
yessibella 's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Where the fighting is at

Birthday: 08/06

Occupation: Samurai


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Full Name: Yessibella Spirit
Age: 17
Total age: Unknown (greater than 4000) (Immortal)
Occupation: Samurai (Hunter)
Race: Wanderer
Eyes: Magenta
Hair: Bright Orange, To Waist, Worn in Ponytail
Other Lives: Luna, Umaki, Infinity, etc. PM me if you want to hear more.
Other People:
Jezzibelle: My older sister. She hated me until the very end, when she finally showed her feelings for me.
Father: The one I aim to kill.
Loss: My lover in a past life. Murdered brutally by Sin. He was the reason I accepted the curse.
Sin: The demon who set up at trap for Loss and I. He offered to grant me power in exchange for my happiness. I was in a state of despair, so I accepted his offer, thinking I'd get the power to protect the people I care about. Now, he resides inside me as my other half. His symbol, The pentagram on my lower back, reminds me of my greatest sin.
The Three Nicks: The last chance I have at breaking the curse.
Kriss: My Master and Trainer. She taught me everything I know in terms of fighting.
Drew, Axe, Laviousia, Mitchie: My comrades from the Facility.
Personality: Kind, Calm, Strong, Caring.
Goals: To get stronger so I can protect those I care about, and to kill father.
Likes: People who understand me
Dislikes: Weakness, Evil
Favorites: Sukiyaki (food), black (color)
Blood Type: A
Birthday: August 6, Sign is Leo
Wields: A wooden Boktou while in training, otherwise a Katana or another weapon. Sometimes more than one.
Wears: Anything that won’t get in the way, prefers a plain Yukata.
(Current) Family: From the branch of the Spirit Clan in Japan. Moved to US at age 5.
Languages: First is English, but can speak Japanese as well.
Powers: Varies
Power Level* (Accessible): 10.4
Power Level* (Sealed): 87
Power Level* (Full): Unknown
The Curse: The creation of a monster inside me. Sin is always trying to kill me or corrupt me from the inside. Like a dark self, he constantly tries to take control of my body. We are always at war. Only my tremendous willpower holds him at bay. This is the price I paid for gaining the power to destroy the world. My own personal little Satan.
The Seal: A long time ago, I used a spell to seal almost all of my power away inside me. I'm the only one who can break this spell. Most of the remainder is sealed inside a necklace I always wear, and the only ones who can break this spell are myself, Sin, and Kriss.
History: (re)born into a wealthy family. Corruption caused me to leave home at age 10, leaving behind my older sister who harbored a grudge against me for being chosen as the next heir. I spent my next three years as a sex slave after being captured and brought back home. I ran away again at age 13,vowing never to return. Since then, I have faced many trials. This includes being kept as a human experiment for several months, in which time four of my comrades and I escaped the facility. I never told them that my family was the one doing this, and I haven't seen them since we parted ways. As far as I know, every other human experiment I knew is dead. Another hardship I have endured was the death of my sister. I broke my vow and went back to my b*****d of a father in order to exact my revenge, but I made an excuse to myself that I was protecting my friends. I was captured by the guards after they found out about my betrayal. They brought me down to a basement room and tortured me for almost two months. I won't go into detail here, but if you really want to know about the torture, you can PM me. When they decided it was finally time to kill me after I was on the brink of death, they aimed a gun at my heart and shot a single bullet. I remember the sound very distinctly. My sister was beside me one moment, and the next she had run out in front of me and taken the bullet in her chest. I saw her lying there in a pool of her own blood mixed with mine, and then I blacked out. When I awoke, there was a huge crater where the palace used to be, and I was right in the center of it, all alone.
*Each number represents the amount of power of an average human multiplied by that number
If you want to know more about anything here or not here, PM me.


View All Comments

Bobobunny14 Report | 06/15/2012 4:30 pm
hello =-)
ECCHl Report | 06/10/2012 9:21 pm
Aw thanks so much heart
Panther514 Report | 06/09/2012 5:06 am
love you sweetheart.
Panther514 Report | 06/08/2012 3:03 pm
hi sweetheart.
Bobobunny14 Report | 06/07/2012 5:59 pm
hi 3nodding
nelly el Report | 06/06/2012 7:35 am
nelly el
kool thxs >_< srry mabey if we meet up in town when im online kk bii
nelly el Report | 06/06/2012 7:27 am
nelly el
i don accept random requests srry btw hi dramallama
lettucemidorikawatmm Report | 06/05/2012 10:04 pm
Thx for request friends smile
frozen angelic moon Report | 06/05/2012 8:46 pm
frozen angelic moon


I am many things.
Thankful for my friends and my trainer for always looking after me.


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