Well uhmmm i'm a pretty boring guy so i'm just gonna talk about my music i guess. I have a four string Epiphone Thunderbird IV bass with a Mahongany finish and an Ibanez SR7X four string bass with a white finish. I prefer my fingers over a pick to pluck the strings because I can go faster that way. Also i'm in love with Vault Soda and Cheesey Gordita Chrunches from Taco Bell (What the hell that's not about music). I'm 13 years old and im secretly Satan O-o I'm a good artist but I don't have a scanner (insert sad face here) Oh yeah, if you're gonna rob me the girl next to me has keys to a Mercedes Benz in her purse and there are no batteries in her tazor so don't hurt me.What I Like: Alchohol at times,Death Metal, Death Metal in Swedish, Screamo Metal, Grundge Metal, Hair Metal (80's Metal), Massive blood loss, tragic accidents, other people's depression, hurting small people, hurting people who are bigger than me and up until the time I kicked their a** thought they were stronger than me, Hurting people who abuse animals, telling people I'm the Devil,Marijuana, MILFS (Mothers I'd Like To F**K),making my mother beleive that I need a theropist,FIRE,and did I mention Marijuana?
What I Don't Like: People who decide to randomly befriend me, ciggarettes, people who THINK they can hurt me, sour skittles, beer (Blegh fat in a can), people against marijuana, CIGGAREETES (I hate them even more because I'm around them every day), Shitty holiday presents, HARDCORE Christians (I like God but damn.... ), girls who openly admit that they have hairy vaginas (Keep it to yourself it's nothing to be proud of), sports, most skaters, emo guys (emo girls are fine, heavy eyeliner is hot), pink mohawks on a guy (WTF), pink pants on a guy (also wtf?), People who think I'm gay or bi (I'm Hederosexual I'm just a little wierd), people who rave, techno music, rap;hiphop; etc, dogs, CHIHUAHUAS, school D:, The U.S. government, any athority system, fat cops, skinny cops that can catch me, the smell of a car air conditioner, people who expect me to shower at their house (Wtf? Not unless your 15 year old sister joins me), and feet (WTF foot fetishes???)
I HAVE BROWN HAIR, BROWN EYES AND I'M UNUSUALLY PALE FOR A HALF HISPANIC. I wear black pants, black shirts, I currently own purple high top shoes, and wear studded belts and wallets with chains. I will get gauge earrings when I leave my mothers house and I plan to get my tounge split in half like a snake. If your mom is not fat I promise you I love her. If you're a girl I probably would like to impregnate you. If you've gotten this far in reading this you are weirder than I am.....
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...........(- -)...Z..............
Oh... be quiet on the way out..
*Whispers* bunnie's hung over <_< >_>
You better leave before he gets the spatula O_O
Put bunnie on your profile to obtain world domination! evil
Oh yeah and don't come back unless you bring some hippie grass...

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