
xxLynnTheWeirdxx's avatar

Birthday: 02/04

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Me and my me-ness

Chello, i am lynn. As the name suggest, yes i am weird but do i really care what you think? not much. I am me. no changeies..
Being the randomly insane person i am,I say blarg.now thats said and done,i suppose i ought to tell you who the hell i am.
I live somewhere is Washington state surrounded by cows and boring people who listen to too much ye haw(country) music.ugh.
I have dyed hair thats originally ash blond,but i never had it undyed long enough to see this,so i don't believe it.I have green eyes,and im pretty tall for my age(but i still feel short as hell around most people in my school...)Im in 9th grade and I enjoy role-playing,torturing my friends at their lack of relationships,then moping at mine,poking dead things with a stick,listening to music,and reading.My favorite colors are black and red,and im a pyro.
Oh yeah,and obviously,im a horrid speller.i think i have crs...cant remember s**t.I squeak when someone pokes me in the side(my friend take advantage of this too much..).Im the youngest out of 8. twisted

psychotic weirdos who happen to like me enough to be my friend

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