"Well ahh.......I have been on Gaia for 2 years with various accounts...I have been banned once for being hacked...I am not so easy to hack now! Muawahahaha!
My Friends truely hate me here....I really don't know why....
I don't know why i only can make a few friends...
Some one help me...I am falling apart.....Noones cares anymore...
Well thats it! The end!"
ITS MEH!! I am the guy behind the masks of XxXDemon AlchemistXxX and XxXAngel AlchemistXxX
Teh names Will.
Now You can watch Private Screenings Of Anime I like! Today Bleach Eps. 01! Finally! ;.; days of hard uploading!
XxXDemon AlchemistXxX's Terrored, Feared, Unwanted Journal...Try it!
Don't do what i do...its foolish! Really it is...
My horrible rants...You really don't want to read this one...
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