
x_overly_pathetic_x's avatar


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So anyways....You should probably know that I'm emo, punk, and anarchist...if you don't like it then go play in traffic, I don't care what you think anyways. I play the guitar and sing a little bit, not all that good, but I have fun doing it, so it doesn't matter. I fight a little bit with clinical depression, but lately this beautiful girl named Katrina has been an amazing antidepressant♥... I write a lot of lyrics, and hate most of them, but it makes me feel better so its all good in the hood. I think I'm a pretty horrible person, I think I treat my friends like s**t, but for some reason they're still my friends, and they're there when I need them. Thanks for that... I completely hate the sunlight, can't stand it, I'm pretty much a vampire, I suck blood 'n everything... I do love the moon and the rain, though... I love doing things I probably shouldn't, but I'm serious when its time to be... So if you don't like me, I really don't give a s**t, you've got a right to your opinion.

♥Katrina [i kind of extremely luff you, alot]

[blink-182 x Going Away to College]

Please take me by the hand
It's so cold out tonight
I'll put blankets on the bed
I won't turn out the light
Just don't forget to think about me
And I won't forget you
I'll write you once a week she said

Why does it feel the same
To fall in love or break it off
And if young love is just a game
Then I must have missed the kick off
Don't depend on me to ever follow through on anything
But I'd go through hell for you and

I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared so here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me

I'll think about the times
She kissed me after class
And she put up with my friends
I acted like an a**
I'd ditch my lecture to watch the girls play soccer
Is my picture still hanging in her locker?

I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared so here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me

I haven't been this scared in a long time
And I'm so unprepared so here's your valentine
Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody
This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful


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My songs, poems, and thoughts

any songs or poems (that i wrote), or thoughts i'm having


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iRapeSlots Report | 05/05/2008 7:55 pm
hey travis just thought id say hi even if youre not on....i need a cocaine, or a monster...
Raze1013 Report | 05/01/2008 8:16 pm
The cop approved, after approving his own marijuana interests. SO YOU SHOULD APPROVE TOO!
SleepyCreep Report | 05/01/2008 7:47 pm
nuttin 2 an extreme level, sittin here drinkin the milkshake that caused the phone to die........ you died, no more life support :*(
Raze1013 Report | 05/01/2008 6:32 pm
There. I think I've got it the way I want it...and the way it'll probably stay for years on end 'cuz I'm lazy :p later
Raze1013 Report | 05/01/2008 6:16 pm
Nyaha! I didn't know, But I'm about to get on it son. Btw, the mindless self indulgence video is awesome. the part where he backhands that guy's head off is pretty epic. but no, that's cool, i'll probably put some RHCP video up there or something. Some PG :p. Though that Blink 182 video was awesome. If you want a good music video to listen to but don't mind swearing, look up Aphex Twin - Windowlicker. There's alot of swearing but also alot of hilarity. but yeah. I'm gonna go do that.
Raze1013 Report | 05/01/2008 5:53 pm
heh well it should look better once I figure out if this thing accepts CSS or something similar...
Raze1013 Report | 05/01/2008 5:51 pm
Travis! ...Shoot!
Linkbob Report | 04/28/2008 8:19 pm
Hey I noticed you like Blink 182. There is someone in the avatar arena who would love for you to vote for him. He is dressed like Travis Barker. Please vote if you can.

Just click the url!
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SleepyCreep Report | 04/28/2008 7:45 pm
hello, amzin-friend-o-mine ^.^
thanx for adin me, i needed a new friend on gaia and this way we might actually get to talk.
Read ur lyrics, can n-e 1 say AMAZIN!! lol
im probly gonna put the ones ive been coming up with on my journal soon.
pm me some time so we CAN talk

Keyblade Kisses Report | 04/28/2008 10:00 am
Keyblade Kisses
Thank you! You have great taste in music as well ^ . ^



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