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♫ The music is in me ♫

I'm a good friend to those who will try to relate with me. I love music, and play the flute. I love video games and the internet(Way too much!), and do really well in school for the most part(don't want to jinx myself!). I know I'm not athletic, even though I don't struggle getting a decent time on my mile. I'm more mature than I should be, and probably don't have the best sense of humor(slow xp ), but even so I can still make you laugh. I'm quirky, oblivious, shy, a bit out there, and really care. But even so, I still tend to talk people's mouths off. xd

Unlike most, my favorite class is math. It's what I plan to do in college...when I get there. I love cute things like pikachu and anime to death. I love to read teen books like The Hunger Games....so, if you like things like that I'm your girl. Hope you know a bit more about me now! cool



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Cherubi o3o Report | 12/08/2011 5:09 pm
Cherubi o3o
Rofl, I wish I could spend my free time doing something else, but I'm too addicted xD

And yeah ! n n I'm done with it haha : )
Cherubi o3o Report | 12/05/2011 6:03 pm
Cherubi o3o
Hey !
I'm doing great n n.
Haha, I'm hiding my avi, it's not complete yet xd;;

Aww, you're going to be gone for a bit ?
Cherubi o3o Report | 11/26/2011 7:41 am
Cherubi o3o
Aww, thank you : )
I'll miss you, too ! > <
Cherubi o3o Report | 11/25/2011 7:11 pm
Cherubi o3o
Or a little longer .. n n;;;;
Not sure when I'll be getting a computer xd;
Cherubi o3o Report | 11/24/2011 11:18 am
Cherubi o3o

Hey !
Happy Thanksgiving ! n n
And awesome ! You could ask for help in the Profile Questions or whatever forum if you need help coding something n n
Good luck ! > w<
NekoboyEmpress Report | 11/23/2011 5:35 pm
Thanks for the add! whee
Cherubi o3o Report | 11/20/2011 3:59 pm
Cherubi o3o
.media_panel embed, .media_panel object{height:25px; width:30px;}

Copy and paste that into the CCS box to make the media display just the play button xD .. I think

And where you put the media's link in the Media box, if you type in "&autoplay=1" at the end of the link, it'll autoplay n n

And I used to know CCS .. CSS ? O wo; xD; But forgot almost everything ;w ;
Cherubi o3o Report | 11/20/2011 3:36 pm
Cherubi o3o

I'm not the biggest Twilight fan myself n n But I still really like the saga ! : )

And yeah, you can use Playlist.com or whatever it's called xD; I used to use that n n But now I just use youtube link, and a little CCS coding to only make the Play button show xD;
I could give you the code if you want it n n

You just hafta go to Edit my Profile, then click "Content," then "Media" to put some media in your profile n n
Cherubi o3o Report | 11/20/2011 3:26 pm
Cherubi o3o
Ahhh, I stopped reading in the middle of Bella's point of view D8 lmao.
Just going to patiently wait for the next movie to be out next year ; x;"
Cherubi o3o Report | 11/20/2011 3:20 pm
Cherubi o3o

Yeah haha xD That's why Bella's friends were thinking her baby bump would show 'cause she was getting married so young xD
Omg, the ending where she opened her eyes scared me LOL. But yeah n n She looked beautiful at the end : ). It was such a good way to end the movie !
And I forgot if Part 2 was Edwards PoV, or Jacob's O wO