Hey, my name is Jasmine. I am 17 and stuck in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. I look alot like my avi only straiter hair. I try curling it but it never works. Also I'm only about 4 foot 11 inches tall. T.T
My favorite thing to do on my spare time is to draw. God do I love to draw. I hope to go to college and get into graphic design or something. I also am learning how to play the violin which is hard because of how short my fingers are.
I have a pen tablet and Photoshop CS3 that I'm learning how to use and I just got the Monster Book of Manga!! It teaches you how to draw the body frame and facts about certain typse of manga. It also shows how to use photoshop for that kind of art in the back. I'm so excited!!!. I have a few things in my gallery so don't be afraid to stop by and add a comment.
Myspace: Jonsey
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YEAH a bit random, but oh well. thanks for buying, and keep playing violin! heart