You Clean

You Clean 's avatar

Last Login: 11/11/2011 1:11 pm

Gender: Male

Location: y0r c0uch

Birthday: 12/10


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Quiting GaiaSorry gaia and all of my friends im quiting gaia im sorry i failed you well you dont need me u need ur family and you best friends and im quiting becuz to much ppl is trying to hack me and other reasons is becuz they mostly hate me sorry ppl and my family im quiting gaia


Aiiightt biitchess diszz be Noraaa hackiin my bby boii Alexx
roflmaoo Well alexx be likee a bruthher too mee..He's cutee,awesome,funny.and rlly gentlee..Hee rockss my worldd likee literally...Lmfaoo Alexx be a lil-pervertedd at timess but thats justt whoo he iss...Anndd Dayuumm he noess how to tapp thatt...Well ima rap this upp...Alexx Ifly u memberr thatt...Ahahha givee thiss boii somee lovee..Cuzz girlss hee noes how to make ur bedd rockk ahahha
well imaa goo nowww luv u

ALEEEX! You are AH-Mazing! I love your CRAZY EXTENDED family! And yooour'e just kinda a fun person to hang with! You are FUNNEH and trust me, you'll LIke Him if You Try EM! He's awesome! Totally mine tho, So HANDS OFF DARLING smile Keep ROCKING babe!

Yo this is DJ Eddie hacking my bro from another momma xD
I havent known this guy for long but he is awesome lmao
hes funny in a jk haha...always fun to talk to...
awesome like really xD...well what else do u want me to say n***a xD
u mess with him u mess with me keep up the good work bro u know what i mean lmfao...ily bro no homo ^_^...peace out people dont stalk him...or me haha

Ayyy Niqqa's
So, I might have not known him for a really long time, and we just even started talking just a few days ago. So far, he's thrown a few poke balls with my mom and a sumo wrestler at me. But eh, I scare him, he won't admit it though xP I've seen this guy bounce off and on girls like -snap- . So, GL to anyone who gets him ;D He's the tall monster and I'm the short Asian. He'll be the fruitloop in your bowl of cheerios. And you'll need him like Plankton needs the Krabby Patty Formula. Show him love, he'll show you his. I hope we become better friends. ;D Later Gater.

Hmm... Where do I begin?! Well, I've only known Alex for a few weeks & I already Luurv him ^^ He's awesome & I couldn't ask for a weirder dude to call mah fran (: He may be a pervy weirdo, but he can also be sweet. Believe it or not ;P So treat him well, or I might just have to kill yew >.> Okie Dokie Then!
<3 Jazzy~!

So this boy is Alex-
Alex is one of the sweetest, and sometimes pervy guy you'll ever meet.
If Alex likes you, you're lucky. Cause this boy is in one word, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. If you ******** with him, i've got his back. Alex is my 'bff' and he's lazy, yes, but he's an all around caring, sweet, good looking guy(;
Love you Alex<3

This be You Clean's Gaian Sister kathie, Hacking.
I Dunno What to say About this awesome b***h.
But I Know, He sticks with what he's gotz.
Ooh Yeaz. If You Mess with him, I'll Kick Yoz Azzez.
Just be aware, Im protective. ;D
I Tellz Himz Everthing.
Hez Good at giving advize. <3
Yeaz, Hes Awezome. ;3
You Wanna Know Why?
Cause He's a Kick-a** Gaian-brother.
And I Know He would do anything for me.
Yeaz, I Dunno What else to sayy...
So BaiiBaii Brother from another muther.
heart Kathie heart

Hello Alex!
Its Your Gaia Twin Hacking You!
Haha >.<
Your my best friend/twin/awesome ninja/kewlest dude i know!
Ill never forget ya <3
Love ya Brother biggrin
~Peace Out,
MARISSA aka You Cleaner


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Goldboy215 Report | 08/25/2010 4:52 am
You want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!really works!!!!!!!
-_account-closeed_- Report | 07/28/2010 3:06 pm
mk ill talk to him xD and gian got me angry ..... so yea i dont EVER want to talk to him again stare
-_account-closeed_- Report | 07/28/2010 11:48 am
i unblocked him but i am not ganna talk to him -,-
ii f x c k u h a r d - Report | 07/26/2010 8:51 am
ii f x c k u h a r d -
ikr what u been up too
-_account-closeed_- Report | 07/25/2010 9:04 am
-,- i cant believe you left gaia .... im so upset
Jimmy Hit The Bong Report | 07/15/2010 6:55 am
Jimmy Hit The Bong
damn bro i love forlife byye lil homie
RyoKachi Report | 07/14/2010 5:09 pm
lol sorry =.= I wasnt on and Ty smile
vocaloid doll Report | 07/14/2010 7:27 am
vocaloid doll
:c Hey
Miss Electro Sexual Report | 07/13/2010 9:27 pm
Miss Electro Sexual
kk i send a request
Miss Electro Sexual Report | 07/13/2010 9:21 pm
Miss Electro Sexual
uhh yea lol maybe not i added you today :3 i barely know you so i thought i'd say hi