Ze Cheshire Kitteh

X-Viren the Cheshire-X's avatar

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Hello there!

Hello there! I'm surprised you stumbled on my profile, but you must be here for a reason... Right? Creeper...

Now, lessee... About me.

I enjoy almost any kind of music. Some of my favorite bands are (but aren't limited to); Reliant K, Flyleaf, Evanescence, The Offspring, Disturbed, Wheezer, Green Day, Voltaire and many, many, many more.

My favorite subjects in school usually involve something with art... Or music. No surprises there.

I can be pretty random, and annoying, so watch out.

I'm currently taking a break from reading novels/literature of any kind, so bear with me if I start using the phrase "like" as an intensifier. Or shoot me. Either way is good.

Like to know something else? Go ahead and send meh a PM wink


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Anjeka Report | 03/14/2011 9:35 pm
You! You sent me that Perry song. You're the reason I'm singing Church's (Caboose's?) horrible rendition of it around the house.
Damn you.
Anjeka Report | 03/06/2011 10:33 pm
He's been bugging me about what happened the last time we were all together. I just wish he'd man up and talk to me face to face.
Not that I know of. What's up with Andrew?
Anjeka Report | 03/06/2011 10:28 pm
Oi, you. You still got contact with Jazz? You should tell him to leave me the hell alone. If he wants to talk he should at least quit trying to just leave messages, and he never answers when I try to contact him.
MyInnerFatty Report | 03/06/2011 10:26 pm
Thanks 4laugh <3
Anjeka Report | 02/28/2011 11:08 pm
I shudder to think what that would entail, what with your slashy tenancies and whatnot.
Anjeka Report | 02/28/2011 11:00 pm
>.> <,< . . . Shut up.

Is it really bad that I want some hurt/comfort stuff with him on both ends now? I feel bad... He just has the potential to be so vulnerable and scarily protective at the same time.
Anjeka Report | 02/26/2011 10:39 pm
Aw, sod off Chesh. It's late here.

Ooo! Checked out Primeval. Gottendamung amazing. I want to hug Connor like nothing else. Damn puppy eyes.
Anjeka Report | 02/15/2011 5:37 pm
Ah, the baby-face curse. Trust me, I had to do a lot of tweaking to avoid that. And the girls still ended up looking like dudes, too.
Anjeka Report | 02/14/2011 10:36 pm
Oh yeah. Check the Phelps/Hat picture for one of my takes on Mavy. Is it a little too much? I know it's fuzzy, but try zooming out and taking another look.
Anjeka Report | 02/14/2011 10:32 pm
Yeah... I tried to use photoshop magic to fix the little beards, but Bobbie ended up looking strangely melty-faced. Eh, whatever.




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