
xSkullXFacex's avatar

Birthday: 09/12

The Many Things No One has to know

The name is Tree, folks. I am a part of a three member band known as A Reborn Alliance. I'm a guitarist. I like all music. So if you ever want to show me anything, go ahead. Also, if you don't like my interests, I'm sorry I failed your standard but I have my own that I like to live by.

In the Music Section of this melting pot of stone and skittles:
In The Rock and Metal section, I like most rock and metal stuff. However, I don't fully like the little bit that rock and metal has to offer... because it's not even rock or even close to metal. However, I still like the other stuff. I don't have a favorite band because it's hard with all these bands that I like.

As far as Rap goes, lately I've been getting into stuff from Kendrick Lamar or Mac Miller or something. I like alot of hip-hop but I really try to find the hip-hop that has reason behind it's words and not just booze or drugs. It pisses me when I hear that crap.

Im a Comic Book nerd, too. My favorite Superhero is Spider-Man. No, not the "Superior" one but the "AMAZING" one.

and just to let you know what I look like,
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Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 01/05/2013 6:24 pm
Poisoned Ambrosia
Go for it man.
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 01/04/2013 6:33 pm
Poisoned Ambrosia
Just listen to more bands that inspire you. Bands that give you that edge and speed that draws you into bliss.
Obliteration - Nekropsalms Evoke the Frozen Age
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 01/03/2013 4:56 pm
Poisoned Ambrosia
Redneck metal. wink
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 06/18/2012 11:44 am
Poisoned Ambrosia
Not yet.
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 06/09/2012 7:02 pm
Poisoned Ambrosia
Same story bro, anyway. Keep up the good work!
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 06/08/2012 1:56 am
Poisoned Ambrosia
Holy crap, I'll say it once and I'll say it again...MUSIC BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER.
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 06/06/2012 9:04 am
Poisoned Ambrosia
Yeah, who made it? It sounded awesome.
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 11/24/2011 2:56 pm
Poisoned Ambrosia
Man, that release date is almost here. I suspect it'll be on the shelves by March.
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 11/19/2011 5:58 pm
Poisoned Ambrosia
I'm bored too, so I quit pot finally. It was getting annoying and slightly repetitive.

I WANT METAL GEAR 4 SO BAD. I just bought the Metal Gear Solid HD collection for the 360. A few faint memories of the game are coming back to me. Dude, I've been playing the games since I was seven years old. Not even joking, I really mean it.
Poisoned Ambrosia Report | 11/04/2011 6:38 pm
Poisoned Ambrosia
Haven't played it yet. Waiting for the new Grand Theft Auto V. Too careless about Rock Band, and too broke to buy MGS4 and a PS3, for ******** sake! crying


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