
I'm Andy.
I'm a sixteen year old.
Yes, I'm a girl.
I swear like a ******** sailor.
Don't like it? Leave me alone.
I'm emo. I didn't label myself that.
[******** douches at my old school did.
So I embrace it. Cause its sexy. :3
I have depression.
Doesn't mean I'm not happy ever.
Cause a lot of the time I'm hyper.
And just cause I was labeled emo, doesn't mean I'm a stereotype.
Doesn't mean I cut. Doesn't mean I'm gay.
Doesn't mean I wear all black and skinnies.
Doesn't mean I look like a raccoon.
I can't wear skinnies.
I like guys.
I have some different colors in my closet.
I don't believe in wearing makeup.
Nor do I listen to screamo, death metal, etc.
Blah blah blah. You get my point.
I live in New York. In the suburbs.
I plan on moving to Ireland after college.
I've always been in love with it.
I love accents. They're ******** gorgeous.
Irish, Australian, Russian, English, Italian, and German are the best.
But mainly the first 4. xD
If you're from Ireland, Australia, or the UK, be my friend? I'll <3 you forever.
I keep my promises.
I don't lie. I was raised not to.
I don't trust people easy, and I won't say I love you unless I mean it.
And once I say it, I'll love you forever. No matter what you do. Promise.
I'm good at listening. So go ahead, dump your drama on me. I'm here.
Course I really appreciate if I can understand what you type.
Anyways, I'm going into my junior year in high school.
Gonna be taking psychology, which I hope to major in when I go to college.
And sociology, but that's not as important I guess.
I took photography last year. I'm in love with it.
Saving up for a professional camera.
Gonna get a portfolio started so I can maybe get a scholarship.
Dreaming big. Gonna get crushed.
I've never technically had a boyfriend. I mean I kinda dated this one boy.
Danny. From the UK. But it wasn't like serious. He had a crush on me.
So I was like yeah sure. But we broke it off cause it would never work.
And we're pretty good friends. He's epic.
And he's like totally in love with his new girlfriend. I'm so proud. :3
I'm a hopeless romantic. In love with love.
I'd rather have one relationship for the rest of my life than twenty little ones.
So I wanna get to know people.
Just cause you're a boy and cute doesn't mean I'll like you.
I mean maybe. But hey. xD
I want boy friends, not necessarily boyfriends.
But yeah. Enough of my rants. I love PMs. No random adds. Talk to me.
I don't bite. Promise.