
Hi, I'm {insert desired name here}. I have two brothers, both of which never call or come to see me, and a sister who is worse- I probably haven't talked to her in about two years or so.
I'm not really into much, I'm a pretty boring person and I'm really easy to piss off- ask anyone who knows me. I'm an animal-lover. My main goals in this sad little life of mine are to finish school, go to college, and become a shrink. I'd like to be a singer, but what are the chances of that? I pretty much live for nothing but music and the love of my life, Justin...and my friends and my dog...but mostly music and Justin...actually, I could probably do without music as long as I had Justin- and he could sing for me! -Hint hint, Justin- xd
I'm Jhonen Vasquez's biggest fan, or rather- obsesser! My idol is Johnny the Homicidal Maniac- not really, but he's awesome.
I like mythology, folklore, and literature of all kinds. I'm really into poetry and writing. I'm a literate and I detest people who can't spell out their damn words. (I understand typos). I also hate people who claim to be music fans, when all they mean is that they know a s**t-load of bands. When I say I love music, I mean I love just about all of it, classical, rock, new-age, celtic, foreign, all of it! Also, if you say you like a band and the only way you know that band is by one song or album, you're most likely a poseur- if you only know one song or album, say you like that song or album, not all of the band's work!
I have many a favorite actor. Some examples would be, of course, Johnny Depp, Billy Bob Thorton, Jack Black, Robin Williams, Mike Myers, Helena Bonham Carter, John Leguizamo, Jennifer Tilly, Billy Boyd, and Brad Dourif- yes, I love Chucky movies.
I'm not really in a "clique". I hang with all sorts of people.
My three favorite people (in real life) are Justin, Jon and Peyton- of course you know who Justin is, but Jon and Peyton are like, two of my best friends. The reason I said "in real life" is because, if I were to say all of my favorite people, then there'd be a lot, but the main four are Justin, Peyton, Jon and...Amy Lee- I envy her, so.
In any case, I'm a pretty okay person, once you get to know me.
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I are [Dork.]

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^Cute, huh?^
Well, I like it, anyways- and that's saying something, 'cause I made it.
I'm so proud of me! ^_^
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"s**t! I'm sorry, I just really can't do this. Not now. [********] Sitting here in this room is the last thing I want to do right now. I want someone to talk to, but there is only the din of raging static in my head. Only this noise of mine never leaves me. We're told to accept the fact that life goes on and that nothing is forever. Nothing. But I don't want to accept this!! I don't want to see it all as just a dead thing before it dies!! I had something!! I had something beautiful! The world spun around it all its arbitrary fury, but I had something to hold tight to! Something beautiful! AND I ******** IT UP!!! I did exactly what I never wanted to do!! I turned it into something cold and weary!! Now, screaming in fear, I hold tighter and it squirms away, pushing me off!! And the faster I run to catch it, to hold it, the faster it runs to escape. The more it recoils from my touch. Dreaming of a world that has stopped dreaming of me. Going away, driven by the more desirable idea of new dreams. And i don't seem to be accepting it. And I don't want to accept! I don't want to get used to losing the very things that make me feel!!! I saw the filth, but I had something! And the noise in my head, with all its voices, repeats one thing, incessantly, more then anything else- 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Don't let go of me now. Dream of me. Don't let me wake up.' But I know that it is only noise. (s**t.) Something beautiful."
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Regarding my multimedia-
This video is kind of corny and the guy who plays Johnny isn't all that great of an actor, but I love this video! In a messed up kind of way. ^_^
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Here's a thought:
When someone says something to you, don't wait for people to stand up for you and say something in your favor! Stand up for your self! Having someone do it for you only shows how pathetic you are! And seriously, some people need to work on their come-backs...quite badly, in fact.
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I stole this off of Justin, but he stole it from someone else, so it’s all cool.

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the f*ck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2. People who are willing to get off their a** to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.

3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is a cake if you can't eat it?

4. When people say "It's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the ******** would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna kick their a**!

5. When people say while watching a film "Did you see that?” No Loser, I paid $8 to come to the cinema and stare at the ******** floor.

6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did you, sunshine?

7. When something is 'new and improved!’ Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it.

8. When people say "life is short". What the ********?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever ******** does!! What can you do that's longer?

9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?” If the bus came would I be standing here, dumb-a**?

10. People who say things like “My eyes aren't what they used to be”. So what did they used to be? Ears? Wellington boots?

11. When you're eating something and someone asks 'Is that nice?' No it's really revolting - I always eat stuff I hate.

12. People who announce they are going to the toilet. Thanks that's an image I really didn't need.

13. McDonalds staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you are ordering.....It has to be a McChicken Burger, just a Chicken Burger get blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it in your McEyes you ******** McTosser.

14. When you're involved in an accident and someone asks “Are you alright?” Yes fine thanks, I'll just pick up my limbs and be off.

15. When you get a haircut over the weekend, come into work and people ask "Did you get a hair cut?”... No you a**-wipe. I woke up this morning and it was like that.
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Okay, pics of people- these are a few well-known people that I loveth.
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Criss Angel- Justin actually introduced me to him and I loveth him! Before, television pretty much sucked, and now his show "ROX MY SOX"!
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Amy Lee- I wish I was her, I mean, what doesn't she have going for her?! She's gorgeous, she can sing, she's got awesome friends (and clothes), she's just the s**t!
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Jhonen Vasquez- I'd like to think I share his twisted mind. (If anyone has any sure info on his movie, PM me!)
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Lena and Julia- they have the kind of relationship that Peyton and I have, except the whole lesbian thing- we're not like that. sweatdrop
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Viewing 9 of 9 friends


Jenny's Journal

To whom it may concern:

I don't really plan on writting much in this thing- just stuff that I feel I need to get out but is too useless and boring- for you, not me- to put on my site.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/06/2008 12:52 pm


... Animal-lover my a**!

I watched you throw your cat over the hill!!!!!!


Report | 07/06/2008 12:51 pm


Yes, very much so...



Report | 06/03/2008 10:54 am


i run a register at the local mini-mart

Report | 06/02/2008 9:30 am


could be better, my gf left me and my job is kinda crappy.

Report | 05/31/2008 5:15 pm


lol course ^_^

how you been?

Report | 05/24/2008 7:36 pm


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HAHA funny

Report | 05/10/2008 10:50 am


wow...its been a while sence i left that one XD

thanks for the comment back

Report | 02/19/2008 8:46 pm


heeellooo to you User Image

I'm a comment colector.

comments in return are very much appeciated. User Image

Report | 08/13/2007 8:11 pm



Report | 08/13/2007 8:07 pm



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Give me random comments and PMs, please.