imah firein' meh lazarr! bahwwwwaaaa
i am untouchable, unreadable, indecisive, intense.
i am intelligent, unique, stubborn, beautiful
i am rambunctious, spontaneous, headstrong, thoughtful
i am myself and its all i strive to be.
call me what you want i have a lot of nicknames (: kezia is my favorite, it means wildflower
i love big words, rain, singing, photography and i kick a** at drawing, i love learning new things, so even if its random as hell, if you have some amazing fact tell me ((: a wide mind requires new things to enter (: i live in Utah. hate it with thee bloodiest passion.
i love the outdoors traveling and to kick it with my family, were all very close, my sister Anna 9, mommy daddy, and Kasey, ( dad and my brother are my heroes) my brother is 18 turning 19 and going off to college. as a family we love to do winter sports and camping
my favorite place in the world is Montana, i have a horse who lives in butte Montana, and i have two cats at home ( i had two rabbits, but my sister killed them. r.i.p. max and Jude 1/1/10)
i cant keep fish alive to save myself x3
i don't like tomatoes, milk, or fish (: ca-ca
i have thee life. i have stories everyday (: and i can tell you one on the spot
best friends are Kristina, Bryce, Kristian, and Sarah <3
I'm not here to impress you or anyone else. i happy with myself and your vulgar words don't do a damn (:
the sky is never the limit, i refuse to believe so. They tell me i wont make it or be happy in life because of some of my quirks. myself so. suck it.
im genophobic, for those who need it broken down, geno.. as in genes, strands of dna/ discrimination of male female, phobic... fear of. sex freaks me out. and i am proud to say that amongst todays society, i plan to stay this way (:
i have a terrible guilt conscious, i cant even kill spiders, i catch them and take them outside otherwise i feel horrible for squishing them
im clinically depressed, happy to say ive lost some battles, but i plan on winning the war. despite what anyone says to me.
i sleep with 27 blankets, my circulation sucks, but i just like the weight of it.
i haaate feet * shivers* they freak me out... bleh
its much easier to clean when someone is telling me a story
ive taken Spanish French and Chinese (: Japanese or German are next
and thats my short list of quirks just to keep you entertained on this page (: but i have a whole bucket of them
so yeah
eat your heart out baby <3
la paix et la mour.
peace and love
no one is ever free.. even the birds are chained <3
haha, thats our friend trying out my dads ski bike, made from my bike, on a white guy vs. puerterican neighbor, drunk, haha, thats how we do it
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