My name is Brittany and i'm basicall Gothic/ Emo. I love doing fun stuff all the time. I draw anime and read it all the time so, basically when i get older i will create an anime book of my own artwork! I'm done with school and, got my high school degree so yay. I first got on gaia around 5 years ago when i went to my first Otakon convention I always like Friend request because, i enjoy having new friends. Also i love to play football on my free time or, maybe ride a bike around. I am a nice person to talk to but beware if you get on my bad side then, you won't like it at all. My favorite movies i saw in the movie theater was pirates of the carribean and twilight (alot of horror movies i love to watch)...go freddie!!! XP So, yeah i love to make people laugh all the time. Anyways if you have anything you want me to talk to you about then just send a pm and, i promise i write back if i don't sleep first!!!Also i do have to say something first about my life! I have an awesome bf name Kirk Kellner that i love so much and ,never want to leave him. I am truly happy at this point because, of him. I owe him alot of thanks because, he helped me be the person i am now. I love him very much <3 6-10-10 <3
1.) The Devil Does Exist
2.) High School Debut
3.) Magic Touch
4.) Fushigi Yugi
5.) MagicalxMiracle
6.) Shugo Chara
7.) Fruits Basket
8.) Full Moon Sagashite
9.) Absolute Boyfriend
10.) Kitchen Princess

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