
[A is for age:] - Im not telling you D<

[B is for beer of choice:] - take the beer, pass me the soda

[C is for career:] - Wha?

[D is for favorite drink:] - anything

[E is for essential item you use everyday:] - phone,wallet,keys,

[F is for favorite song at the moment:] - whats my favorite song you ask?hmm...I dont know which song is my favorite D:

[G is for favorite game:] - Lots of games....

[H is for hometown:] - carney but if you want to take it way back...Manila

[I is for instruments you play:] - Violin

[J is for favorite juice:] - Cranberry

[K is for kids?:] - not any day soon

[L is for last kiss?:] - . . .

[M is for marriage:] - not right now

[N is for full name:] - Thats a secret mister =P

[O is for overnight hospital stays:] - Eh,yeah once I think

[P is for phobias:] - walking alone in the dark,dolls,clowns,and other crap

[Q is for quote:]- "I love to hurt you"?

[R is for biggest regret:] - i regret nothing

[S is for self confidence:] - most of the time

[T is for time you wake up:] - 8:00 am

[U is for color underwear:] - Do you really need to know D: ?

[V is for vegetable you love:] - Spinach

[W is for worst habit:] - easily tempered, is that considerd a habit?

[X is for x-rays you've had:] - About 2 I think..

[Y is for yummy food you make:] - i dont make food very often..but probably some filipino dish

[Z is for zodiac sign:] - virgo

get lost mmkay?:]