
few facts1st imma camille, i am a alien and emoNo I don;t cut myself nor did ever attempt suicide. If you don;t like me why are you still here?Awesome. do i need to say more??I am straight....umm akwardMy theme song is: comin homei am 1_ years oold solve that ;] My Birthday is August 7th My sister Camille who is actually right there >.>I have Brown hair and brown eyes I wear glassesI love anime magic girl <3Sometimes i think I am obsessed O_O -
My Best friend is kayla who is right there >.> I need toned kiedo and verizon glassesSo please help me if you can ;]I use smileys a lot as you probably
have noticed. Shiny things interest me.I am single .Bye then. Pm me for anything more