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XxCr0wn Cl0wnxX on 12/28/2023


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XxLilVi3tMoNsT3rrrrXx's avatar

Last Login: 01/07/2018 3:54 pm

Gender: Female

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XxCr0wn Cl0wnxX Report | 08/19/2010 6:38 pm
XxCr0wn Cl0wnxX
I ish nuuuu jerkybutt [: you meaniebutt :3
So how was your day today? ^^
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/13/2010 12:13 am
Freaking jerk didn't wanna get out of bed,said he was too tired.
It's like 2:00 now...
Imma sneak outside for a little bit right before I go to bed. (:
Hopefully they're both in deep sleep.
Then imma go in,pee,and go to bed.
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/12/2010 9:55 pm
New topic since we both kinda forgot where we left off.
I wanna see the meteor shower tonight (it's gonna happen Sat. morning too) but no one wants to go outside with me :/
I wanna go outside sooo bad!! It only happens once a year and like,you're supposed to wish on falling stars. I wanna go wish... =(
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/11/2010 10:53 pm
But I like it! D:
I think there could possibly be such thing as too much headbanging for a violinist... ^^;;
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/11/2010 9:08 pm
You wish your butt was really smart. I just said that since you were trying to get all smart with me about the booty grab. (:
But no,your butt has no other abilities besides sitting down and cushioning your sitting. Sorry. It's all my butt does too.
Hahahahahah. xDD
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/11/2010 12:22 pm
LMAO!! Don't worry,my hand will feel happy again when I see you next Thursday ;D Yummy!!
LMAO!!!! JK JK JK (: I wuvsss youuu xD
I meant the game.
Smart a**.
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/09/2010 8:13 pm
LOL,but you do have your amnesic moments (:
Ahahaha,no...I was just looking at your profile...nothing bad.
I need more gold. But for some reason,I can't play Booty Grab anymore. O___O
I need more clothes!!! Ahahaha.
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/08/2010 6:12 pm
Ahahaha,yeahh. And then again...we don't ever fight fight that often... (:
Aww,thank youuu (: I'd never just drop you either. Not like I COULD,this relationship (oooooh..hahah) has been going on for like...5 years..? xDD
I asked 'cause at that point I felt like I was losing everything again. Then I never got a thing tell me you commented back,but since you still talked to me on yahoo I took "yes" as an answer to my question on here and since you forget stuff,I thought maybe she just forgot to reply to me,LOL.
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/08/2010 6:09 pm
Never mind!!! I see a comment,but I never got the thing saying I got a comment!!! sad
I'm sorry. can just...comment back to all of them?? biggrin
OMGitsMeliBear Report | 08/08/2010 6:08 pm
I saw you update your profile and came to stalk,and then I see you never commented me back.
So I'm giving you a reason to comment back.
Lmao. xD

