
I'm Heidi.
I don't get on here a lot, and I'm pretty boring when I do.

I like cookies.
and milk.
and prostitutes named mike.
I go skydiving a lot, in the nude
and my friends and i like to have fights with our FUNPILLOWS!!!
mawha ha ha!
we also like baking at midnight, singing loudly while driving with the windows down,
and smoking BONGS.

I make friends easily and love to talk.
so, hit me up!


Viewing 12 of 21 friends


Daichi of... really bad smelling bubbles.

Just... ew.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Black-Cross-Wielder Ueko

Report | 01/11/2009 5:32 am

Black-Cross-Wielder Ueko

Happy Birthday, Heidi-Beidi!
King of Lending

Report | 11/10/2008 1:13 pm

King of Lending

I think it's everybody's life...

And to answer you questions, in order:

School- meh. Alright. I'm passing all my classes. The freshmen are effing retarded and need their egos deflated.

Family- Hectic. My nephew is in the hospital for reasons I'm not allowed to talk about, and everyone is uber worried.

Friends- They are the one thing in my life that hasn't changed. Okay, school hasn't changed either, but that doesn't count. No one counts school, because it sucks.

There's my life!!! So much fun (not) and excitement.
King of Lending

Report | 11/04/2008 6:52 pm

King of Lending

I've been better, i've been worse.
King of Lending

Report | 10/22/2008 11:39 am

King of Lending

Hai thar, sexay. Whats up?
Black-Cross-Wielder Ueko

Report | 09/26/2008 1:43 pm

Black-Cross-Wielder Ueko

Hey, smexy-babe! How are you today?
Black-Cross-Wielder Ueko

Report | 07/04/2008 7:24 pm

Black-Cross-Wielder Ueko

Happy Fourth of July!
n y x i e - b e a r

Report | 06/23/2008 12:35 pm

n y x i e - b e a r

Thanks. They were both a gift to me from my good friend, who is far too generous for his own good. xD

What are you up to?
n y x i e - b e a r

Report | 06/18/2008 5:38 pm

n y x i e - b e a r

Rofl. xD

You did? Thanks. xD I didn't know if it was too much or not. :/

Decided to put a new theme on it too. Yay! xD

I wanted to put the video for Fear Before the March of Flames - "My ******** Deer Hunter" up there, but it's such an awkward video. x_x

Report | 06/18/2008 2:44 pm


Try this out! Send this to at least 10 people and then press F5! You'll get 10,000 gold
Black-Cross-Wielder Ueko

Report | 06/16/2008 4:42 pm

Black-Cross-Wielder Ueko

Thanks for stopping by. Now it's my turn: Hiya!


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