
my profile
Name: Shin Ezura (Shin is-zer-ah)
Age: 15 1/2
Gender: Male
Race: Human
blood type: K-9[Lycan blood]/ O-
Registration #: 1011
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Assassin, Ninja
Weapons: Kunai knifes [15], Poison tipped Needles [30], special pure silver Kunai. Made for the destruction of other Lycans, Shin had it made for him after the battle between him and Argonon.
Weapon: Kunai knife
Location: Small Black leather pouches, located all around my waist. The pouches are connected to my belt.
Length of blade: 10 in
Width of blade: 3 in
Thickness of blade: 1 in
Length of hilt: 4 ½ in
Width of hilt: 1 in
Description of blade and hilt: A weapon of choice of most genins and a good weapon at that. It can be thrown like a shrunken but can also be used as a close hand to hand combat weapon. You can do pretty much anything with these baby’s.
Weapon: Kunai knife
Location: A special black pouch, with a small red Rune inscribed into the flap of the opening.
Special qualities: This Kunai is made from pure silver, made to destroy other Lycans. On the hilt of the Kunai, their is a small scroll that gives the weapon a weak charge of Lightning when the blade comes in contact with Lycans. The charge is controlled by the weilders Chakra, and the more chakra put into the weapon the stronger the charge is.
Length of blade: 10 in
Width of blade: 3 in
Thickness of blade: 1 in
Length of hilt: 4 ½ in
Width of hilt: 1 in
Weapon: Poison tipped throwing stars
Location: small grey pouch, connected to my left pant leg. About 8 inches down from the belt, and looks as if it was crafter into the pants.
Length of blade: 5 in
Width of blade: ¼ in
Thickness of blade: ¼ in
Length of hilt: N/A
Width of hilt: N/A
Description of blade and hilt:
Weaknesses: N/A
[Below: Shin in level one cursed seal]
Height: around 5’8
Weight: about 120
Body Color: tan
Right Eye Color: A dark, blood red color, just like the Sharingun eye. Its alittle darker, but mostly the same.
User Image
Left Eye Color: a dark red. this is Shin's sharingun eye, looking kinda like this: User Image
User Image
Hair Color: black
Length of hair: 3 in
Length of Bangs: 10 in
Clothing: A black long-sleeved
Body Markings: A small scar across his left cheek, about an inch wide, and three inches long.
Element/s: Futon[wind]
Effects of Lycan: 30% Sharper teeth, slightly bent back, grace, slight beserk.

Status using a 35 point scale:

Strength: 4
Speed: 9
Stamina: 8
Pain tolerance: 5
Jutsus: 9


Advanced Bloodline Limit: Sharingan

The sharingan is a special eye ability that is only apparent in the Uchiha clan. It is an advanced characteristic in the pupil of the person's eyes. It is said that the sharingan evolved from the Byakugan, which is excluded from any possible use by anyone except for members of the Hyuuga clan. In terms of mental, emotional, and physical insight, the Byakugan is far more superior than it's succesor. The sharingan has three semi-colons. It fits well since the sharingan can see through and mimic three types of jutsu, which are ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu.

Although the sharingan does require chakra to activate, it's not considered a ninjutsu. It requires no hand seals to be performed. All the user must do is focus chakra into his/her eyes and the sharingan shall emerge. But to use the sharingan effectively, you have to combine it with other types of diverse jutsus. It's useless on it's own. Therefore, this is the reason why the sharingan ability is only granted to the members of the Uchiha clan that have mastered different ways of fighting.
The sharingan's main ability is the mimicery of other jutus. It will copy any ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Of course it can also copy the movements of the opponent by studying him or her carefully. The more times the person uses the sharingan, the more jutsus they copy. If they continue to keep the sharingan out, they will continue to copy jutsus even if it's against their will. It acts automatically like a car
alarm. If it sees a jutsu, it starts to act up and acts like a defensive system. Like a car's defensive system is an alarm, the sharingan's defensive system is to copy what they see. Although, the sharingan's accuracy of mimicing the techiniques is high, it doesn't gurantee complete mastery of the jutsu. For incredibly difficult and extremely high-level jutsu, it requires practice. Of course the sharingan can speed up the process. It can first copy what hand seals are required (if any at all) and then all they have to do is find the right amount of chakra to exert. If it's a move that requires no hand seals then all they have to do is exert the right amount of chakra into the right place. If it's a taijutsu technique then they will have no problem with that. They can just remember what movements they copied and practice on that. Another ability is that it can see through illusions. For example if there were many bunshin or Kage bunshin all the sharingan user would see is balls of chakra that look like flames. This allows them to seperate what is real and what isn't.
Another "ability" of the sharingan is the ability to supposedly look into the future. In other words, they can trick they're opponents into thinking that they are fighting a seer. It's just an illusion. A series of different steps are used to create this illusion. First the user makes it seem that they can read minds by using a hypnotic genjutsu and copying their opponents thoughts. For all these steps to work the user and the opponent must make eye-contact. Same goes for the movement copying. The user of the sharingan stares their opponent in the eyes while copying all their movements. The most important thing for a person that does this to do is to make eye-contact.

The sharingan uses up a lot of chakra. However, this only applies if the sharingan user is not an Uchiha. Since they don't have the right blood, they can't use it as effectively and they get exhausted more easiy then members of the Uchiha clan. For example, Kakashi gets exhausted quickly everytime he uses his sharingan. However, Neither Itachi nor Sasuke feel the same way. They are both members of the Uchiha clan so they have a direct heritage of the sharingan. Pretty much, blood plays a big role in the chakra usage of the sharingan. If you have the right blood, you don't get tired easily. If you don't have the right blood then be more careful when you use the sharingan.
The sharingan also many disadvantages such as speed. It can't see speed very well because most of the time it's not chakra based speed. It's harder for users of the sharingan to see speed. That's what makes taijutsu a dangerous enemy to it. Combining taijutsu and speed will give an advantage over the sharingan. Therefore, the sharingan user will have lots of trouble seeing their enemies come at them. Another weakness of the sharingan is that it can't copy bloodline based jutsus. It's just not theirs to copy. Basically, physical combat is the most dangerous to the sharingan. It's not only unpredictable but almost unstoppable for sharingan users. However, it's wickedly powerful in the areas of copying ninjutsu and genjutsu.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: none
Description: A high-speed movement technique. It is described as 'appearing with the wind and disappearing like the wind.' A very basic jutsu, it appears that most shinobi above Genin-rank know it. Using chakra to activate the body, the user is able to move from one point to another with extreme speeds. This super-fast movement is almost impossible to see with the naked eye. To a normal person, it would seem as if the user has teleported. The amount of Chakra used depends on the distance and elevation between the user and the destination.

Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu (forbidden)
Element: None
Description: Being a forbidden and advanced NinJutsu, few people know this technique perfectly. It is listed in the Scroll of Seals, but still some advanced ninjas (such as Kakashi) know this technique. It is similar to the Bunshin no Jutsu; the main function is to create clones. However, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu doesn't create fake clones; the clones created by this fearsome attack are real, and can deal physical damage.

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Switch Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: The Body Substitute skill is a widely used and very famous skill among shinobis. Put simply, the user uses speed to his/her advantage, and grabs an item from the environment and places it on his/her current position while moving out of the way. This is clearly an evasion technique used to dodge attacks; however it can be linked with other attacks to create massive damage. For example, a simple combination here: The attacked ninja can use Kawarimi no Jutsu to evade, say, an incoming shuriken, and without waiting quickly move behind the opponent and attack with a kunai.
Advanced Bloodline shinobi's also gain further advantage with this Jutsu, because they simply don't have to use Chakra to perform it. Sharingan users also have an advantage by reading the opponents move easier. This evasion skill can be used with so many other attacks, it's combinations are limitless. Also note that this is a Ninjutsu, since the user uses Chakra to move at a faster rate.

Name: Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu (forbidden)
Element: None
Description: Like the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique), this Ninjutsu technique requires a base from which to clone. Therefore, the ninja performing this throws a single shuriken at their enemy, and then performs the jutsu, creating one or many more shadow shuriken, which will then continue the path of the original shuriken. A devastating technique that is almost impossible to block or evade.

Name: Kunai Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Kunai Shadow Clone Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu (forbidden)
Element: None
Description: Like the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique), this Ninjutsu technique requires a base from which to clone. Therefore, the ninja performing this throws a single Kunai at their enemy, and then performs the jutsu, creating one or many more shadow Kunai, which will then continue the path of the original Kunai. A devastating technique that is almost impossible to block or evade.

Name: Touton no Jutsu (Transparent Escape Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: A very young Jiraiya's Ninjutsu technique. It is never seen, but by the sound of it, it most likely turns the ninja invisible, if only momentarily, to allow him a quick escape. He used it for peeping as a kid. Mentioned only once in chapter one hundred and thirty-nine, this technique is a lecherous peeping jutsu created by Jiraiya. It is possible that he taught this technique to Sandaime when he was his instructor.

Name: Rasengan (Spiral Blast)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Description: A Ninjutsu technique incorporating the chakra control needed for both the tree climbing training and water walking training. With the type of chakra control needed for the tree climbing training, the ninja focuses a set amount of chakra into the palm of their hand. With the type of chakra control needed for the water walking training, the ninja continuously releases that set amount of chakra from the palm of their hand in the form of a constantly spinning ball. The chakra spins in all directions and a chakra shell is held over the ball to focus it in one spot.

Name: Kage Rasengan (shadow Spiral Blast)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: wind
Description: A Ninjutsu technique incorporating the chakra control needed for both the tree climbing training and water walking training. With the type of chakra control needed for the tree climbing training, the ninja focuses a set amount of chakra into the palm of their hand. With the type of chakra control needed for the water walking training, the ninja continuously releases that set amount of chakra from the palm of their hand in the form of a constantly spinning ball. The chakra spins in all directions and a chakra shell is held over the ball to focus it in one spot.
This move was created when going agisnt the original Rasengan, and this had a slight advantage. The Kage Ranengan uses the wind element to its advantage, ausing the weather to slightly shift making it very windy. When this is used, it takes alot more Chakra then the normal Rasengan, and alot more time. The color of it is of course, a black color.

Bakuretsufuu (Exploding Seal)
A Fuuinjutsu (sealing technique) where a seal is placed upon a piece of paper, creating an effect upon the paper that causes an explosion. These seals can be made in the field, but are more commonly bought by or given to ninjas as equipment, like kunai and shuriken. These seals can be used in a variety of manners. They can be tied to kunai so that a miss can become a hit in combat. They can be attached directly to an opponent, almost completely ensuring death, unless the ninja is fast enough to disarm the seal. Or, these seals can be set up in an open area to trap the enemy, as in the case of the Shouhekifuu (Barrier Seal). The exploding seals are first seen in chapter forty-six, used by Oboro. Any ninja can use these seals, but its possible that only higher ranking ninjas are experienced enough to create them

Name: Henge no jutsu (Transformation skill)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description:A basic shinobi skill. Transforms the user into another different appearance. Whether they transform into another person or turn into a material thing such as a shuriken, doesn't matter.

Name: Wind Blade (Kaze no Yaiba)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description:Creates a blade of wind, that is impossible to block. Requires no tool to perform.

Name: Summoning Technique (Kyuichose No Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description:The Users signs a blood contract with the animal summoning, then with the correct seals they can summon the animal. There are many kinds of creatures that can be summoned, Snakes, Toads, Slugs, Monkeys, Dogs, Turtles, Spiders.

Name: Bringer of Darkness (Kokuangyou no Jutsu)
Type: Genjutsu
Element: unknown
Description:Creates an illusion of complete darkness over the battlefield. It traps the opponent into absolute darkness, where they can see nothing but their own body. The person/people trapped inside the genjutsu cannot see the user if the user decides to attack, therefore defending one's self is extremely hard.

Name: Dispell (Kai)
Type: Genjutsu
Element: unknown
Description:A jutsu that destroys/cancels out an illusionary jutsu attempted on the user.

Name: Impure World Resurrection (Kyuchiyose Edo Tensei)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description: A very high level and forbidden summoning skill. The user summons the bodies of the person/people he prefers in wooden boxes with their name on it. After the bodies are summoned the summoner must insert kunais knifes into the summoned bodies. These knives nullify the summoned person's soul and give control of the soul to the summoner.
For this summoning human sacrifices must be made so that the soul of those whom were sacrificed can tie the summoned to this world. One person must be killed for one summoned person. Two for two and so on.

Name: Immortality Skill (Furou Fushi no Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description: A jutsu that grants the user the ability to project his soul into the world, anchoring the spirit. The user can then find a new body, take control of it, and once again become young. It is a reincarnation ability.

Name: Amagumo (Rain of spiders)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description: This Justu is used only when Shin is put into a tight spot, or is almost dead. It uses a lot of Chakra, only because of the simple fact that it creates thousands of female black widows. They are more poisonous then a normal black widow, just like all the rest that Shin summons. Their teeth have small venom sacks in the middle of them, and an ounce of the venom will stop a human’s heart in a matter of minutes.

Name: Kumo Bunshin (Spider clone)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description: This is a clone technique, much like the shadow clone. The only difference is that this is made up of hundreds of female black widows and if someone attacks this clone, they have a change of getting bit by a widow, which is almost a guaranteed death.

Name: Kumo Yonsho (Spiders from palm)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description: This technique summons a set amount of spiders to crawl from Shin’s palms. He can control the speed at which they come out, the number of them, and many other aspects. One of these would be to summon a web spinning black widow [males] or a very poisonous one [females].

Name: Kumo Sōkai (Web of spiders)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description: This technique quickly summons male black widows, to spin a web. The web can reach up to spans of hundreds of feet across, depending on how many spiders are summoned. This is mostly used for trapping enemies, while the web is hundreds of times stronger then steel. when this web is enforced with chakra, it doubles its strength.

Name: Dokugiri Kumo (Poison mist of the spider)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
This technique is very similar to the dokugiri (Poison Mist) at which The user breathes out a toxic gas from their body, that can also be used as a handy smokescreen. The only difference between these two techniques, is that the mist is the red venom of Shin’s famous black widows.

Name: Dokun Masu (Poisonous claws)
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: unknown
Description: This Jutsu is only used when Shin is in his Lycan form. He makes a simply hand seal composed of a mixture of the bird, and tiger seals. It tips his claws, and his teeth with the lethal poison that his black widows use, Shins secret recipe of poison.

Fuuja Houin (Evil Sealing Method)
A Fuuinjutsu (sealing technique) designed to keep Juin (cursed seals) controlled. Two circles are carved into the ground with kunai with the cursed victim sitting at its center. Ten kunai are then placed, assumedly with purposed, headfirst into the ground within the circles. Four lines of seal runes are then written, in the sealer's blood, across the ground like spokes with the victim at their focal point, the runes running across their body. The ninja performing the Fuuja Houin then performs the appropriate seals and places their hand upon the Juin, drawing in the seal runes across the ground and the victims body, creating a circular barrier around the curse seal to restrict its usage and involuntary activation. However, the willpower of the cursed victim still plays as a factor in how well this seal holds up.

(Level 1) Shinto-Juin Jutsu
The Curse Seal was created by the devil himself an has said to have been passed down from nin to nin during the years. As a form of control, the seal will place cursed seals on those he wishes to grant more power. A person with the curse seal only has a 10% chance of surviving. In other words, the chances of surviving a cursed seal is one out of ten. This form of attack used exclusively by Argonon Kazama, in which he bites into the victim's neck, planting a cursed seal. Given Argonon's ability to become a Lycan an as lycans pass there own curse threw a bite this is thought to be some what of a Super Juin Jutsu. This Juin Jutsu was given to Shin Ezura as an ulimate form of control, Shin betrayed Argonon an went against his teachings. Argonon marked Shin for life so he would never mark the same mistakes again.

Level 1
Once placed, the seal will grant the wearer the ability to access their true power. If the evil curse seal has consumed a person's body, that person will gain a tremendous dark chakra that doubles their strength and speed, giving them the level 1 version of the curse seal. A person with a cursed seal will also feel the presence of the one that gave them the seal and any others who have it. The curse seal can become active at anytime. A person's willpower is able to control the curse seal from spreading or activating it to full power. However, if used sufficiently enough, the user will lose all of their free will permanently over time, transforming the user into the Argonon's slave.

Fighting styles:

name biggrin runken Fist Style (Suiken Kempou)
Description:This fighting style is extremely difficult to learn and master.
The style consist of high speed unpredictable attacks on the opponent, the whole style is very laid back and the user is usually seems to be messing around. They can pretend to be walking away, sleeping, or just being idle. The attacks are very powerful and even the best Taijutsu master would have difficulty dealing with the unpredictability of the whole fighting style.

name:Match Punch (Taren Ken)
Description:A TaiJutsu attack at such a high speed it seems there is a thousand punches coming at the opponent. The speed is so fast that it is impossible to tell where they direction of the main punch is coming from.

name:Lotus (Renge)
Description:Renge, a series of high-speed hand-to-hand combat moves. Because of its high speed and power it requires a lot of stamina and it strains the muscles.

name:Secondary Lotus (Omoe Renge)
Description:Like Initial Lotus, it is a technique where the user uses bandages to wrap around the enemy and then opening the Chakra gates spins the enemy at high speeds and then drops them into the ground.

The difference between this Secondary and Initial is the speed is slightly faster in the spinning and the drop is much more powerful then Initial. This also puts a more extensive strain on the users body.

name razz rimary Lotus (Ura Renge)
Description:A forbidden jutsu performed by opening 3 chakra gates (releases the body's limits on muscle usage/chakra flow). It puts a lot of strain on the body and muscles and is nearly a suicidal attack. It goes beyond the speed and power of any other lotus technique. Continuous speed and high powered attacks makes this devastating to any opponent. The power can increase even more by opening more chakra gates, but the result is immobility of the user, due to torn muscle fibers.

name: Iron Fist Style (Gouken)
Description: The hand-to-hand combat style which tries to break the enemy's bone and create external wounds. It uses strength alone and causes damage to the outer body. It's an offensive-type of fighting.

Chakra types:

name:Normal Chakra
Description:Normal Chakra is the type of Chakra we see during most of the show[naruto], it has a light blue colour to it. This Chakra is sort of a LVL.1 Chakra. It can be used for most skills, but you need a lot of it if you want to perform higher level ninjutsu.

name:Cursed Seal Chakra
Description:This Chakra can only be used when being marked by the Cursed Seal. (Being bitten, and having survived the 10% survival-chance.) It's a dangerous type of Chakra. And if it's used too much, it will drain the hummanity from a person, and the user becomes a slave to the person who had bitten them. This Chakra is dark Purple one, and becomes active when the user is out of his regular Chakra. Visible black shapes will appear on the body and the user will be given a tremendous amount of Evil Chakra power.

name:Chakra Gates Chakra
By opening Chakra gates (releases the body's limits on muscle usage/Chakra flow) your body and muscles will be put on a lot of strain. Altough your attack will be a nearly suicidal attack, you will be able to perform continuous speed and high powered attacks, making this highly devastating to any opponent. This is the Chakra Lee uses to perform his lotus-attacks. Apparantly this is a deadly type of Chakra that is best used by people Advanced (strong) enough in Taijutsu, hopefully being able to bear the heavy strain placed on your whole body. Someone can open up to 8 Chakra gates, some of the user's Chakra will turn green and surround him. By opening more Chakra gates, your granted power will increase. But in most cases the result is immobility of the user, due to torn muscle fibers.

Werewolves (Lie-Can-thrope) Lycanthrope
The Lycans of the Dark are fearsome and deadly, whilst their number is less than that of the vampires they are bigger and stronger than even the eldest of Vamps.
They hail to the sins of Wrath and Gluttony
Werewolves are more Feral in their tastes, while it is true that they enjoy a good party while human, when their transformation takes hold they become monsters with little control over their actions. They retain some humanity while transformed but mostly the beast takes hold and they will hunt and eat.
All older Werewolves harbour a fierce hatred of Vampires, largely because of the Vampires almost genocidal purge of the werewolves that took place about a hundred years ago. Where the Vampires hunted the Werewolf strain almost to extinction and it has taken a long time for the Lycans to reform the numbers they are today.
Werewolves care little for the high-standards of Vampire society but have their own structure that allows for a lot more freedom. The Lycans have no real police force or army, unlike the Vamps they consider themselves to be their own Army and take great pleasure in killing or mauling Vamps.

Natural Lycan Moves (Note: These are moves that all Lycans are born with an eventual know):
Shimmer- Lycanthropic teleportation that takes him one place to another that he sees. Altho learnt by demons
Wolf Strength - Increased strength from his animalistic side
Lycan Speed - While his movement rate increase's dramatically his neurologics increase ten-fold.
K-9 vision,smell & hearing - His sence's highten
Wolf Claws - His black claws altho bone like, can tear flesh off the strongest of warriors also passing of the curse due to tiny little vemon gland like sacks deep in the heart of the nails.
Curse of the Were-Wolf - One bite an the were-wolves silva can alter your D.N.A in a matter of days
Beserker - Shin can only hold onto his animal instincs so long before he loses himself an becomes a full Lycan. He has know feelings such as love, friendship, compashion etc, only rage an anger.
Calixoprothropic - All of a Lycans interneral organ's are covered with a fine but strong type of unkown bone like material almost like an internal shell, this membrain can stop up to 3 tons of presure an can heal it self in a matter of hours.
Frenzy - When overwelmed in times of greef or anger etc. His mind will completely shut down an reboot the same as a wolf. Extremely helpful when out numbered, due to a wolves cunning and stratagems
Call of the wild - Dogs, Wolves an fox's share a special bond that is thicker then blood, His Inert since allows him to connect to his k-9 gene pool
Sliver - One touch from silver burns his flesh
Were-Wolve transformation - Well thats pretty much self explantore
6th sence - Like most animals a Lycan can sence elemental danger before it has come. Storms, hurricans, Tornados, Floods etc. There is much unknown about this as humans are yet to figure out why animals react to this.

.:.::My Gf's rpc. Kristen::.:. [XLustful_MidnightX]

Name: Kristen
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: human
blood type: AB+
Alignment: neutrial
Weapons: daggars
Weaknesses: N/A
User Image
User Image
User Image
Height: 5'5
Weight: 105
Body Color:pale
Eye Color:
User Image
Hair Color: chesnut brown with tints of red.
Clothing: White and black corsette, black fishnet stalkings, heels and a large overcoat that covers up her underclothes.
Body Markings: a small tatoo on her mid-drift, near her hip of a dragon in the shape of a heart.
Elements: Water.

Status using a 35 point scale:

Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Agility: 8
Reflexes: 8
Stamina: 7
Pain tolerance: 4


Viewing 6 of 6 comments.


Report | 08/31/2006 1:35 pm


lol im soooo boreed...
XoAlmighty Pirate EzuraoX

Report | 08/30/2006 3:27 am

XoAlmighty Pirate EzuraoX

-dances around- YAY!!!!! I have lovers!!!!!!!!! -huggles everyone who commented-

Report | 08/29/2006 8:55 pm


^_^ -Huggle- ^_^
Luke Skye

Report | 08/29/2006 4:07 pm

Luke Skye

Third Comment! Hey hey! ^^

Report | 08/29/2006 3:39 pm


Second comment. Yey Yey. ^-^
XoAlmighty Pirate EzuraoX

Report | 08/29/2006 2:38 pm

XoAlmighty Pirate EzuraoX

First comment.... yay. crying


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