

Name : Xir Muku
Age: Unknown
Homeworld: Twilight Town
How He Lost Lost Heart: Kurumi was a renown moogle who lived quietly in Twilight Town. He was famous for his synthesis skills, and could synthesize just about anything with right ingredients.
It was rumored he had once created an actual heart. When this news spread to the organization's ears, they sent a mob of nobodies to collect him. However when they finally found him, the heartless had already consumed the poor Moogle.


Gender: Male
Height: About two feet high.
Weight: 18 lbs
Fur Tone: Ivory.
Common Clothing: Organization cloak, or nothing.


Personality: A quick tempered moogle, who demands respect but doesn't often receive it due to his cute characteristics. He's one to lose hope quickly, but regain it just as fast with a little cheering on. If not bothered, the little guy is quiet and tends to his duties accordingly.
Sexual Orientation: Unknown.
Love Interests: None.
Common Quotes: "Kupo!" "Do not touch that!"

Nobody Details:

Proof of Existence: The Misty Mixer
Role in the Organization: The cook, as well as a personal synthesist.
Element: Steam.
Element Description: Xir's isn't much of a fighter. He can use his steam as a cover for a quick get away, which is how it is usually used in battle. However, when he's not given a choice he can use his element to burn or blow an enemy away.

As for everyday use, Xir uses his steam to heat his pots. And when the little moogle gets terribly angry, steam will rise out of his ears.

Weapon: Metal Ladle
Weapon Use & Description: His ladle is mostly used for stirring up ingredients in his pot. Though it's commonly used to whack people in the shins.


Likes: Cooking, creating new things, and respect.
Dislikes: Having his Pom-Pom touched, fighting, and being held or hugged.
Favorite Foods: Kupo Nuts!
Favorite Places: Castle Oblivion, Hundred Acre Woods, and his Bed.
Good/Bad Habits: It's more of a tick than a habit, but no matter how hard the little guy tries not to, he can't help but say "Kupo" after almost everything he says.


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