Arnt I so
My true friends.
Omg! Looky a rocket =0
Nuuuuuuu rocket went bye
bye T.T Bad rocket.
And make your dreams come true....
Bleh! That's such a lie.
I wished but nuu did I ever get a new puppy?
Nuuu I got crap thats what.
Danm fairytales. >.
Sigh... When will my love story begin?
Bannana's, Apple's, BLueberry's, Strawberry's, Kiwii's, Lemon's, and Peaches! OH MY!
THE EARTH POLLUTES!! It sits on a wooden stool!! O.O
LOSER! Ima loser when it comes to skateboarding. But then again when aint I?
Some vacation...
Leave me a comment! Or Ill go emo in a corner and cut, cut, cut!!! T-T Owie that hurt my throat...Gotta remember, Doctor said nu more screaming... o.o
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