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xXKayleaXx's avatar

Birthday: 03/28


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Lupis Aeternam Report | 01/15/2012 1:40 pm
Lupis Aeternam
hey there! thanks for commenting on my Art Arena: "Kyo" entry!! whee
and really?? you think my drawing is better??? emotion_kirakira
thanks!!! whee


heart Cows heart
heart Winter heart
heart Hot Chocolate heart
heart Basketball heart
heart Soccer heart


High school will be the death of me
however thee of little faith
do not lose your hope for
my friends will resurrect me

I'm a teenage girl, crying myself to sleep is a hobby

Why is it so hard to be a good writer, even though you love it so much?
Why is life so twisted and why does it try to break us?
Why can't you just love me back?
Why do people have hate in their hearts and how do we remove it?
