
Yasoyoshi-'s avatar

Birthday: 11/10


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this is about me Yasoyoshi


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yarg_ninja Report | 10/20/2008 6:42 pm

HEY HOMO!^^ u came to my pro randomly so now i shall come to urs and stalk n annoy u for every waking moment of ur life! YAY DOESNT THT SOUND LIKE FUN? yah well if im here to annoy u i kno wut to do sum 1 sent meh a chain mail thing n it pisses me off so i will send it to u and it will make ur pro verry long hahahaha ahh the benifits of chain mail.okiez well heres ur first day of annoyance

Do it

Do it

Scary it really works Scary it really works

open this its scary ♥ open this its scary ♥

read this!! read this!!

read this read this

plz read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok i know u hate this crap when people send you stuff like this but trust me i mean trust me this is is freakin scary its sooo crazy and it works but u have too belive in it.. soo good luck lates



=0 A

thursday october 6, 2005

Sajin Haigashi Report | 10/18/2008 6:06 pm
Sajin  Haigashi
New account name Taziku Report | 10/10/2008 6:10 pm
New account name Taziku
kaoishin Report | 10/09/2008 10:00 pm
Thank you for purchasing. (:
Gypsy Jewel Report | 10/08/2008 10:08 pm
Gypsy Jewel
Yeah well at fifteen I was getting my bones broken on a regular basis, by my step-dad. So you got it tough, you'll manage. You'd be surprised at how much you can deal with when you don't have a choice. Doing the pity me thing won't help though. Have a good cry and move ahead. It worked for me. You are way tougher then you thing you know.
Gypsy Jewel Report | 10/08/2008 9:51 pm
Gypsy Jewel
Dude I did so say sorry! more then once even! look at my posts! I AM SORRY. Got it that time? And I live on my own, I'm 17, and guess what I have to have surgery on my knee, no ones is going to help me through that either. Life is tough so f-en what. I deal with it, I do out whining about it. If you want pity then you are right I'm not going to give it to you. I do understand, I have been on my own for a bit over a year. I was emancipated at 16. But pity don't help and I don't have any to give. Can't find a job? Well there are lotz of people that can't. Work at a McD's or something, if you look hard enough and aren't to proud to do whatever it takes you'll fine a job.
Gypsy Jewel Report | 10/08/2008 9:34 pm
Gypsy Jewel
Well if you were scammed then you know why I was looking out for Fire and if you have mod friends they would of looked into your scam, and it is not "snitching" to report someone breaking the rules. In fact not reporting someone make you as guild as the scammer, because in a way you are letting them keep doing it. So the next person to be scammed is on you too if you did nothing. NVM you act like a child so I can see reason will have not effect on you. Friend btw forgive other friend for trying to do the right thing and understand that at times you may hurt someones feelings do it. I don't like hurting people. If I did I wouldn't of given you a chance to explain. cya, kid. Don't comment me back if you don't want to continue this.
Gypsy Jewel Report | 10/08/2008 9:17 pm
Gypsy Jewel
Fine, I said I was sorry. sad I hope you have friends that look out for you. I really do. bye
Gypsy Jewel Report | 10/08/2008 9:08 pm
Gypsy Jewel
I'm sorry I upset you. Really, but like I said, I was going by those posts. No need to cuss at me. And if you got scammed why didn't you report it? Look I may of been wrong but I was looking out for him, and you believe it or not. I didn't say I was reporting you you know, all I said was to stop if you are. Notice the word IF? If I thought for sure you were I wouldn't of left a message at all, I would of reported you. I thought I might have it wrong so I posted so you could explain. I'm sorry.
Gypsy Jewel Report | 10/08/2008 8:47 pm
Gypsy Jewel
Have you read your posts? I mean what was I to think? It sounds like you are the one scamming or frightening him. Look at those post! He's like begging you for Christ's sake! And he is a friend, I protect all my friends and if you didn't bully or scam him then I don't under stand why he's so upset.... Sorry if I seem rude but I'm not doing it because I enjoy it! Sheesh, I stopped by to say hi!



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