~Alexandria411 is currently...~
Feeling: bored
Obsessed with: My chemical romance, sick puppies, escape the fate, gerard way, hanging
around doing nothing
Current Mission: marrying Jared Leto or Gerard Way (haha sorry)
~Random things~
-I'm the kind of person who will get up in the middle of doing absolutely nothing to wash my hands.
-I still have my paranoid moments where I'm terrified to look under the bed.
-I've counted to infinity... twice
-when hearing any word even slightly associated with MCR on the television, I instantly freak out and turn up the volume.
-my favorite food combination is skittles and coke zero
-I could eat my body weight in sushi
-I have a twitter and dont get the point of the website (btw my account is Alyxx)
-music is the best thing since goldfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
band suggestions are welcomed, just send me a message
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