about me ♥

♥ RivalShipping ♥

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i think everything on this page can stay plastered with Yu-Gi-Oh stuff |D

About meh~♥
Name: Rhiannon

Nick Names: Rhi, Rhi-Rhi, Joey, Chazz, Stimpy, Mani, Manic, Reno, Rhi-Zilla,

Age: 14

Birthday: Jan 22nd

Likes: Yu-Gi-Oh (GX 5D’s and original), Pokemon, Wolfs
Rain, TV, Video Games, Drawing, Fan Art, Manga’s, Tea, Icecream, Lollipops, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, Duel Monsters trading cards, My friends, Music, Sonic The Hedgehog, Orange Juice, fingerless gloves,gaint headphones, green, purple,black, green, RAINBOWS, Jeans, Stripes, Checks, OC’s, MLP friendship is magic, most dreamworks movies, plushies and lots more.

Dislikes: Chavs,Not Getting my own way, attension seekers (including myself when i go down that road) flamers, Trolls (trolls belong under the bridge bitches), Over the top fan girls/boys, people who ship REALLY stupid things, back stabbers, people who rp to much, being called emo, being me, overly popular a** holes, being called childish, work,crying children, Small chidren in general (unless their cute and or play childrens card games and pokemon and stuff to give me an excuse to play too <3 |D ) PHOTOSHOP >C, not being notcied by people i like, being in love (it mostly ends up sucking for me -_- *sigh*) hard work, not being able to lose weight..blah..blah.yeah quite a lot more then that but thats enough for now >.>

Personality and such:
Im a Fifteen year old anime/manga artist from pembrokeshire wales, i mostly draw Anthro and Pokemon art, but now and then i draw things from other fandoms i like, like Yu-Gi-Oh and HTTYD and so on.
Art wise i have a long long way to go, my anatomy and poses are pretty lousy but im working on it best i can, and my anime style is failing but im not gonna give up improving on it.
Im nice once you have got to know me but im quite closed off, i have my trusted group of friends that i laugh and mess around with, so please don’t be put off if i seem cold and insensitive when i first talk to you thats just how i am when i start getting to know someone.
I have a very short temper and am not very good with peope like i said i have my group of friends but a much larger group of people i dont like (unfortunately i also have that group of people id love to be friends with but they find me wierd >.>)
I don’t like being labled so please no calling me either a goth, an emo, a punk, a furry (I HATE THE WORD FURRY) or any other lable please if i know you well and you know i dont mind you calling me things like that then thats fine but i dont want random people doing it.
And on the note of random people comming on my page and saying stuff, no i DO NOT DO REQUESTS OR ART TRADES TO RANDOMERS! Only really REALLY close friends are allowed request and i will say if i wanna do an art trade with someone and it will be on my page if art trades are i open or not.
And i don’t want people comming here and having a go at me for drawing what i draw or "furry" art i'll draw what i want to draw if you dont like it go get stuffed ok? even if you dont like something it doesnt mean everyone has to think like you.
And as you can probably tell im comming across a little mean and horrible here but i swear i am a nice person i just want to lay down these rules to make my life easier <3
please dont randomly start a Role play on any of my art or on my page becuase i don’t do that if you want to role play with me i have to know you quite well and i wont normaly do it on DA unless its just totaly messing around not a real serious role play, i also do not RP with people who have invincable characters cause that just plain stupid, i also dont really like rping with OC’s so much anymore i much rather official character pairings and such.
Please dont put me down for what i draw we all have our preferences and styles.
Please do not use my art without permission i will probably be fine with pictures being used in YouTube vids and stuff if you come to my page and ask me and you credit my art in the video <3 its not hard at all.
I really want to be a cosplayer in the future because it looks like a hell of a lot of fun, so maybe in a year or so i may start showing costumes i make here if all goes to plan~<3 becuase i really want to learn how to make my own stuff and become a cosplayer because its just one of those things i would love to do in my life! <3 No flaming on that either please Think before you type douche bags.

So yeah i think thats about it i hope someone reads this sometime XD so To YouTube Deviantart and facebook (yes this info is on all of my pages but i think mostly counts to DA more then any of the others XD)

http://www.furaffinity.net/user/xx-chasing-cars-xx/ (Furaffinity)
http://www.youtube.com/user/XxRhiZillaxX?feature=mhum (youtube)
http://twitter.com/XxRhiZillaxX (twitter)
http://xxrhizillaxx.deviantart.com/ (Deviantart)

i need to go to Gaia and Twitter more DX

Rhi out ~


XxRhi-ZillaxX's avatar

Birthday: 01/22




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♥yup my one true paring GX Rivalshipping :3♥

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♥♥yeah ive decided to make a box on all my pages as to why this paring is important to me ^^ mostly cause my school friends dont get it but ugh ¬¬
well this is me and my girlfriend Rays fave shipping, and is very special to us, cause the chararacters are very like us in a few ways. im withdrawn and kinda distant with a short fuse and a sometimes arogant nature, while Ray is kinda, hyper caring and sweet, and as she put it (i wouldnt put it like this XD) a little stupid at times,
so we match the characters pretty well in personality, and she is an only child while i have older brother who are constantly telling me whats what, oooo my very own Slade and Jagger what fun! XDD so you pretty much get my reasoning, oh and another important reason we love this pairing, cause we love these boys very much XD ♥♥

things i would like :3


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