
Yo_Soy_Faerie_Duck's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Forks, Washington, USA.

Birthday: 02/28

Occupation: Student


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I have been know to attack fellow humans for looking at me weird. I am brutally honest and opinionated, and most people hate me for that. I am quite spontaneous and often end up doing things on a whim. It doesn't matter to me about the consequences. I don't pay attention well, small things distract me especially if they are shiney. I don't what I am told and I hate being bossed around. Honestly, I couldn't care one way or another weather you like me or not. That's not my problem. It's yours. So suck it up and move on. I am definately short on patience. I also am not afraid to get up in your face if I feel like it. I am a mildly twisted person, you can always see a maniacal glint in my eyes when I am thinking. But on the up side.... I can be very sweet and caring if I want to be. It doesn't happen much and when I do by chance do something nice it always manages to supprise people. I have my moments...

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