(17th Jan 2010) I'm Michelle Ritsuko smile I'm 22, I draw anime - mostly in digital media - and I write. In fact, I'm studying for an Advanced Diploma of Arts: Professional Writing, in order to be a novelist no matter how hard it is! I have a boyfriend called Tyson (27 yrs) and a 3 month old puppy who is a Siberian Husky X Border Collie called Bailey. I call her breed a Borderian Collsky!! lmaoAnd, as of in a week's time, I will be living out of home FINALLY. =__=;
So I'm still packing boxes atm X___x yay.
My email is michell.ritsuko@gmail.com and my msn addy is rasailei@hotmail.com I am also on DeviantArt http://misheru.deviantart.com <
Please visit my gallery! :3
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I've been in a couple similar situations in that forum. People mean well, but can be pretty forceful. I just didn't want you to be scared away from Picture Post, since it's like my sanctuary. D;
I've learned so much stuff from that place, not only from posting my drawings, but reading other peoples critiques on someone else's drawings.
I'm also sensitive when it comes to my work, like you are. ^^;
Sometimes it's hard to offer up what you are proud of because someone else might tear it apart...but in the end, it's best to learn from past mistakes in order to know how to truly improve in the future.
Sorry for rambling. ^^;
But I do hope you post more art in the future! At least this time you'll be prepared if there are less-than-polite comments.
Yeah. I found your thread in a very stalkerish way.
Cheers for the critisim!:
I didn't put alot of effort into looking at the picture really closely, but..
First Picture: I'm not sure if you purposely put it that way, but the top of the fingers look kinda fat. o-o I don't think the top of fingers are supposed to be that fat. But maybe it's a strange new creature? huwah.
Second picture: I don't know why, but it feels as though his left arm looks shorter than his right. >.>... At first I kinda figure that was just the perspective view of it but now it's really getting to meh.