
Sorry to say this guys, but i am sadly quiting gaia. Forever.
Please don't try to stop me. And please don't be sad.
I just don't have time for this anymore.
Bye <3


View Journal

Alex's Diary.

Stuff I want to talk about.

Your call



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lemonWTF Report | 09/07/2006 12:52 pm
D' aww Alex why now?
Alwel i hope everythings okay.
Im gonna miss you. =[

Toodelz. </3
Iris_16 Report | 09/07/2006 4:18 am
Aww...that sucks....Well we will meet again someday :] Ill just think that

x.Gorgeous.Disaster.x Report | 09/06/2006 6:05 pm
....Why are all my friends leaving! crying

And yess I was born to tell you I love you!
`Jebus Report | 09/05/2006 7:08 pm
ya know

I got all excited when there was this really pretty boy who though I was just as pretty as I thought he was

and now he ish gone



love for you.
[x-Socially.Risque-x] Report | 09/05/2006 5:36 pm
Im sorrie you had to go.
Punkee XX Report | 09/05/2006 5:01 pm
Ah...Snoogums....I'll miss ya, buddy. I've gotta buy from your online store.
I luff you and your face that was carved by angels.....<333
[X]Queen KiD[X] Report | 09/04/2006 2:02 pm
cry ok bye alex I luff u crying
samxcore Report | 09/04/2006 1:53 pm

alright. =[
loveloveloveyou. <3
elliexcore Report | 09/04/2006 10:46 am
elliexcore Report | 09/04/2006 10:42 am
i'm gunna miss you alex. ]: