About me, well kinda about me...
YES, the music is designed to kinda freak you out. xDoh, aren't you sweet...still want to know more about me? read 'em and weep.
my favorite band is Evanescence, i also like Breaking Benjamin and Disturbed.
i am capable of playing flute, clarinet, and piano.
some of my favorite people are Kira (my buddy), Amy Lee, Steven King, and Isaac Asimov.
LAUREN-CHAN is the best horseback riding friend ever! :'D she pwns! >:3
my favorite actor is Shelley Duvall (from The Shining).
i was born and am being raised in the U.S. and im proud. screw haters to hell.
i hate stupid people. -.-
Xeffi ≠ emo
Xeffi IS...
a girl
a student
an Evhead
NOT scary
yo momma
functionally retarded sometimes
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What do you mean nothing much for your age??? What is in Texas thats so bad???
So I was just wondering, Whats there to do where you live?
Was it the name that interested you?