Welcome stranger.
My name is Fabiola Elizabethh.♥c:
Call me what you like, i love nicknames.
I'm pretty much a derp, >.<
Dont take me seriously, dude. I joke around a lot.
Hot pink and navy blue are my favorite colors.-.
I At the Skylines more than anything.
Kittens and walruses are really cute. ^.^
I text waaay to much. xD
I love the beach.< 3
I really dislike Justin Bieber. (PLEASE DONT KILL ME)
I'm friendly c:
Also a wee bit shy. Dx
Uhm. Oh I love in CA -_-
So like, talk to me and stuff br0.
Dont be scuurrd. c:< I dun bite.


Twitter: @kittybesitos
Tumblr: flyingfeline
Facebook: /FabiolaElizabethTM