I'm Miranda, 23 years old. Pursuing my Masters Degree. I've been on this site 10 years and that makes me feel old.
You should show me some love, and question me.
Tsundere-tan is my lover.(;
Last Login: 02/05/2018 10:01 am
Registered: 12/23/2008
Gender: Female
Location: Michigan
Birthday: 11/29/1994
Artwork by GinYa NinJA (:
Artwork by GinYa NinJA
Artwork by Delicate Babydoll
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Also, it's nice to meet you.
^__^ How are you?
I wuv you heart
I believe you can still post things in there.
I mean come on.
It'd be more fun it you were on more~
I'm so confused now D;
Well whatever. xD
You can still do the whitty comebacks.
What's GD?
Your always telling me to be more social.
Your better at talking to people on places like these.
So come on~
It's not healthy to stay in your shell.
I love you.
So come on!
Just find something to do.
I love you~
Try selling things you get from zOMG.
And you should play zOMG. It'll get you money.
And what not.
Come on, just get out there!~
I'm so stalking you right now ewe
I lurrrrrrvvvvvvvvvv youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
You need to get on more.
Just an fyi. xD