Sabi <3. mathieu

xMyChemiicalrOmancex's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Sint-Niklaas (BELGIUM)

Birthday: 06/10/1989


[The past is only the future with the lights out.]

from heart & soul to pen & paper.

fanmail & stuff.

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diamonds are a girl best friends.

saviours of the beaten; the broken & the damned

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I'll listen to your talk, but talk is cheap. (&nd lies are expensive.)

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Manicera Report | 04/11/2008 9:18 am
nice fairy outfitje User Image

en oe wast nog me ulle 100 dage? ^^

gebt mooi gedanst ^^

Manicera Report | 02/26/2008 1:35 am
azo erg :s

mjh di havie =p

mjh da van di strings enzo das leerstof speciaal voor ons eh =D

keibelangrijke informatie, want da edde wel elken dag nodig eh =p

Manicera Report | 02/25/2008 10:44 am
i User Image daily chance XD

jaja Sabi, das de vakterminologie eh =D

vlot et wa me uwe gip?

kben di lesse bij havie echt beu

relaxxrelapse Report | 02/24/2008 12:46 pm
Aww.. lang gelede hier op gaia

kheb al een ontwerpke vo uw site ma kheb uw goedkeuring nodig ^-

Manicera Report | 02/22/2008 9:23 am
wauw danku ben keiblij me mennen titel XD

komt gij ng op gaia?

Fishily Report | 02/06/2008 7:29 pm
u have opened this... you will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life... if you don't break the chain. Tomorrow will be the best day of your lif e. However, if you don't send this to at least 10 people by the stroke of midnight tonight you will be forever cursed in love. Just copy and paste n send it to15 pple xcept me............... when you are done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters. this is scary cuz it works!
relaxxrelapse Report | 02/06/2008 12:06 pm
relaxxrelapse Report | 02/02/2008 1:16 pm
Muhaaaa Sabi ast streverke (a) me likey

Meer kilometers dan in josé zen lesse? I dont think so User Image wij zo de vrijdag peizen da we iets leuk gingen doen bij LO, we moesten zo in groepen per 6, ikke zo me 5 andere van handel enzo. En gwn zo spellekes gelijk batminton, ping-pong, hokey, basket -___- yeah hoor

Maah kwil ook naar Brussel ze User Image

Gij zijt nu op da galabal, khoop da ge het wa goe gehad hebt User Image En da iedereen uw outfit schoon vind

xxx (llll)
relaxxrelapse Report | 02/01/2008 1:56 pm
Oneeee kheb u nageaapt me uw lolly

maar da's wat aapjes doen User Image

we hebbe u gemist vandaag jong! <3

kwist da ni da gij ook zo'n lolly had ;(
relaxxrelapse Report | 02/01/2008 12:48 am
Itz a song User Image

mijn vader houdt van da liedje

does your chain hang low User Image


Steph is ne zwartzak !
& Stef 'n Emokindje.
Jaja ; It's the truth !

TOYS! GRAH! *twitch* Santa's been lazy this year *twitch* LAY OFF THE COOKIES FAT MAN! (Weepie.)

I don't have dolls, but once I had piece of carpet named "Swatchworth". Dogs took it from me *frown* (Fauna.)

Hey, call me an optimist, but I think the world will pretty much be perfect forever, starting... now. (Goober.)

You don't need to waste your time on a wretch like me... I'm sure there are plenty of bright, attractive kids to help instead... (Silverfish.)

Hey, know what? Chicken butt! Ha ha! That is my favorite joke. (Ragimuffin.)

Oh man, the doctor said my bones would turn to jelly if I didn't get some bone tonic. That actually sounds kinda AWESOME! I could squeeze under doors and stuff! (Gwendy.)

I don't like to think of myself as being hungry, but more as nutritionally challenged.(Lil' Gaspy.)

If the orphanage wasn't so poor, we could get rid of that pesky raccoon! (Oh no, don't tell him I said that!) (Marfa.)

You're so nice! I don't deserve all this. (Melba.)

One time, the other orphans put me in a sack *twitch* THAT SACK WAS MY BEST FRIEND! GRAH! *twitch* I wish I had another one... (Tiny Tom.)

I don't really feel like existing today, but I might change my mind later on. (Swimp.)

I think I'm going to die from eating too many rats... or not enough... I'm not sure which. Well, only one way to find out! (Swimp.)

*grumble* Ehnnggg, I haven't eaten much in the last couple of days... *twitch* RATATOUILLE! BAH! GIMME SOMETHING MEATY! (Goober².)

Anyone who doesn't love Shabby Meadows is just a huge sourpuss. This place is great. Getting adopted would be great, too. Hey, I'm fine with whatever. (Reginald.)

I try not to think of it as parents half-empty but parents half-full. (Truffles.)

Oh, I don't mind the cold. I lost most of the feeling in my skin years ago. (Pickles.)