
I am rather complex and there are things about me that are best kept within myself and those who are like minded. Im not an open book at all it takes time to get to no me. You will never find a person as real as me. Yes i am part puerto rican born and raised in Bayamon, Puerto Rico until age 8 where i then came to Virginia and met my first best friend Cody. Love to surf, dance, and my favorite music to listen to is Wisin & Yandel. Tho my favorite actors are Vin Diesel and Angelina Jolie. Let me go ahead and say this dnt like never did or will like jockers, swagger-jaggers, fims, angsty kids, people who label themselves yet hate to be labeled by others, and those who spend all of their time trying to be the antithesis of what they believe society wants.

"It takes a minute to like someone, and hour to love someone, but to forget someone takes a life time."

No quiero sonar como una perra cuando digo esto, pero si son grandes, la grasa y grasa por favor, no tratar de hablar conmigo porque tto obtendra rechazo mas rapido que yo que te pires.



"Eat to live, dont live to eat"



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Gaara Starwind

Report | 09/16/2011 9:20 pm

Gaara Starwind

Hey what kind of items are you wearing? it is so interesting

Report | 06/25/2011 7:41 pm


sorry to bug you(ok maybe not that sorry) i saw you on friends list and cant remember where, when, why.....but saw your hat and i love it smile , while looking at that i read your desc and saw you live in Va which is either an odd coincidence (that i do too) or we knew eachother and im either retarded(guilty.....) or you changed your name

Report | 04/06/2011 2:13 pm


Hey :3 i came across your name in the kingdom hearts forums. i just want to tell you that i love your page, your music, and your ideals.From what i've seen, there should definantly be more people like you in the world razz sorry if this comment creeps you out, i just couldn't keep myself from leaving a little comment. XD byebye razz
Primula Fuyou

Report | 12/02/2010 4:57 pm

Primula Fuyou

i look like the girl version of you? is that what you meant?
Primula Fuyou

Report | 12/02/2010 4:57 pm

Primula Fuyou

I am a girl
Primula Fuyou

Report | 12/01/2010 9:17 pm

Primula Fuyou

So how do you like my new avi!?

Report | 11/22/2010 2:08 pm


ur item the smoke dragon. can i have it please i dont have enough gold to buy it and its part of my dream avi... u can say no if u brather sell it

Report | 04/11/2010 7:09 am



Report | 02/15/2010 2:28 pm


plz i needhelp i need the lusty scoundral

Report | 01/04/2010 10:29 am


Let me no if you like da pro!


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