xIII Black IIIx

xIII Black IIIx's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 11/07


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My story starts in a small town... There have bin many troubled times in my life... Have you ever had to choose wether some one lived or died i have it was the most hardest thing iv ever had to do... but i live on wondring if i made the right choice.... now the people of this small town still glare and stare at me and every now and then i hear them say "thats the boy the dark angel the one that had to choose" and till this very day they still call me the dark angel a name that will be in my memorys for ever and ever. But i walk on hoping to find a purpose hopeing to find some cind of love...


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silvermst08 Report | 11/06/2009 3:36 pm
Happy Birthday
WiddleBabyPeePiss Report | 08/18/2009 12:13 pm
Hello,I was just randomly seachering through my buddy's friend list,and I accidentally came across your profile. I enjoyed reading about you alot,so I decided to leave a comment. Your dream avitar looks really cool,I would help with donations but I'm utterly broke. I would like to meet up with you some time and get to know you. You can add me if you like,And I will gladly put you on my profile. Please comment back when ever you get the time or chance. ^-^
I Am MoonGoddess Report | 04/15/2009 6:29 pm
I Am MoonGoddess
i love my pro it's fun 2 make cuz i always passout when i look at it or work on it 2 long
ebt card Report | 04/14/2009 3:00 pm
ebt card
Thanks for the add~
Seikei Yoyo Report | 04/10/2009 12:36 am
Seikei Yoyo
Awesome. Give Yoyo or quater a PM if you would, please. Let me know if you have any questions or problems. ^_^
Seikei Yoyo Report | 04/09/2009 11:59 pm
Seikei Yoyo
Hello. Pardon me for the random comment, but I noticed that you are a fan of Naruto. As such, I'd like to invite you to join a Naruto forum called Way of the Ninja. It's a very relaxed site that is a lot of fun. You can post, fight, and make new friends. In fact, there re rumors that a war is about to take place, a rare and exciting time of conquering and fighting that is sure to thrill. If you're not interested in this form of informal RP-ing, don't worry because there is plenty of forum games and random conversations to be had. Feel free to join and PM Yoyo and/or quater. ^_^
I Am MoonGoddess Report | 04/05/2009 7:03 pm
I Am MoonGoddess
yola * that means hi i say that alot*



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