Let's seeee....
I'm 15. Or, if I don't update this for a long time, the day of my birth is January 25th, 1996.
Yeah, I may sound young, but boy, do I feel old.
I'm male, no mistaking that..
I'm more gothic, but.. Well.. Satanist. =/
I'm what I like to call myself (ignoring the voice in the back of my head saying that it's egotistical) the perfect balance.
Pessimistic, Optimistic, emotionless, crybaby, you get the point.
I'm perfectly sane. Because my IQ says so (140).
razz I'm nerdy, but cool, as my irl friends have told me.
I'm lazy, but up and attem.
I'm.. Me.
Kevin AKA Daexa AKA Xweet AKA Me.
I dunno. Favorite things?
Black. White. Creation. Destruction. Holiness. Demonishick (Whaaaatever).
razz ..... Comment me? ... I don't do donations unless I like you :3.
Your monologue.
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I really do appreciate your kind words, they made me happy!
(Sorry for the delayed response, I've been annoyingly busy (´;ω;`)!)
how are you doing?