton material absorbed. "Please. . .It was one night. . .It meant nothing! You're the only one that can make me happy. . .Yukakemori. . .Please, find forgiveness in me. . .I-. . .I need you!" Holding him tighter, she began to cry even harder now.
being unleashed [3:01 AM]: Yakukemori was touched by an angel. He would then smile and turn around to hug angel. "You will always be forgiven... tell me how did the creame filling taste?" he wiped the tears from his face and waited on a answer.
MedievalNeko [3:10 AM]: As a faint smile came across her face, she returned his hug. "Oh, Yakukemori!" Looking up at him, Angel cleared her throat out, "Quite tasty and sweet. . .But not quite as your kisses are!" Sighing, she continued to hold on to the man that forgave her from the sin that she had done. The pain that she felt deep within her heart had now slowly faded away.
being unleashed [3:13 AM]: He would lean in to kiss her on the lips. "Oh angel it wasn't that bad .. I mean... it was only a yellow debbie with creame filling." he laughed some. "Zebra cakes are much better." he said.
MedievalNeko [3:19 AM]: Pulling away from him, her eyes became cold. Angel gave Yakukemori a glare that cold melt steel. You could almost see the fiery embers of hatred in her eyes. "Wh-. . .What are you saying?! "Backing away slowly, she found back pressed against the wall. Lightly shaking her head, tears began to build up in the females eyes, "You didn't!" She shoted shaking her head from side to side violently now.
being unleashed [3:21 AM]: "I'm afraid I did..." he turned his back towards her. "You see I already knew about your affair with the twinkie so I thought i would get my anger all out on this zebra cake. I'm sorry my dear." he would walk up to her and pin her against the wall for a kiss.
MedievalNeko [3:29 AM]: "No!" She squirmed around to try and break free from his grip. "Let go of me Yakukemori! Why did you not confront me about this sooner besides doing what I did! Two wrongs do not make a right!" She was too weak against his brute strength. Giving up, her body felt weak, "Y-Yakukemori. . .Why?" Her head hung low, she was so disgusted that she could not bare to even look at him.
being unleashed [3:33 AM]: "Relax Angel it isn't what you think. I was just helping her with a problem... nothing sexual happened my dear." he lifted her head and would brush his lips gently against hers. "I swear. She was having problems with her husband... you know brownie? yeah he's the husband of zebra cakes,."
MedievalNeko [3:40 AM]: Sighing, she lightly shook her head, "How can I believe what you say is true?" Making eye contact with him, her pearl grey eyes slowly roamed elsewhere. "It seems that neither of us are faithful to one another. . .Maybe. . .It was just never meant to be!" Mustering up the strength to push Yakukemori away from her. Running out of the living room, she quickly ran into her slamming the door shut. Falling onto the bed, she buried her face into the pillows screaming and crying.
being unleashed [3:44 AM]: Yukakemori would shrug watching her leave with tears filling her eyes. He would then pull out a zebra cake and gently would bit into it. "I'M THE BEST THING YOU GOT!" he said with his mouthful. "Oh god.. your so...good." he moaned as he took another bite of the zebra cake. "Mr.Brownie is going to be mad! yes he is!" he would tickle the cake.
MedievalNeko [3:50 AM]: With her face bright red from crying, she gain a major headache along with a soar throat. Swallowing the spit that began to build up in her mouth, she sat up turning the pillow over to the other side. Trying to stop herself from wasting anymore tears, she tried to take her mind off of it. But, Angel had failed in this task. "Yukakemori, I hate you! I hope you choke on that Zebra Cake!" She shouted at the top of her lungs before she began to cough.
being unleashed [3:52 AM]: A piece of zebra cake would travel through the wrong place and Yukakemori would begin to choke on the zebra cake. "AHHH." he gasped as he turned red he would fall to the ground, not breathing or anything.


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Niskey Report | 07/21/2006 5:46 am
I just thought I would give you a comment since I haven't in a while. . .But yeah. . .-Blinks- BUH-BYES! ^^
Niskey Report | 07/18/2006 6:33 am
Technically. . .I'm not like other girls. . . .So I've been told. . .And I agree one hundred percent about it as well. As Miranda would call me. . .I'm. . ."Perfect." Now. . .When she said that to me. . .I thought I was gonna die because I spazzed out when she said that. Okay. . .Now. . .That gets pretty annoying when she continues to say that about me. stare The thing that is strange about me is. . .Well. . .I hate receiving compliments. . .And I hate when guys try to buy me things. . .Besides that fact that it makes me reeeally uncomfortable. . .It makes me feel bad. . .Not the compliment thing, but the but me things or pay for my ticket or whatever. . .I mean. . .I HAVE MY OWN MONEY!! I CAN PAY FOR THINGS MYSELF! >.< -Sighs- But yeah. . .-Blinks- ^^
Niskey Report | 07/18/2006 2:01 am
Oh my gosh. . .That really sucks. Personally. . .I really don't care what a guy looks like. . .As long as they don't have rotting out teeth. . Or they're on drugs. . .I've had my share of a guy on drugs. . .And I didn't even know he was until. . .After the third month we were dating. . .That's when he cheated on me twice and he thought he got this one chick knocked up. . .-lol- I love saying that. . .Makes me feel Gangster! xd kidding. . .But yeah. . I'm more of a girl that bases a guy on personality than looks. I've never been dumped either. . .I'm usually the one dumping them. . .-Shrugs- But I have good reasons for doing so though. . . .I'm not like those girls that dump guys for no reason. . .-lol- That's pretty stupid. . .Guy: Why did you break up with me?! I thought you really liked me! Girl: Umm. . .I don't know. . .Just because I guess. . . xd -Clears throat out- Errrm. . Yeeeeah. . Heh! XD
Niskey Report | 07/18/2006 1:44 am
-lol- Which one? the one I was sad over? That would be Kevin. . .He's an Ex. . .-sighs- We went out for a year and a half and we broke up because we didn't see much of one another. . .I still like him. . .A lot. . .And he told me that he still liked me even when he was going out with the girl (Raquel.) But I'm trying to forget about him. . .It's just kind of hard. . .A guy that I sort of like now. . .He's so sweet! ^^ And he's seventeen. . .And he's pretty short for his age. I guess that's what makes him so cute! My sister told me that he told her that he likes me! -Squeals-
Niskey Report | 07/18/2006 1:15 am
Nyh. . .-Squeals- YAY!
Niskey Report | 07/18/2006 1:10 am
Awws. . .I WUV YOU TOO KENNY! 4laugh
Niskey Report | 07/18/2006 1:00 am
Awwwws. . . heart That's so sweet. ^^
Niskey Report | 07/18/2006 12:31 am
-Hugs- Thankies! I wish that could really happen though. . .-Sighs-
Niskey Report | 07/18/2006 12:00 am
-Stretches- Welcomeness! biggrin Dude. . .I really hope he doesn't come over tomorrow. . .He's annoying. . .I'm tired of him making fun of my friends just because they're. . .Hefty. He doesn't see me going around making fun or talking about his friends! stare I hope he. . .Gets lost in a forest one day or something. . .-Growls-
Niskey Report | 07/17/2006 11:42 pm
-lol- Yeah. . .I still don't understand why it's not workiing. . .I'll ask Chibi_Shena. . .She's the onethat guided me through to help me with my profile a loooooong time ago. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind helping you out with this problem. ^^
